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HELP!! Can't get any definitive answers!!



Good Morning Dakin,
I live in the boonies and so I just buy what's local. I bought some very dense topsoil and mixed that 50/50 with a soil-less mix. Seemed to balance things out nicely. The soil-less was a fairly coarse well draining mix. I've used that combo now for all my soil plants for the last couple years. Nutrients...well I do a combo of things there too. I bought a 25 pound bag of Peter's Professional 10-30-20 for $30 and that's been the mainstay of my dirt nutrient. It's not fancy but it gets the job done. I add some bloom boost around halfway and stop adding any of the chemical nutes at that time. Compost tea the rest of the way till flush. Used the same thing for coco.

I have a soil crop going right now because my veg plants failed while I was out of town. A trip that couldn't be avoided. So just to have something going on...I'm flowering my clone mommas while I make new ones out of the failed veg plants. They stretched and got so overgrown that they weren't viable. So I'm still working things out on my all hydro system,.

I've used hempy buckets which are quick and dirty hydro. They work if you follow Hempy's original program.

I ran three ebb and flow trays. SOG with 23 plants in small pots. Perpetual harvest. Too much work with all the cloning so I looked to reduce plant numbers. Now going with 2 gallon buckets 17 plants under a light mover array of 3 lights. Black plastic 2 gallon nesting buckets. From US Plastic.

I've used hydron in all my E&F trays. It's stable and reliable...cleaning it is a minor nuisance depending on how you deal with drudge work.

Never done aero or nft. Aero always seemed to finicky with clogged emitters as a potential risk. NFT seems like an interesting system but complex construction. Look up some of the systems people have built and you'll be amazed.

Far as connecting things...by quick connect...are you referring to the Wells push-on pvc connections? I tried those on a drain system I built under my trays and got leaks. They're built for pressure systems and require internal pressure to seal. I just use 1/2" barbed fittings with grommets and 1/2" vinyl push-on tubing. Cheap but is a hassle if you have to change anything. Many people go with garden hose and clamps. Easier to take apart.

Hydro offers the ease of being self-watering. That to me is why I switched. You can go bonkers using floats and automated systems to minimize the work even more. Also it's nice not hauling dirt into your house and having to get rid of it after a grow. I noticed recently there was even a thread on keeping clone Mommas in hydro.

Hydro isn't perfect...you'll find that most of the problems are related to people getting out-of-control adding nute supplements to their system. Over-complicating things to the point that if a problem occurs...it's too unstable and complicated a system to figure out the issue. Read lots of hydro threads and find a system that appeals to you. Then copy it.

For store bought units...I'd vote hydrofarms over Ebb&Grow multi-pot.

Good luck,


Good Morning Dakin,
I live in the boonies and so I just buy what's local. I bought some very dense topsoil and mixed that 50/50 with a soil-less mix. Seemed to balance things out nicely. The soil-less was a fairly coarse well draining mix. I've used that combo now for all my soil plants for the last couple years. Nutrients...well I do a combo of things there too. I bought a 25 pound bag of Peter's Professional 10-30-20 for $30 and that's been the mainstay of my dirt nutrient. It's not fancy but it gets the job done. I add some bloom boost around halfway and stop adding any of the chemical nutes at that time. Compost tea the rest of the way till flush. Used the same thing for coco.

I have a soil crop going right now because my veg plants failed while I was out of town. A trip that couldn't be avoided. So just to have something going on...I'm flowering my clone mommas while I make new ones out of the failed veg plants. They stretched and got so overgrown that they weren't viable. So I'm still working things out on my all hydro system,.

I've used hempy buckets which are quick and dirty hydro. They work if you follow Hempy's original program.

I ran three ebb and flow trays. SOG with 23 plants in small pots. Perpetual harvest. Too much work with all the cloning so I looked to reduce plant numbers. Now going with 2 gallon buckets 17 plants under a light mover array of 3 lights. Black plastic 2 gallon nesting buckets. From US Plastic.

I've used hydron in all my E&F trays. It's stable and reliable...cleaning it is a minor nuisance depending on how you deal with drudge work.

Never done aero or nft. Aero always seemed to finicky with clogged emitters as a potential risk. NFT seems like an interesting system but complex construction. Look up some of the systems people have built and you'll be amazed.

Far as connecting things...by quick connect...are you referring to the Wells push-on pvc connections? I tried those on a drain system I built under my trays and got leaks. They're built for pressure systems and require internal pressure to seal. I just use 1/2" barbed fittings with grommets and 1/2" vinyl push-on tubing. Cheap but is a hassle if you have to change anything. Many people go with garden hose and clamps. Easier to take apart.

Hydro offers the ease of being self-watering. That to me is why I switched. You can go bonkers using floats and automated systems to minimize the work even more. Also it's nice not hauling dirt into your house and having to get rid of it after a grow. I noticed recently there was even a thread on keeping clone Mommas in hydro.

Hydro isn't perfect...you'll find that most of the problems are related to people getting out-of-control adding nute supplements to their system. Over-complicating things to the point that if a problem occurs...it's too unstable and complicated a system to figure out the issue. Read lots of hydro threads and find a system that appeals to you. Then copy it.

For store bought units...I'd vote hydrofarms over Ebb&Grow multi-pot.

