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Help diagnose my seedlings. Several problems.


Active member
So my seedlings started out a bit slow and tiny, then realized I had them under my warm cfl's and not the cool.

So I put them under my so-so fluoro tubes... and they did better, but then i realized the temperatures were getting down into 50-60F. So didn't want to have my heater running so just set up my 400w MH. AND THEY LOVE IT!

Only problem, i'm still having a few issues with random seedlings.

This first pic I'm pretty sure is a sign of N def. is it not?

This pic is of the main problem i'm having - the hairy stuff you see is just from a cottonball. but I can't tell if this is a combination of things or just straight up nute burn? it seems to me more like a nute def....



THIS, is definite root burn though...

So i'm about to test its soil pH along with the one pictured before this. and repot.

don't forget these are not all teh same strain..
any input is greatly appreciated !


Active member
pH of 5.9 and 6.0. so they both seem normal... maybe things are done being bad and about to get better... just need to sit it out i guess....


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
if thats soil, you should be at a PH of 6.5-6.8

Also, are those white dots from mites? Almost looks like you have some mite damage in a couple pictures.


Active member
The dots were from drops of water on the leaves that caused light to be focused so burnt those dots into the leaves.

and i didn't realize the pH was suppose to be that high for seedlings! How should i go about getting it up?


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Ph is supposed to be that high for soil in general, not just for seedlings. Most people mix in lime to there soil mix to stabilize ph. In your situation I would top dress the soil with lime, and start phing my water to 6.8 before I water them. You can find a ton of info in the soil forums for all your lime needs.


Active member
the problem has gotten worse - and i've noticed it's worse on the c99, and just as bad on a few of the somativa.

I cannot find any dolomite - can i use lime from... lemons?

EDIT - the problem could either be phosphorus deficiency or toxicity... damn they are quite similar... it's like a 'greying' of the leaf.

I just don't know what to do.... put the bad plants in a 80% perlite 10% coco and 10% soil mix?


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
lime does not come from lemons, lime is a mineral from the earth, there is also a lime fruit. You can flush your medium with a higher PHed water , but your soil does look pretty wet already. Flushing would only be a temporary fix, adding lime is the solution. You can find lime at lowes, home depot, or small nursery stores. A bag is very cheap. Order it online if you have to.
What does your soil mix consist of? Growroom temps?

Looks to me like nute burn. Seedlings don't need shit for two to three weeks so get any kind of nute def out of your head.


Active member
the soil mix was originally just straight peat, perlite, verm and some water crystals. They seemed to not do well in it so i went out and bought some gardner&bloom (it's my alternative to fox farm since my area doesn't have it - better actually) the potting soil bag - which has kelp and all that stuff.

I mixed the G&B with lots of perlite and verm, then they seemed to enjoy this better then the last stuff... but still no good - so. NOW i'm about to buy a nice giant 30$ bag of perlite from the nursery, and will use some of this to just put the seedlings into.... 80% perlite 20% verm - and i know they have powdered dolomite so i'll get that so i can keep the pH around 6.6

The temp at the moment ranges from 72-82. Before I broke out the HID it was under 60F.

I really have become a meticulous fanatic in the past week with my seeds so i need to just take a breathe and realize they are JUST seeds, hopefully a basic hemp cup works well for the transplants - esp since thats what they are eventually going into.


Active member
Problems, again. Some seedlings are getting lighter and lighter in color

here are high res pics, click them open- someone work a miracle with this thread and turn something up for me please :p

this one is yellowing and getting blotches in center of leaves.... it's like it's losing it's color. Ignore the plant thats green and has the tips clipped, it's there to show the difference in color green from that of the ones doing bad.

This one is just being wierd and kinda shriveling and getting very thin