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Help designing new room today

Well I am finnally going to start on my new room. I have an 8x8x8 room. I have planned to use 3ft on the right side for flower w/ 1000 aircooled hps on a light rail. Using 5 gal dwc buckets.
the left side of the room is what I am more worried about. I am planning on using all flouros and Cfl's for veg,mothers and clones to save on electricity. If anyanyone dissagrees this will help my electricity bill please let me know.But anyway

I am planning on using about 3ft deep the same as the flower room but on the left side. I was planning on using 3 shelves for mother/veg clone room.

I PLan on having 2 3.5ft deep shelves almost 4ft vertical each where I will have new clones on one shelf and rooted clones on one shelf.on the same side to the right of the two shelves for clones I will have an area about 4ft wide and 3.5 ft deep and about 6.5-7ft tall deep I would use for my mothers and possibly maybe a little veg.

Ofcourse all the flowering will be done on the right side of the room and and the veg/mother/clone cabinet will be light proof so no light escapes to the flowering area./

I know I still need to work out my a/c and ventilation. But do u guys have any ideas that could help me or make this more efficient? thanks for the help everyone sorry for the long post,Mike


aka Buzz'dBob
Hey Mike! -- :wave:

Wow! That sounds a lot like what I am doing! Only my room dimmensions are little smaller at about 6'x6'x7'h

My room is still in the works, really. {A little at a time as "Needed," and time/$$$ allow}

I, personally, light proofed my flowering area from the rest of the world, as opposed to light proofing the Nursery/Veg Area.

Also, I am only using two, room length, tiers on the Mom/Veg side. Mom(s) and babies will likely use the top tier, and downstairs is where I will Veg. I may throw up a small partition between Mom and her offsping as well... I am undecided on that at present.

In my Flowering Chamber I currently have a 400 watt HPS, covering an area of approximately 12 sq ft. {Though I am only using about 8 sq ft, proper, for the Girls}

On the Veg side I am using two sets of twin 4' Shop Lights {4 total shop lights, 8 tubes, matched into pairs}, using Full Spectrum 40 watt tubes.

I don't have it set up yet, but Mom will likely get a few 40 watt {65 watt equivalent} CFLs in her li'l nook...

I have some pics in my Gallery if you wanna check 'em out. Hit me back with any questions {planning, construction, or otherwise} you may have!!

G'Luck, 'n Good Grow'n!!!

Thanks BuzzBob, Your set up is very similar to mine. your even using dwc! How was the maintence with dwc? I have only used dwc one time and it was for only 2 plants in the same rez. This time I am using 5gal buckets for each plant.
I started working on my room the other night and have changed a few things.The biggest thing I changed was the mom/veg/clone area. I now have 1 large area about 3ft deep,5ft tall and 8 ft wide. I have one main shelf above that area that is a lil over 2 ft high.That I will be using for clone area.Mothers will go in the larger area below that. I will use 6 40w flouro tubes for the clones. And now I am not exactly sure what I am going to use for the mothers(probably use 40w tubes and Cfl's)

thanks again Buzzbob I am sure i will have many questions for you in the future since you have about the exact same set up that I am currently building.

I need to get done fast cuzz my seedlings that are a little over 2 weeks old are starting to really grow fast now:)


aka Buzz'dBob
Hey Mike!

LOL... Sorry if I laugh a lot! You sound just like me! You might wonder why my room isn't more "complete?" That's cause I have been building it out "as I go." Literally, I lightproofed my flower chamber as I had plants screaming to get in...

Same thing for the 2nd DWC System I set up... I was building the buckets as my AK Clones were pushing roots into the floor of the Humidity Dome yelling at me for room to grow and nutes!

Anyway... DWC Maint: Not a big deal really, IF you have it set up correctly... That being: Use a Controller Bucket and have all your Grow Buckets linked directly to it {with at least 1/2" dark poly lines}. This permits emptying and refilling your entire system via the Controller.

Also, you will want a large external reservoir that is at least large enough to hold all the water/nute mix from your system. This is necessary for mixing nutes without doing it right in with the plants.

At present, I have not added a Float Valve to the Controller Bucket. However I will eventually, and I highly recommend it! Using a Float Valve, with a line to the large res, it will maintain your water level automatically.

Without the Float Valve I am having to check my water/nute level daily, and top it off manually. Not a big deal really, as I like spending time with my Girls. But it will prove problematic if I ever have to leave town for a couple of days...