Good luck,

Good Afternoon, ET:

Thanks for all of the good info. It's much appreciated, as I know that it takes time to respond to all of my prying questions...! The reason I asked about your soil is that I feel sometimes like my soil is too dense. Sometimes it takes days, even for some of my larger plants (ie, 24"+/Veg...soon to be flipped) to need watering again. I know that can probably be attributed to a number of variables, including poor root system. However, I think that the root systems are decent, as I have been pushing nutrients lately (just got my PPM meter) w/ no burn and decent overall growth. I think the problem is excess humidity w/in my space, RH is pretty damn high (55-84%!). Primary reason why I haven't flipped yet, as my dehumidifier should be here this week. I'm hoping that once I get control over the RH, that my soil will start to 'breathe' better. Do you have any experience w/ this problem? Is this logical in your mind? (Room is small storm shelter 7.5x7.3x8.6 w/ little to none new air coming in for a multitude of reasons, mainly due to concrete walls, one entry, and obviously far away from any external surface of the house)

I'm using Botanicare nutrients/supplements currently (semi-organic), but when I actually get to the point of feeling less ignorant;), I will start buying the cheaper stuff. I mean, nutrients are nutrients, right? As long as you know exactly what your putting into your medium.

Sorry to hear about your failed plants... I almost lost mine when I left for only 3 days. I thought they'd be fine, as I was dealing w/ the humidity issue then. Of course, that was one of the weekends that the highest my humidity reached was 64%, so they were droopy when I returned. Good luck w/ the clones. When you get time, maybe you could give me some insight on that as I would like to take some cuttings soon? Btw, can you take clones after you've already flipped to 12/12? Also, while I remember, have you ever up-canned after already flowering? For the reason of only having to re-pot the females, as opposed to all of them? I anticipate it's not a great idea, but what do I know?

Regarding the 'quick connects', you know exactly what I'm talking about. I recently realized that pressure is a problem, like already stated. I used an inline on/off valve straight off of the bucket, and sealed w/ silicone, but I still leak out of the quick connect when I attach the hose, even when the tubing is pushed in as far as possible... Oh, well. I'll have to go w/ your recommendation.

Thanks for the insight on all of your hydro experience. My current reservations on the subject pertain to inexperience, $$$, environmental control (which goes back to $$$), and absence of a drain w/ in the room that I would utilize. I know what you mean regarding clogging the aeroponic system, but I think thats what I'm going to try. Actually, I found a system that somewhat utilizes an aero/NFT combination. His results are phenomenal, but he does know what he's doing. And everything from his cloner, to veg, to flower, are all self fabricated. NO expensive name brand stuff, well, besides the sprayers and pumps themselves. He makes it sound easier than it would be to build, though. I'm going to wait until I move before I start building! The link is: http://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/116859-harvest-pound-every-three-weeks.html... If your interested at all.

Thanks for you time, man.


Getting proper soil balance is difficult...no question about it. Guidelines will often state a 20% perlite amendment. What I feel is most important is that you do the whole batch and get it the same. It's a real nightmare in the garden when you have different soil mixes. You end up watering only a few plants daily whereas if you have all pots the same size with the same mix...you can get the whole garden on a schedule.

Keeping the plants environment in range either way is important. Cool soil and air will result in slow growth and slow water uptake. And of course, matching the pot to the plant. Tiny plants in large pots will stay wet too long. But the high humidity certainly would slow leaf evaporation. There's a thread around here that was started a month ago or so...it's about how the little things all add up. There's no single magic bullet. Combination of all things. Having said that...you're going to have problems growing in a room with little outside ventilation. Plants need a fresh source of CO2 and if you aren't providing it through ventilation...then you'll need a CO2 enrichment system (usually costly).

You won't find many people agreeing with your statement about nutrients. They vary alot. Some are easier to use then others. Some are buffered better then others. NPH ratios vary alot. I don't really understand your reasoning about using cheap nutes as you get more experienced. A noob would be better off with a cheap and simple regimen while a more advanced grower would have the knowledge and experience to fully utilize a more complex nutrient program.

There're plenty of cloning guides on the forum here. Use advanced search and look for the word cloning in the "title only" and you'll still get over 400 pages. It's all out there. You can do the same with any of your questions and get a wider variety of opinions.

Up-potting in flower isn't a good idea. The plant will spend time growing roots when it would be growing flowers...so it's a bit of a set back. Yes you can clone from a plant in bloom...but it's harder because the plant has to make roots and re-veg back to vegatative state. It's my feeling that once you get plant into bloom...then just leave it alone. But if you absolutely have to transplant up, best to do it as early in flower as possible.

Oh, and on the Wells fittings...they're only designed to work with CPVC, pex or copper tubing. But even with the right tubing...they still require pressure. And the damn things are expensive. I'm still waiting for a plumbing job to come up so I can use all mine up. lol



Hope your day is going well. Thanks for the insight, as always. I actually am getting a CO2 supplement this week. The regulator on the way, and I happen to have a friend that works at a gas bottling co, so I can get bottles and CO2 for practically nothing. The problem will be monitoring a room that doesn't get a lot of fresh air flow. I anticipate that in my situation, once obtaining a co2 system, it would be easy for me to over do it, given that I can't afford a controller/monitor. I have estimations considering cubic feet, and of course regulator has a solenoid w/ a timer, but buying those syringes from a hydro store to measure current CO2 ppm could get a little pricey. Ive read quite a bit of literature, but no easy answers when it comes to monitoring.

I'll have to check out that thread regarding 'combination of all things'. I'm always interested in getting good information regarding consideration of all the variables. The indoor system is more complex than I ever could have imagined!

