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Help, I Overdid the Aspirin Cure for Mold

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
I am hoping that there might be a chemist in the house who can advise me as to whether or not my newly harvested stash will be safe to smoke, in the wake of a ridiculous error that I made.

I got to my guerilla grow site, spotted some mold, and decided to try for the first time the aspirin dissolved in water spray idea for mold preventon. Well, I foolishly did not research the dosage needed by going through the archives here at IC Mag, and I wound up using WAY too much aspirin in my spray bottle.

I found out too late that the dosage of aspirin should be no more than one tablet per gallon of water, after I had gone ahead and used TEN pills in HALF a gallon of water. When I returned to the grow site a couple of days later, that overly concetrated aspirin solution had cause a huge number of fan leaves to yellow.

Hoping to cut my losses I went ahead and harvested most of the buds, and they all looked healthy despite the yellowing fan leaves, that I hastily removed. Then, as my weed dried, I started to worry that I may have laced those buds with enough aspirin residue to harm my lungs, so I decided to ask here to see if anyone might have a better idea of how safe or otherwise these buds will be to smoke.

About four days elapsed between when I applied that concentrated aspirin solution, and when I harvested the buds, so I am hoping , with fingers and toes crossed, that perhaps the aspirin residue on the buds would have been broken down by the sun into harmless bye-products, or that such a chemical breakdown would occur during the drying process.

Anxious for a bit more clarification, I decided to seek opinions here in the IC Mag forum about whether my foolish mistake has rendered my entire harvest unfit for consumption, or if I can still smoke the stash with no ill effects.

The active ingredient of aspirin is ACETYL SALI-CYCLIC ACID, and the "acid" part of that name frightened the bejeebers out of me, with thoughts of that acid perhaps re-constituting itself in the moist interior of my lungs, with deadly results.

I sure would be grateful for any advice that can be offered on this subject, so I can decide whether to go ahead and try some of my harvest, or to play it safe and throw away the entire harvest from this year's considerable grow effort.

Obviously I would rather keep the stash, and have something to show for all the sweat and labor that it took to grow it, BUT, I will reluctantly throw it all away in a heart-beat if there is so much as a tiny risk that I would injure my lungs smoking aspirin residue on my buds.

Any advice to clear the uncertainty about this mistake of mine wouls be enormously appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
Personally, I wouldn't touch that stuff with a 3 foot vaporizer whip, if you catch my drift...
Cook with it, that's your safest option IMHO, we know it's okay to eat aspirin in that sort of a dose...

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Personally, I wouldn't touch that stuff with a 3 foot vaporizer whip, if you catch my drift...
Cook with it, that's your safest option IMHO, we know it's okay to eat aspirin in that sort of a dose...

Better safe than gasping for breath, I agree for sure, Mildestoner. I will use this opportunity to learn how to make canna-butter and such, rather than use myself as a smoking guinea pig to test my optimistic hopes about chemical residue.

Why I panicked enough over a mild case of mold, enough to commit such a monumental blunder I'll never know. Talk about over-reaction. I would have been better off just removing the mold and going through with the same early harvest. Oh well, lesson learned.

At one point I thought about generously spraying the buds on the remaining the plants with clean water for a few minutes, then shaking them dry, but with my luck even that effort may not remove the residue as well as I'd hope.

@Rertogrow, my first instinct was to feel that aspirin poses no risk, but then I began to consider that aspirin's active ingredient may turn into something a lot more harmful when burnt at the temperatures that weed smokes.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
I would advise against making Budder, or any water, or alcohol based extraction, for oral use.
Aspirin does have an LD50 when ingested. You don't want to concentrate it.
High doses will cause gastric disturbances and will thin the blood.
But, it will break down when heated.

The good news is, Aspirin is water soluble and cannabis resin is not.

I suggest that you swish those buds in a tapwater bath and then fan dry a bit to prevent mold, and continue drying and curing normally.
Most of the aspirin will still be on the surface but some probably got absorbed by the fan leaves.
What the water does not wash off will be broken down into it's components by heat.

Aspirin can also decompose through hydrolysis in moist conditions, yielding salicylic and acetic acids.