One other thing I would recommend is to implement some form of recirculation... i.e., Keep your water/nute mix "flowing" through the system. Without recirculation, over time buckets can vary in their pH and PPM, which then needs to be dealt with... I do not have recirculation in my newer system at present. As a result, if I see a discrepancy in an individual bucket that needs addressing, I have to push the entire system back up to the large res, mix it up {making adjustments as necessary}, and then push it back to the buckets... Hope that made sense!

I look forward to your room and system as it progresses! I am sure we will be able to swap notes on many details...

thanks Bob, Hopefully I will have pics up soon. I def. want a controller bucket. I have read a few grow faq's on them. Is it basically like an ebb and flow pump in a rez that empty's and fills the buckets??.
Your system sounds exactly what I want.I would guess since you have one flower room and your taking clones that you harvest about every 2 months? I am sure it has alot to do with the strains you use. have you found that certain strains like dwc better then others? Also I was wondering what would be an average harvest from each bucket? Sorry for so many questions,But your my idol right now:D thanks,Mike


aka Buzz'dBob
Ha! Me, an idol? That's a good one! Thanx for the compliment! Honestly, though, I have not harvested yet...

I set up my first system {after a crash course on my back porch in Hydro Engineering, and a lotta trial and error} which I was running some Bagseeds in to work out the kinks, gain experience points, etc. Once "things" were working, it was going very well! ....till the ones I kept went Male on me... :(

This second system I built to accommodate the AK47 Clones I am now running... They are basically in their 2nd week of Veg at the moment, running 18/6 under a 400 watt hps. I hope to get 'em into 12/12 Flower in the next week or two...

The "standard" DWC is not an E&F. However, with some twists, you can actually set up a system like what HOG did here: HOG's Ebb & Flow Bucket Garden

The "standard" DWC works primarily off gravity. The Res sits higher than the Controller. The Controller is rigged with a Float Valve {kinda like what's used in a toilet's mechanism, but not quite} which opens allowing water/nutes to flow into the Controller, from the Res, as the water level drops due to usage by the plants.

That said, I am not doing any of it! LOL... I just manually move a pump around as needed to either pump everything up to the Res as necessary, or from the Res back to the Controller...

:::Sigh::: One day I'll have ALL the toys I desire... But not today! :)

As for strains, and their preferences... I know not much! Sorry!

For "timing," I am still working on that too! I have developed a web based tool which lays out a Grow's Expected Timeline, based on durations in days. By plugging a grow's expected Harvest Date into it as a Flower Start Date, it will project precisely when to take clones {or germ seeds} for a new start. But, yes, every tweo months sounds about right. Yield? I'll let you know in a couple months! ;)

I am hoping to get this tool hosted here at ICMag, so everyone can use it. Here's a screenshot:

Click for Larger Image
Thanks for explaining Bob. I wasnt aware that some of the controller buckets are actually gravity fed. i thought they all had a sub. pump. I know I want to have a system w/ a controller bucket I am just not sure what type I want to use. I know I dont want to have to change 8-10 buckets every week or two.

My last grow I used one of these:http://www.texashydroponics.com/shop/customer/product.php?productid=1346&cat=50&page=1

A mini 8 plant ebb and flow system.very easy.But too small for my needs.But you couldnt beat the maintence.

I am for sure using dwc this time but not sure on what type of controller system I am going to use yet.
I like dwc cuz it looks like you can have some massive plants and since my room is 8ft high I figure I can take adavantage of the hieght.It depends on how long I am going to veg for. I want tohave some type of perpetual harvest. thanks again for the help Bob.i will keep u updated on the grow and hopefully have pics up soon.
I really need to finish my room cuz my seedlings arent really seedlings anymore and are starting to overgrow the small veg area I have them in.


aka Buzz'dBob
Hey Mike,

Not a problem in explaining... Or, at least trying to explain!

Hey! I just remembered that I had this thread {which HOG put me onto a while back} bookmarked: Day by Day, Bubbler Grow Guide

Even though he's not using a Controller {he's running individual buckets}, the thread has a wealth of good info, all very nicely presented!

Hope it helps!



full time daddy
hey mike you get this room going or what?.....lol

id watch out for temps in your dwc could be a prob just fyi
i had a prob with it on my dwc and could not keep them down so untell i get a water cool or make one im back to perlite

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