Bare w/ me while I explain my poorly worded generalization regarding nutrients;) What I meant was that I have read and spoken w/ a lot of 'old school' growers, and they have results that speak for themselves. You know what kind of ferts/nutrients they typically use? Peters and Schulz! w/ supplements that you could imagine: bonemeal, alfalfa, guano, compost, manure, blood meal, dolomite, etc. Buying these fertilizers and components to use growing, is much cheaper than going to your local hydro store and stalking up on the Advanced Nutrients entire lineup. And from what I understand, the cheaper stuff, if you know what your doing, can produce equivalent or better results than the latter. I absolutely agree that they vary a lot, though. I just know that a lot of nutrient co's are in it to make money. And they have a lot of stuff that if used improperly, it's a waste of $$ and time. For example, my latest lesson in using a carbohydrate supplement, such as, Sweetleaf (botanicare), Carboload (AN), Budcandy (AN), etc. If these products aren't used in cooperation w/ a beneficial (ie, biologicals), then your pouring your $$$ down the drain. I've been told that many individuals think that adding these supplements will make their crops sweeter... Well, the problem here is that they are ignorant to the fact that the plant isn't absorbing these carbs. The carbs are food for the beneficial biologicals that are breaking down these complex molecules so that the plant can readily uptake them/their excrement, and use them for 'food'. If I am wrong in any way here, please feel free to correct me so that I can learn! I am using botanicare products b/c it is still relatively cheap compared to most of the other brand name nutrients, and at the same time, the Pro line is mostly organic, making it harder to burn my plants if I happen to overfeed (no ppm meter, yet), as well as having beneficials in the mix to help aid in the breakdown of the complex organic molecules. Plus, its just a two part, one grow, one bloom. And I can, if I like, still use all of the supplemental nutrients that they provide, should I finally have the funds to pick up a ppm meter. Not saying that knowledgeable, experienced growers don't use complex systems, in fact just the opposite, but I am saying that they are so knowledgeable that they are aware of the fact that they can buy a cheaper fertilizer in a 30lb bag w/ the similar components, as a brand name one that costs much more that has a fancy label/bottle/marketing.

Thanks for the info on up-canning. I didn't figure that it was wise, but I'm still ignorant. And I definitely dont want energy spent on root growth, when it could be used on flowers. I just wish I would have been a little more careful regarding the number of plants. They're all in 3 gals, instead of 5's because I started w/ too many, and I'm short on appropriate space. One of the many errors that I have made along the way. The first grow is quite the learning experience.

Haha, when you come across one of those plumbing jobs, let me know. I have a few that you can use! And yes, real damn expensive. I said to the Depot cashier, 'How much?... For 4 valves and some tubing? Damnit!!'... She just laughs. It's not funny...ha!


Hi Dakin,
I see you put alot of thought into your analysis of the nutrient spectrum and users. What amazes me now, is the rapid rate of change in nutrient trends. Mostly because of the internet. You'll find that certain ideas will take hold despite a lack of research to back it up. That's the internet for you. Wicki and opinion based.

My feelings are that there still are a smattering of old school growers like myself who stick to the tried and true (and cheap) chemical nutrients. I wasn't around for Overgrow. I was growing and had the internet but hadn't discovered the forums. But Plant Ganja was in operation and a younger grower I met introduced me to it. The site owner and several of the notable growers had a little group that mostly grew with Peters. Some amazing crops too. I learned about coco from those dudes.

But there are lines that form and many are very unyielding. I rarely will debate nutes because it's like debating politics. Personal attacks are the end result. Organic growers do their own thing. I respect what they do, and why and I grew organically for years. But it's too much work for this old fart. And then there are the hydro store guys who go for the bottled high priced stuff. I have a friend like that. He uses every AN product that they make. Again, it's a matter of choice. Ideally, I'd like to see new growers get their feet wet using a simple and easy to manage regimen...but all too often they end up complicating things beyond their ability to manage it. That's why the infirmary is such a busy place.

I'm really still learning with hydro, but after I really understand what's happening, I think I'm going to dabble in some of the more esoteric aspects. Organic hydro has really only been possible for a few years now and that may be a direction I'll head.

So how are your plants doing?




Hi Dakin,
I see you put alot of thought into your analysis of the nutrient spectrum and users. What amazes me now, is the rapid rate of change in nutrient trends. Mostly because of the internet. You'll find that certain ideas will take hold despite a lack of research to back it up. That's the internet for you. Wicki and opinion based.

My feelings are that there still are a smattering of old school growers like myself who stick to the tried and true (and cheap) chemical nutrients. I wasn't around for Overgrow. I was growing and had the internet but hadn't discovered the forums. But Plant Ganja was in operation and a younger grower I met introduced me to it. The site owner and several of the notable growers had a little group that mostly grew with Peters. Some amazing crops too. I learned about coco from those dudes.

But there are lines that form and many are very unyielding. I rarely will debate nutes because it's like debating politics. Personal attacks are the end result. Organic growers do their own thing. I respect what they do, and why and I grew organically for years. But it's too much work for this old fart. And then there are the hydro store guys who go for the bottled high priced stuff. I have a friend like that. He uses every AN product that they make. Again, it's a matter of choice. Ideally, I'd like to see new growers get their feet wet using a simple and easy to manage regimen...but all too often they end up complicating things beyond their ability to manage it. That's why the infirmary is such a busy place.

I'm really still learning with hydro, but after I really understand what's happening, I think I'm going to dabble in some of the more esoteric aspects. Organic hydro has really only been possible for a few years now and that may be a direction I'll head.

So how are your plants doing?