Don't let the "acid" part worry you.
Acetic acid is vinegar, and salicylic acid occurs naturally in most mammals.
Many wholesome foods are acids, lemonade for instance.
Actually, just about anything that tastes sour.

So, just rinse it well and use it for vapeing and smoking.

I would also advise that after the rinse, you dry and try a sample.

Aspirin has a distinct smell and taste when burned.
If your buds taste normal, no worries, indulge and enjoy.

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Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Hey Weezard I sure appreicate this detailed and very helpful response, which I have saved for reference as I process the last few plants.

It is especially reassuring to hear that I will detect the taste of aspirin if there is still enough present to be harmful.

Whew ! I am just elated to learn that the worst case scenario of having to throw away my entire harvest will be avoidable after all.

Aloha, and may your harvests be bountiful, Weezard.


Active member
Better safe than gasping for breath, I agree for sure, Mildestoner. I will use this opportunity to learn how to make canna-butter and such, rather than use myself as a smoking guinea pig to test my optimistic hopes about chemical residue.

Why I panicked enough over a mild case of mold, enough to commit such a monumental blunder I'll never know. Talk about over-reaction. I would have been better off just removing the mold and going through with the same early harvest. Oh well, lesson learned.

At one point I thought about generously spraying the buds on the remaining the plants with clean water for a few minutes, then shaking them dry, but with my luck even that effort may not remove the residue as well as I'd hope.

@Rertogrow, my first instinct was to feel that aspirin poses no risk, but then I began to consider that aspirin's active ingredient may turn into something a lot more harmful when burnt at the temperatures that weed smokes.

Newsflash: all plants have salicylic acid. Cannabis uses salicylic acid as it's immune system. It's also a growth hormone. All cannabis has salicylic acid naturally. Don't know why you used it against mold, though. It fights many diseases and toxins, as in broad mites, but it won't prevent mold. Rinse it off and smoke as usual. It won't hurt you. I always keep aspirin in my rez.
What aspirin does:
Salicylic acid (SA) is a phenolic phytohormone and is found in plants with roles in plant growth and development, photosynthesis, transpiration, ion uptake and transport. SA also induces specific changes in leaf anatomy and chloroplast structure. SA is involved in endogenous signaling, mediating in plant defense against pathogens. It plays a role in the resistance to pathogens by inducing the production of pathogenesis-related proteins. It is involved in the systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in which a pathogenic attack on one part of the plant induces resistance in other parts. The signal can also move to nearby plants by salicylic acid being converted to the volatile ester, methyl salicylate.



Hawaiian Inebriatti
Good stuff RG!

Makes me ponder 'bout using methyl salicylate to put a plant "on alert".

Just not sure how much energy would be diverted from bud growth to defend against a phantom threat.
Looks like a candidate for some side by side experimentation. :)
My dance card is full though.
Any volunteers?



There are FOUR lights!
10 in a half gallon is nothing. People 'take two' all day long.


Active member
Good stuff RG!

Makes me ponder 'bout using methyl salicylate to put a plant "on alert".

Just not sure how much energy would be diverted from bud growth to defend against a phantom threat.

The plant uses it automatically, by itself. Methyl salicylate, a volatile ester, is converted by the plant from salicylic acid, and serves as a warning to other nearby plants that an "attack" is imminent. This is how plants communicate. Note that salicylic acid is also a growth hormone. It serves as the plants immune response, but when a plant is overwhelmed, the addition of aspirin puts the plant's natural immune response into "overdrive". This allows the plant to knock back the toxins injected by broad mites. I have taken plants through their entire life cycle when they had broad mites, just using aspirin. This was before I knew that it was broad mites causing the problem. Sagging seedlings perk right up in 12 hours or less after an aspirin drench. Without the aspirin, they would have died. Actually harvested some good plants despite the mites because of the aspirin.
Always in my rez @ 325 Mg. per gallon. Do not use coated or time released aspirin. Plain old Bayer aspirin, or generic aspirin from CVS/Walgreens, which is becoming hard to find, as most aspirin nowadays is coated. Read label carefully.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
RetroGrow my hat is off to ya, for the wealth of knowledge that you have been kind enough to share, regarding the active ingredient of aspirin. I had no idea, prior to reading your posts here, that this compound actually occurs naturally in many plants, and in fact works as a growth hormone that is capable of reviving weak seedlings. Once again, I am busy cutting and pasting tha above posts, to store these vital bits of know-how for future reference.

