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Help from coco experts


well I have been growing in coco the last few grows, every time with different nutes. first I did PBP, 2nd flora nova, and now i've been using CNS-17

I use to feed everyday w/ 15% runoff but the plants didn't seem to be 100%, something was always off. So I started feeding my plants in veg every other watering using the cns and they are the healthiest i've seen, but that feeding/watering schedule doesn't seem to work about halfway through flower, and things start to fall apart.

I can either use my tap water + CNS + lots of ph down
or R/O + CNS + CAL/MAG + couple drops of ph up

My plants in flower the leaves would start to die from the outside in... isn't that calcium?

Basically I'm trying to figure out a feeding schedule for flowering... First day flower I mix 50/50 veg/bloom cns. about 30 days in I start using Ton O Bud (0-49-32) but I really don't know how to add it or how much of it. says 1/4 tsp / gallon.. and I mix that in with the CNS. I also use sweet all the way through flower.

Should I flush real good before the bloom booster? Should I be using a different bloom booster all together?

I flush the coco good before i use it with r/o + calmag and they are always super healthy till about 2 week flower

ANY help or suggestions is greatly appreciated :)

oh and I don't have a meter just drops... planning on getting one after this next run:dueling:

heres some pics
things are solid here about day 28 flower

check out the one front left, edges dying and getting brittle. Currently I'm getting claw like leaves with the edges taco-ing down


this is my opinion, this may or may not be right so im just giving my 2 cents on my thoughts.

Ive watered with alot of run off before and ive also watered with barely any run off. Depending on how big your pot is and how much the roots fill the pot maybe you should be either watering more than once a day, or watering more than 15% run off.

My plants seemed to thrive when i ran 50% run off (meaning i put a gallon of nutes a day through a 2 gallon container). When i was running 15% runoff i seemed to get ph risin problems and salt buildup and plants starting to die.

plants in coco that are mature it seems are almost impossible to overwater.

just my opinion

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
They look very green and the clawing your describing sounds like overfeeding, so try water only for a few days

IMHO if you don't have a pH pen you'll never get the best out of coco

Agreed bomb ...... the more you pump past those roots the bigger and quicker they grow


you could be overfeeding but probably not, maybe your not watering enough so the nutrient salts just sit in the coco therefore resulting in what looks like overfeeding? thats why i basically flush with nutrients every time i water


thanks for the help. I'm just going to switch to rez's recipe and flush more. CNS cuts out the N too quickly I think.. want to just eliminate the headaches and follow someone else. since i'm using r/o I'm really not worried about the PH, its always 5.8-6.0 with nutes.. but I really do want/need a meter

Hard to really say I had numerous problems this go around. Too large of pots, not being able to flush in the beginning because they were strapped to a screen, shitty coco, heat stress


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side by side comparisons done by me and several fellow growers showed that no runoff and keeping the coco moist and not wet increased yield big time. im currently dripping once a day for 1 minute in 3 gallon coco, and the plants cant be happier and healthy.
also running drip clean from h @ g in your nutrients prevents salt buildup in your coco.