Good Morning ET,

Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of over analysis with everything that I do. Most people say that I should just be happy that I have that trait. I have been in the job field long enough to know that it has never helped me in my career, or personal life. So, my opinions on nutrients, when it comes down to it, really don't mean much... But I like to think they do!

Btw, have you ever grown in coco before? I've been recommended it numerous times by individuals stating that its much more 'forgiving' than soil. I can see why, if there are no nutrients. For some reason, I'm not too crazy about the idea, though. Maybe more control, maybe I should just buck up and build my aero-sys.

Hehe, your comment on nute conversations being the equivalent of religion is so true, and I have very limited experience. It seems as if, the individuals whom are loyal customers of AN, DutchMaster, and Canna, are completely set on their respective company. They swear by them and everything that they do. My question for them would be, when did you start using that product, and which products specifically, and why do you feel they increase your yields, make for better viable growth, or whatever it may be... Please explain in scientific terms, not what it says on the bottle. I've talked to many people that have told me that they started using those products around the same time that they were able to upgrade their room, because they couldn't afford those nutrients initially. Hmm, I wonder if it's the nutes, or the CO2 generator w/ controller monitoring temps and humidity, in addition to the CO2; New AC and inline fans, increased lumens, water chiller, sulfur burner, etc, etc. I actually spoke w/ a guy whom showed me some pics of his room. It wasn't ideal, but very, very nice. I asked him what nutrients he used. AN, of course. Every product they sell, in fact (even the ones that overlap). Had the previously stated convo with him: He said, 'Ya know, I had never really thought of that, since my upgrades were over a period of time, but you might be right'.... HUH?! Hehe, yeah, maybe.... Thats the other point. They have every product that AN (or whichever) makes, but they've never tried another line w/ EVERY product they make! I'd be interested to put some of the top brands to 'the taste test'.

Now to the 'Whoa', in my title. Received my TDS/EC meter yesterday. Not sure I realized how invaluable it could be... Aware now that I have been burning my plants the entire time. Even though the pH has been off, I have no idea how much of an effect it was having. I had been feeding around 1500PPM to 2000 PPM, which might be appropriate for larger plants, but after feeding them yesterday, I realized the entire problem has been dedicated to nutrient burn. They are finally to a size where they might be able to take it, so I thought I would see what the outcome would be if I went ahead w/ 2000 on the larger of the group. They still got a little crispy. Not even close to the extent they were previous, but still burn. I also believe that this caused another type of deficiency, but that was probably dedicated to the pH issues at the time. I've learned that soil or hydro, you need both meters. They are well worth the $$$ they cost. I then diluted the nutes down to around 1200 for the mid-size plants... They grew 1.5-1.75", depending on the plant, w/ NO burn. Needless to say, I was excited to feel like I have that aspect under control for the time being. I'll prob have to deal w/ an infestation or pathogen during flowering sometime in the near, just to make this grow interesting. Besides that, they are growing crazy. I flipped on Sat and now I know why they call it the 'stretching' phase. They are also getting very dense. I was scared during veg b/c some looked a little gangly, but those have filled in more than the others, now. There is lots of new growth at almost every node, however I don't see any signs of flowers, yet. Lets just hope that I get 50% or better, and I'll be satisfied. The sooner they show the happier the girls will be... They need some room for growth. I got a couple 20lb CO2 bottles last night, and regulator will be here today, so CO2 will be initiated upon arrival. Any suggestions/tips? Dehumidifier is also to arrive, which is essential, being that my humidity bumps up to around 85% by the AM. Temps ranging from 66-79, lately. Okay, I'm rambling. HOpe this finds you well.


I'm trying to avoid stepping on toes so I'm not going to knock anyone's nute habits. It's really a "to each his own" sort of thing.

I used to over-analyze things and well...I may still have some of those tendencies but I'm trying to be a more spontaneous individual.

Interesting that you discovered your problems upon getting accurate testing devices. Overfeeding and over-tending in general is a real common new grower mistake. So you should have them back on track and producing buds any day now. I have some that are developing buds now too. Kind of exciting. Also I have some slow ones...sativa which always take longer to do anything. Maroc. So those will be going into January but hopefully not Feb.

On the coco issue. Research that fairly carefully. I would say that the only thing coco is more "forgiving" on is watering and even that depends on which coco you're using.

Coco has a very high cation exchange capacity (CEC) which means on the surface are many positively charged binding sites that allow cations to be stored there. And coco is prepared and manufactured as a third world enterprise. Ground up and allowed to age in the open usually near the coast (Sri Lanka is a big producer), so much coco comes to the grower with way to much stored sodium...which is not condusive to plant growth. So unless buying high end pre-flushed bagged coco like Canna...you need to do a serious flush and warm or hot water works best.

Then, with all those cation binding sites open, it's a good idea to pre-soak the coco with a mild nutrient solution and some calmag. That's so that your early feedings go to the plant and not to the coco.

And finally analyze the density of the coco. There are different grinds and some are too fine and can get waterlogged just like soil. So you need to amend it with something...a coarser coco or perlite or hydroton works.

Also there are two ways to use it. The right way is to use it as a hydro medium. Watering every day to runoff. And the wrong way (which many people do) which is to use it as a soil substitute and having wet dry cycles.

Nutrient lockout and deficiency is real common with new coco growers and also if you re-use it...intracellular K+ is released further messing up the situation.

Bottles nutes are best with coco since the big manufacturers are the only ones to make coco tailored nutes. I used it for two years and had plant problems so I stopped.

