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Help finding some amendments.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
I've been looking at stuff around my area for a little bit. I recently moved to the beach so I'm a bit out of my element. For instance the aquatic plants that wash up are real interesting I just don't know what's what and the palm trees have this wire-y coir in their trunk. There is also this humus-y stuff under some trees. I just don't know how to responsibly collect and process these items for my small garden. I think a lot about my impact and will just resort to having stuff trucked in from god knows where till I learn more for the moment. I like your thinking though.

if you live near the ocean you have everything you need. the only problem is the ocean is nasty contaminated now days. i even knew a dude who diluted sea water and watered his plants with it. he claimed the thick living mulch layer delt with the salts and the soil benefited from the minerals and micro organisms dead bodies( plant food)


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
I've been looking at stuff around my area for a little bit. I recently moved to the beach so I'm a bit out of my element. For instance the aquatic plants that wash up are real interesting I just don't know what's what and the palm trees have this wire-y coir in their trunk. There is also this humus-y stuff under some trees. I just don't know how to responsibly collect and process these items for my small garden. I think a lot about my impact and will just resort to having stuff trucked in from god knows where till I learn more for the moment. I like your thinking though.

if you live near the ocean you have everything you need. the only problem is the ocean is nasty contaminated now days. i even knew a dude who diluted sea water and watered his plants with it. he claimed the thick living mulch ( as in full of decomposing/nutrient cycling life not like mad's living mulch thread) layer delt with the salts and the soil benefited from the minerals and micro organisms dead bodies( plant food). even still there are hundreds of seabirds, hundreds of sea plants, algaes, the list goes on.