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help in reveg needed


Well-known member
Hi all ! i come to you, growing gurus with a doubt I hope you help me to solve.

I have 21 plants (of my own breed an no more stock) in late bloom (day 64 of about 90 or more) and do not take cuttings, again ... Of the 21 about 10 are may be keepers worthy of a second chance. The question is how can i reveg state in a success way? almost half of the genetics in the cross is thai and bought several times, reveg, but I do not know this crossing.
My ideas were to mutilate the keeper as little as possible when harvest, use pruning paste, and try to keep them at the right humidity and ventilation temperature. I do not know if any PGR could help them. I would be very grateful for any help in reveg this beauty Thanks mates ! :tiphat:
(some pics when lights on)


It can be done, but will take a lot of time...

Go go, and lets see the result :)

P :smoke:


All ya do bro is harvest 90% of your keeper mom's... leaving some material to regrow....

Your going to also replant the moms,,,dig'em up and clean off all old media,,, replant in fresh media....you want to root prune also so don't be worried..

Your going to place all the mum's under 24/7 lighting,,, preferably with 6500k light or higher...

In less than 60 days you should have reveg most of them.


Well-known member
All you need to do is switch the lights to 24 hours , and switch back to a vegitive fertilizer with nitrogen.

I've had trouble reveging males , and land race sativa's that have gone too long.
Also you might want to flush out flowering fertilizer and , then add nitrogen to revert to veg.

Above all you'll need patience . Good luck
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Well-known member
Really thanks guys :tiphat:
then Switch back to 24 hours lights on, flush out flowering fertilizer and add veg fertilizer, patience, some root pruning.

I also want to use paste for cuttings in the cuts after harvest to avoid infections, i live in a tropical zone. In previous crops I used fresh "juice" of alfalfa (triacontanol) with fantastic results, impossible to use in flowering or do not stop growing while they bloom, I think I will also use it.
Any more ideas to keep them free of diseases while reveg, please?


Well-known member
I do only outdoor,but reveging is part of my growing style.
I have already revegged,and few wich just start reveging.


Well-known member
I do only outdoor,but reveging is part of my growing style.
I have already revegged,and few wich just start reveging.
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Hi kokomarin, thanks for your input I already reveg some plants in the past, but never witch 100% success. Im trying to fine up that, to try lose no one pheno, i dont keep more seeds from this cross and this project is now 14 months old +- and im happy how they look / smell / taste in this early stage. Trying to do my best this time :blowbubbles:


Well-known member
unnamedmike,I am from balkans area,43,6lat ,10 yards above sea.
you can take cuts from keepers plants and start reveg outdoor in shaded place,with no direct sun.
revegetation can take more then 6weeks.


Well-known member
unnamedmike,I am from balkans area,43,6lat ,10 yards above sea.
you can take cuts from keepers plants and start reveg outdoor in shaded place,with no direct sun.
revegetation can take more then 6weeks.

Thanks koko, im from mexico, 30ºC in a cool day, at sea level. My problem is mostly all girls just have a couple of big buds in late flowering and no low stems. Anyway really thanks, im gonna air layering my favorites for a double chance to keep them alive :thank you:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Try not to “ overlove” them Mike,,
,lots of great advice from above posters
Keep them happy and being patient is the name of the game,,,
Very best of luck,,,you’ll be fine,,,944s2


The biggest thing that I would mess up on is overwatering. After you harvest most of the plant,and change light cycle to veg, the plant doesn't need nowhere near as much water as it did before.
I was so used to just watering the same amount, and not smart enough to realize the plants can't transpire as much as it did.

I try not to reveg any more. Unless I have to, due to an accident, or poor planning.
So much quicker to just take cuts and label properly.


Well-known member
My advice is to also watch out for dead material on the plant throughout the reveg and remove it cautiously. In the former buds changes are happening, new sprouts start to to grow, matter from the old buds is degenerating, moisture can lead to mold there and also on dead parts of the stem, where you can lose that plant very quickly again. For a successful reveg it is also very useful to leave a lot of "undergrowth" on the plant in the beginning and not totally lollypop it. Plants with long floppy stems and long internodes and not many budsites will probably have a problem with revegging. Not the ones that are branched out nicely with shorter internodes and many budsites in a small area.


Well-known member
allmost full revegged plant,started in february,flowering april,may,then revegged becose smoke was very nice.
cross from lot of strains,nld.
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Well-known member
i have a old thai crossed with afghani that revegs very easily. i didn't root prune mine or transplant it. i left three bud sites on the plant. doesn't matter if its lower limbs or ones up higher. you mentioned that you don't have a lot of lower buds left? then i just switched it to 24 hours light to veg. it took three weeks before i started getting lots of new growth. i took clones of that and put the plant right back in flower after a good trim.

so i second the suggestion of not over loving it too much

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
Wheres the pictures we was promised? I wanna see some pictures of Thai hybrids worth revegging. kokomarin's picture was pretty good though, maybe I shouldn't be too demanding and just let the pot plants pics come my way naturally.
If I have to give advice before I get to see the pictures then I'll add that you don't need to harvest before reveg. You can just leave everything on the plant and harvest after the revegging starts to progress. I did it like that one time and the only issue on the buds was kinda weird shape, a little bit stemmy, maybe, but otherwise it got me high.
Is that enough? gimme them pics now


Well-known member
I have lot of pics of reveging outdoors,but photobucet in new mode not work properly for me,or me lacking in knowleuge about posting.
I hope for fix thet!
I do every year run with my crosses seeds ,flowering outdoors in spring for finding the best females and males.
100 seeds for find few plants,but allways finish better weed then weed from seedbanks.

Zamaldelica and o.h regular for future crosses.


Well-known member
Hello mates. Thank you very much everyone for bothering to answer. Good and varied contributions, and all of help. I'm sorry I'm not more attentive to the thread, I have enough time to read and learn, but for medical issues I do not have all the time I'd like (im fine, just my wife and i trying get in vitro pregnant )

I think girls need 3 weeks and they ready, soon I put into practice your advice :thank you:


Well-known member
My setup is unfinished, so I usually re vegetate some plants, but never fully mature plants.

spacemonkey, switched to 18/6 when she was 5 weeks at 12/12, now 4 weeks at 18/6



But my actual crop is near to the end





Well-known member
Yesterday was harvest day, an now keepers are in a 24/0 photoperiod. im waiting cococoir to dry before watering again, still wet. Today with dry scars from the harvest, feed the girls with some foliar spray veg nutrients. I think tomorrow gonna water them, and finally add h2o2. At the moment all the plants that I want to keep alive are alive (except one that reaps totally by my mistake ...)



Well-known member
Today the cococoir was dry enough for a watering. To try my best, i cleaned the room, deposit and any tool to use, with bleach. I calibrated Tds and Ph meters and prepared 40L RO water (93ppm) + 100ml GrowA + 100ml GrowB + 80ml h2o2. Tds 584ppm, ph 5.66.
I have used 2l per plant. The substrate was a little dry, it seemed a good idea to use the pre-pressure sprayer. Al they still alive.


As an added challenge, nematodes. I fought against them in mothers and keepers, but the used chemical is a bit phytotoxic, so hope can avoid it while the plants recover strength, and then root the fresh stems.