Getting back to your nutes. 800 for vegging and 1200 for flowering is common for guys to use. You were really pushing it. Strain related though. I once accidentally got an Afghan in hydro up to 3500ppm with no nute burn...it just kept growing like crazy. But not all plants grow like Afghan.



Hey ET,

Thanks for the detailed info regarding coco. After everything that you've stated, I'm not too sure that I even want to go there. It sounds like a bigger pain in the ass than soil. I know I have much to learn, but I am almost 90% sure that my 2nd grow, besides a few mothers that I will keep in soil, will be my first attempt at hydro. I've already started collecting some supplies, although when heading to Lowes today I was very surprised to find that they are trying to sell their Vinyl/PVC fence post for $42/post for a 4"x4"x8' piece! From the prices that i've found online, that is extremely expensive. Plus, I wanted to go 5"x5", but it's going to be harder to find than I thought.

Regarding the overfeeding... I was extremely surprised to find out that my TDS was that high. I was adding 66% of the recommended amount, although I know that the tables are for general guideline, that is an aggressive feeding schedule. Even though the larger plants did get a little nute burn, it hasn't stunted them at all. They are growing at an incredible rate. I'm wishing I had more lumens!... All in good time, I hope.

Since you mentioned CalMag, I was wondering if you do, or have, used Botanicare nutrients besides that supplement. If so, what is your opinion?

Also, I was wondering how you felt about bottled water vs. tap? I've started to notice on a lot of threads, individuals insisting on the usage of distilled or bottled water if you don't have an RO machine. Do you really feel this necessary? What do you use personally?

Last, my curiosity is getting the best of me, but what strains are you currently growing? I will be purchasing some seeds in the very near future, and I'm looking for something that is an awesome strain w/ regard to taste, smell, and yield, but also something that is forgiving to grow. I'm slowly gaining confidence, but haven't even covered Botany 101 yet! Got a lot of learning to do. Btw, any particular seed co that you prefer? Any specific online ordering co that you've had consistent success with?

Hope this finds you well. I got the CO2 tank up and running today, and the dehumidifier on last night. All except for 2 have perked up significantly. They look more upright and robust. Some have grown 3 inches over the past couple days!! Crazy...


I wanted to give you the full skinny on coco so you didn't rush into it uninformed. Besides, our little conversation here is on an open forum and others may read it and benefit by it.

It's common knowledge that most instructions on nutrients are excessive. You would think that they wouldn't want people burning their plants...but I suspect greed wins out. They also stress res changes. Anything to sell more product. Some experienced growers will ease up nutes till they see a light burn on the edges and then back off a bit. A light burn doesn't really hurt much.

My recommendation about calmag was general coco guidelines. I've never owned a bottle. I use epsom salts for Mg and tap water for Ca. No on Botanicare nutes but I know people who like them.

Water quality is an issue that seems to be in flux right now on the web. I'll tell you what I do. I move around alot and my first grow in this location was with tap water. Didn't go so well due to high TDS (around 350ppm) so I bought an RO unit which dropped my water to 30ppm. I use straight RO water and have no problems with it.

Lots of guys are hooked on the idea that straight RO water makes for unstable Ph. So you'll see lots of recommendations to add tap water (or calmag) to RO to get water around 200ppm. The idea is that the Ca in the tap buffers the ph and makes it easier to manage. All I'm saying is that I use straight RO with no problems. Never had a CA deficiency, ph is quite stable... but I do add mag sulphate (epsom salts) as a preventative for Mg deficiency. My advice for hydro is to test the TDS of your water and if it's around 250ppm or less...just use tap. My feeling also is to let it sit for a day to evap. chlorine.

Currently I'm growing a home-made cross of White Widow and a sativa dominant strain called Black Pearl. First run with this cross though I grew straight WW for 18 months. I also have a cross of Maroc (moroccan sativa)xSkunk. Very slow finishing narrow leafed head high strain. Sats are my fav despite the difficulty of growing.

It's hard to suggest a strain because I don't know what your preference is. Is this purely medicinal or recreational? As a beginner, I'd suggest a good hybrid or indica leaning strain.
I personally don't like putting out top dollar for seeds. I will never pay $300 for seeds. Mandela is a good ethical breeder and seed seller. Kalichatka is indica leaning, potent, and fairly easy to grow strain (or so I've heard) I have Satori seeds yet to be grown.

I've found Seedbay reliable. I've always gotten my seeds. Soma's Buddha's Sister is a nice indica leaning tasty strain. I'm not really up on the latest. It's like car models. A new strain comes out and everyone is jumping all over it. Mr Nice seeds are reliable quality and if you want potency...his Black Widow is right up there. Smooth smoke too.

Glad your plants are thriving...




Whats up, ET? Hope your having a good Sat. Sounds like you got some sweet strains going. I love some WW, but how easy is it to grow? Now that I think about it, as popular of a strain that it is, I don't think I've read any comments regarding its growing difficulty.

I've been in flowing about 6 days now, and am starting to see some indications of sex. One in particular, is showing significantly. Unfortunately, I believe that it's a male, but before I toss it, I wanted to get an opinion. So, is this what a male looks like?


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Ya, Dude...that's a male. Early on, pre-flowers are hard for me to differentiate. But once you get multiple stamen like that...then you know for sure.

WW is a stable and easy strain to grow. Low odor, easy to clone, and has a nice balanced high. It does use lots of Magnesium so it's wise to supplement with MgSO4 (Epsom salts).