Also, thanks to the information you shared here, I finally understand that I have little to worry about, despite my using such a high concentration of aspirin in my DIY mold cure spray.

Going ever so slightly off topic, I must make mention that some of the most articulate and enlightened internet forum contributors whose opinions I have had the privilege of reading, are to be found right here on the pages of IC Mag.

I sure am grateful to hear that I can enjoy my modest harvest with no worries now, so I offer my thanks once again to you guys for having helped to put my confused worries to rest. :dance013:
I don't think you have anything to worry about. Let's say it was one whole 200 gram plant, you are only going to smoke a gram or so at any given time so the amount of aspirin left behind per gram is minimal and not likely to harm you anyway.


New member
on a side note, never tried asprin but spraying hydrogen peroxide usually works well when the plant is still growing to kill the mold and its only water with an extra hydrogen atom attached


Well-known member
I would advise against making Budder, or any water, or alcohol based extraction, for oral use.
Aspirin does have an LD50 when ingested. You don't want to concentrate it.
High doses will cause gastric disturbances and will thin the blood.
But, it will break down when heated.
He said he used 10 dissolved in water, not all of that will have ended up on the plants if he sprayed it on, and even if he consumed all 10 he'd in all likelihood be okay anyway..

Each to his own, but I stand by my original statement. I'm probably a little more logical and scientifically minded than the average person, but when it comes to buds that have been sprayed with anything odd during flower I avoid 'em like a superstitious individual avoids the old pagan lady in the hills tending her herb garden.
The OP can decide, it's his health at risk I guess..


Active member
spraying in flower was your first mistake, spraying your plants with aspirin water was your second.

It always amuses me when someone is so opinionated on a subject about which they obviously know nothing. Better start Googling on "willow water", "aspirin for plants", etc., etc., etc.....because you are profoundly ignorant.


Active member
Weezard's suggestion just to rinse them off was a good one, but if you are actually worried about smoking salicylic acid, remember that all cannabis has it naturally, and you can water cure the herb if you want, which will leach ALL chems out of it. Since salicylic acid is in all herb, if you've smoked herb, you've already smoked it. Water cured herb is as clean as you are going to get it. Potency is the same with a water cure, but you may lose some of the smell.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
He said he used 10 dissolved in water, not all of that will have ended up on the plants if he sprayed it on, and even if he consumed all 10 he'd in all likelihood be okay anyway..

True, that's not a lethal dose even if he did manage to ingest all ten
. :)
On the other hand, if 60 or older, even 3 or 4 plain old aspirin can be risky because of it's anti-clotting property.

Each to his own, but I stand by my original statement. I'm probably a little more logical and scientifically minded than the average person, but when it comes to buds that have been sprayed with anything odd during flower I avoid 'em like a superstitious individual avoids the old pagan lady in the hills tending her herb garden.
The OP can decide, it's his health at risk I guess..

And he can probably tell by the smell.
Burnt aspirin is distinctive.

The H2O2 suggestion from Goinggreen, for Powdery mildew is a good one too.

Did not even see my PM problem until harvest day.
(long story)
Swished the branches in a Hydrogen peroxide bath as I chopped 'em, shook 'em off, and dried them in the trade winds.
The H2O2 solution clouded up fast, and there was no taste of PM left in the buds.
Course I 'scoped them with the Eyeclops, before and after, to see how vigorously I could rinse them without losing resin or retaining any PM.

Turns out, they can really take a joke as long as the water is room temperature.
You can get pretty rough with no loss.



Active member
It's anti-clotting properties are what makes aspirin recommended to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Doctors recommend baby aspirin for this though, which is very low dose, less than one quarter of a regular aspirin tablet. However, if you have a stomach ulcer, it can be dangerous, as a person can bleed out from an ulcer. It happened to someone I knew, who was taking aspirin for a toothache, and he bled out in his sleep.