I also have a poly-hybrid going. Seeds from an internet buddy. Jack Herrer x Aurora Indica. Once you get a reputation and have a successful growing operation going...you find people who are willing to do behind the scenes trading for genetics. We're not supposed to talk about it but everyone knows it goes on. So get some good genetics (IBLs) so that you have some trading stock.

Off to a slow start today...



Good evening, man. If your near my time zone, that is... but I'm assuming that you are. Anyway, I appreciate the confirmation. I figured that it was a male. I've tried to anticipate the sexing situation, so I would be clear when the time came. I've since had to toss an additional three males, but I'm still very satisfied w/ the outcome. I believe that I will still proceed above the 50% mark... still waiting on two that appear to be sativas, but all of the monsters, except for 'the twins' turned out to be female. Even though, I was a little disappointed to find that what appeared to be a kush, turned out to be male. He had the rich, dark green leaves w/a short, stalky frame. I now understand that 'separation anxiety' that new growers experience when ridding the garden of males.

So, I ordered some seeds the other day that I am highly anticipating. Even though I won't be able to germinate until I move, I can't wait to get them in my hands. I ordered quite a spectrum, but tried to keep them realistic w/ regard to my skill. Besides the 'unknown' strain clones that I will take from my garden, I will have Barneys: Blue Cheese, Red Cherry Berry, and Sweet Tooth; Dutch Passion: Skywalker, The Ultimate; DNA: Sharksbreath; Reserva Privida: Purple Wreck; Green House: White Widow, Bubba Kush; Positronics: Jack Diesel. I know it sounds like a lot, but I plan on employing a progressive grow based on the strain and similarity of variables w/ sets of strains, so throughout the process I will be able to standardize as many variables as possible. I ordered from 'Worldwide', so I was able to order sets of five for five strains, and only ordered three each on the remaining strains... all feminized. I know some people aren't fans due to the genetics, but considering my experience, feminized seeds are advantageous. Plus, I had a one time coupon from a friend that got me 30% off, otherwise I don't think I would've been able to afford their prices.... Kinda ridiculous price-wise, but it's nice to able to get a variety of strains. Not to mention their 'Guaranteed' registered shipping. I assume you've picked up on the fact that I live in a country that isn't an advocate of marijuana, although I hope that will change w/in the next 5-10 years.

If you have any advice regarding experience or input regarding growing any of the strains that I've listed in parallel, please let me know. As you notice, I tried to stick w/ mostly indicas, or 50:50 cross ratios w/ indica being the dominate genetics based on ease of growing. As well as, attempting to eliminate typical variation w/ regard to tolerance to nutrients, flowering period, required space, etc. Even though, this information was obtained and based other individuals input, none that are significantly trustworthy, so I could be in for quite a learning experience. Especially since I intend on these being grown in the aero system that I am building. Plus, the state that I'm moving to has recently approved medical marijuana. So, as you've suggested, I would like to have some decent genetics for exchange, and even the ability to participate w/ a dispensary since I have a decent cannabis network w/in that state.

Thanks for the advice on the MgSO4. I will eventually use your method, but for now, I have since bought a liter of CalMag, a liter of Liquid Karma, and a liter of Sweet to go w/ my base bloom nutrient. I'm hoping that I will actually benefit from the utilization of these nutes, as I will most likely not be able to verify this, being a new grower. However, they are organic and pretty good ingredients, and I got a hell of a deal on the price. FYI, if you need anything significant regarding new growing supplies, plantlightinghydroponics.com is one of the best priced sites that I've found while researching the net for a reliable, but very well priced merchandise.

Damn, what I would do for that cross. Herrer x Aurora sounds mouthwatering to say the least. I'm hoping to eventually do some hybridization in the future, but I can't even fathom that currently. I'm so damn paranoid about contamination due to my background. I used to run our genetically engineered cell lines, and I would have to go into our cell room doused in 70% (alcohol) w/ a poly suit or freshly washed clothes. I couldn't even touch my dog in the am... It was tedious and stressful. You can imagine the reaming I would get if the cultures became contaminated... Which happened a couple times, even though I didn't think I was the culprit. We had to eventually lock down the cell room for authorized peops only. Like it was a BSL-3 lab or something... riiight. Anyway, as easily as pollen travels, I have no idea how you isolate your flowering room from your crossings!

Wishing you a faster start...


Your info says Ft Lauderdale so I assumed that was correct. I've lived all over and spent some time in Florida.

The whole pollen thing isn't nearly the fear that you make it out to be. You'll learn over time that it takes quite an exposure to ruin a crop. I don't mess with pollenization in my bloom room though. I have a little 70 watt hps that I put in a kitchen cabinet and use small clones for making crosses. My last seed crop consisted of a single clone about 6" tall and it produced about 30 seeds. If I need to produce more...I remove the female from the bloom room and knock her up...then back into the bloom room. I've worked in hospital operating rooms so I understand sterile procedures. Nothing like that is needed with casual growing and hybridization.

Looks like you got a wide variety of genetics. I've grown out a Cherry flovored strain called Buddha's Sister and am currently germing some seeds for a Reeferman strain called Cherry Bomb Indica.

Haven't grown any of those strains but do an advanced search for thread names. You'll usually find someone growing the srain you're interested in.

I applaud your attempt at scientific rigor...but I'd bet money that it will all go down the drain once you get rolling. What's on paper and the reality of growing are rarely similar. I'm sure you're familiar with the concept of phenotypes. A unique expression of a genotype. Well, these days multiple phenos are the norm rather then the exception. Plus you can occasionally get a sport...a mutant that can be a major surprise. Many of the clone only elites were sports. Cheese as an example. Who would have expected a cheese flavored pheno out of a skunk line?

Hey, on your males. Once they express their gender...you can take them out of the room. All they need is a few hours of good light for them to keep developing. Save some pollen in the freezer for later. It's more complicated then that...but not much. And pollen is easy to mail too. I have some seeds made with pollen I received from a buddy from down south.

The Herrer cross isn't what I expected. Herrer is an unstable strain so many many phenos. I keep looking for a good one.

Hey, on the additives. It's clear that you're someone who makes their own decisions so I'd never try and tell you what to do. But just be aware that every time you add another supplement into the mix, you're also adding a potential complication. Messing with ph is a common one. Also calmag has N and you might need mg but not N...so those are the sorts of things that you can only learn from experience. I highly suggest serious research before over-complicating your grows.

Onward and upward,


Hey ET,

I used a random location as I didn't figure that providing an accurate one would be wise.

Good to know, regarding the pollen. That's a great idea for breeding. I guess I didn't imagine doing it on such a small scale, but obviously makes sense. Do you have any experience w/ turning females into hermaphrodites?

I decided to pick up Jorge Cervantes' 'Bible' for reference and reading. It has been a pretty good read so far, although the frequent typos make me a little nervous...

I received my genetics yesterday and was relieved that they came through. Props to Worldwide Seed, although they are extremely expensive. I also gotta say that a few of the seeds look pretty sad. The ones from Dutch Passion and DNA are less than impressive. I just hope that they germinate considering the ridiculous price for feminized seeds. How was your Cherry Bomb Indica? I've tried lots of strains, but never anything cherry. After reading what you've said on Herrer crosses, I hope that the Jack Diesel turns out. I'll let you know if it's good stuff. The seeds were from Positronics, which is a reputable co. from what I understand, and the actual seeds received look viable.

I appreciate the input regarding supplements. I might have been hesitant before, but I've been using the base nutrient, and two supplements w/ great success the last two weeks. Not that it's saying much, but it's working right now. The damn things won't stop growing. I've actually had to start tying them down so they'll quit growing up. The base (bloom) and the CalMag affect the pH and EC significantly, so I tend to go easy on the CalMag. As far as the Liquid Karma, it doesn't affect either much at all. It's essentially just seaweed, carbs, humic acid, amino acids, and beneficials. I do appreciate what your saying though. I can understand how an inexperienced grower could complicate matters by adding supplements to their grow. I have another supplement that I acquired as a bloom booster for weeks 4-6, but am not sure if I will use it... Everything is going pretty smooth currently.

Well, hope all is well on your side. What problems have you experienced recently that you successfully resolved? What about your first grow? What problems did you face then?

Cheers, dak


Far as security on internet ganja forums...you'd be amazed at what people will post. If you look around...you'll see threads for San Francisco growers and that sort of thing. I don't worry too much. I suppose that there are a few LEO reading these forums and occasionally one pops up with a stupid thread that is so lame that everyone immediately recognizes that it's a hinky thread.

My only experience at turning plants into herms has occured accidentally. It's not hard to do...but if you're talking about creating your own female seeds...best to use the chemical approach rather then light disruption. A light leak in the bloom room has done it for me on a couple different grows.

I've heard "the Bible" is a good resource. No excuse for typos in a book of that caliber. I don't currently have any good general resource books. Give ma a review once you've made your way through most of it.

On your seeds...those are your starter genetics. You'll acquire more. Seeds from different strains often look very different. Some tiny and some are huge. So the germ rate is really the issue. Over time you'll spot genetics from a grow thread that you decide you may want. And what you'll be doing is looking for a good clone Momma.

One little hint. Good genetic lines don't always remain available. Breeders retire, get busted or sell out. So if you see something that really catches your eye...order it now. We're living in an age where 20 year old genetics is considered heirloom.

An example is Lemon Larry...a strain that I was interested several years ago but didn't want to put out the cash. Elite got busted and genetics will no longer be available (except from clones passed around among friends)

Back when I first started growing...I didn't know how to finish a crop. I'm talking early 70s so no internet...few good ganja books. So I always harvested way early. That was my biggest issue and only when I look back on it. I was more then happy with the smoke but ignorance is bliss.

Currently what I've been dealing with is trying to come up with a total hydro-only system with no dirt. I had those plants go bonkers on me while out of town. I'm at the point where I do things uniformly enough so I generally don't have any deficiency issues. And if I do...then I know it's genetics. A recent example and a plant that's growing right now. A Cali Orange crossed with White Widow. I didn't like the CaliOrange. It was troublesome to grow. So I tried crossing it with a more reliable plant....WW which also doesn't impart much flavor. So I thought it might strengthen the CO genetics. It didn't. Still a sort of floppy unkempt plant that tends to have Ca type deficiencies. I altered it's feedings to add more Ca but I'll scrap the genetics after this run.

I also have a strain called Kona Gold. Supposedly a Hawaian classic. It's a sativa and is extremely finicky but also extremely potent. So I'm looking around for a plant to cross with it to improve it's growing ease and hopefully capture some of it's potency. But that's a future project.

The Cherry Bomb Indica is quite an old strain. There was a sativa Cherry Bomb that's more well known. Mine are from some seeds that a friend gave me when he stopped growing. I only had three seeds and all three popped. Now I'm hoping that I'll get a male and a female so I can generate some more seeds.

This is a hobby. Something to occupy my retirement...so I can do anything at all that I want. I'm currently thinking about setting up dual vertical grows using my horizontal light mover only with a pulley mounted above the center of each grow. So it would be used as a vertical light mover with 600 watt bulb bobbing up and down in the middle of a small circle of plants. That will probably be an experiment I'll try this winter after my current grow finishes.

PS: Pictures are of Cherry Bomb Indica (youngest one) and Maui Haze.


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Hey ET,

I apologize for being inconsistent lately. Its been busy at work... I'm trying to get this current job wrapped up, so I can prepare for my big move back west. Going to a friendly state (CO).

Yeah, Im surprised at what some peops post on these sites, and I'm grateful to all of those that do. Thanks for the pics, by the way. THey both look healthy, especially that Maui! I've had some strain of Maui at one time. One of my favs, and one of the smoothest smokes I've ever had! Anyway, Im not over paranoid about postings, etc (who am I to an LE anyway), but I'm not exactly comfortable listing my accurate location for just anyone to see either!

Regarding the hermies: Can I ask why it would be better use the chemical approach, as opposed to light? (Im not skeptical, just interested in learning) And what is the chemical approach? I'm not familiar...

So, I'm about halfway through 'The Bible', currently. I must say that it is extremely detailed regarding some of the more 'important' information. Especially for individuals that are new to the hobby. However, I anticipate that you know the majority of the information in the book. There are some chapters that are a little 'light' on technical information, and some chapters that beat you to death w/ good analytical stuff. The chapters on nutrients, electrical, and medium/containers are all very detailed and go to the extent of actually walking you through the process. Some of the beginning chapters discuss room design/prep and cloning/vegetative/flowering. These chapters give great information for someone at my level, but they left me wishing that the information was even in more depth. Especially, after reading the electrical and nutrient chapters. Whoa, definitely something that would be worth having on hand for reference. It goes to the extent of walking you through each nutrient, macro, micro, supplemental, etc giving specific explanations on everything about them all the way to the interactions that particular nutrient can have w/ other nutes leading to deficiencies in other nutrients due to over/under conc of said nutrient, etc, etc. I think the only thing they left out were the molecular structures and organic chemistry of it all! Anyway, I'll shoot you an update soon as the next few chapters are getting into some good stuff: Hydroponics systems in general, Air, and Pests/Fungi/Diseases. I would say that it has helped ME out tremendously, but I just don't know how much it would help out a veteran. And like I said previous, the typos drive me crazy. Wrong page numbers when referencing diagrams, etc. Don't know how they didn't catch some of the stuff they missed.

I hear you on the genetics topic. I can't believe that genetics only 20 years old are hard to come by. Its sad that some great stuff prob isn't and might never be seen again. Once we build a better rapport, I would be interested in hearing what you have and what you would be interested in. For now, we can leave it be... I'm not in a position to provide, nor receive anything if you were to be so kind. But eventually... Anyway, I wanted to ask you if there is anything 'out there' currently that you think is worth picking up right now b/c its hard to find, genetics might be in danger, etc. There are a few strands that I know I want as soon as I can obtain them: God, Afghani Bullrider, HOG, OG Kush #18 and Pink Skunk. I know where to get the God and HOG, but they are pricey. AB isn't even avail, except for the inner rings. And I can't find Pink Skunk either, but I believe its avail somewhere. Supposedly the AB will be coming onto the market soon via a new company in Canada that only sells to patients w/ a Med license. Finestmedicinalseeds.com is the site (Owner of 'Treating Yourself' magazine). When I get my license in CO, I will be able to get some of these genetics.

As far as the hydro system... Did you ever check out the link I posted on 'RollItUp' regarding the Aero system? To each his own, of course, but I think you should check it out! Maybe I'm just a little too excited, and maybe you'll have the money or would rather just buy a hydro system, but this set-up is very nice. Its basically a cloner, veg unit, and flowering system all using aero sprayers, rubbermaid toughnecks for reservoirs, submersible pumps w/ a 1on/4off timer (so as to avoid having to buy a chiller), 2" net pots and neoprene inserts. The cloner/veg units are very similar to a cloner you would buy at a hydro store: Cut 2" holes in a roughneck container lid and insert net pots w/ pvc internal plumbing and aero sprayers. Veg unit is same only stack two roughnecks to add room for roots. The flowering structure is setup such that two PVC fenceposts are used for NFT/Aero combo. They are placed on a PVC frame, also using PVC plumbing, and another subpump. All three have a simple inline valve so that you can drain tubs w/o moving and also take water testing samples. This is the link that he summarized the blueprints/theory behind his setup: http://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/116859-harvest-pound-every-three-weeks-75.html. Check it out. I would be interested in hearing your opinion. If anything, to see if you anticipate any problems w/ this kind of setup, as it is the one I would like to put into play after my move.

I have heard that the Kona Gold is amazing stuff, but never been lucky enough... If I wanted to buy seeds, are you aware of a site that has this strain? I really wish I had some experience b/c I, like you, am a big fan of sativas. However, I am trying to stick w/ your advice by starting w/ the hybrids and predominately indica strains for now.

I'm currently trying to decide whether I should go w/ one 1000W Hortilux HPS or 2 600W HPS for my future room. I know that the 1000W has limitations regarding coverage, but for the sake of economical efficiency, do you think I could get by in using a light mover and the 1000W to save some $$$? Or do you think I would just be better off using the 600's? The problem is that if I go for the 600's I'll have very limited funds for sulfur burner, odor control, nutrients, etc. Also, would it be wise to wait to purchase supplies until I have seen my next living space? Even though I know this is probably the case, I already have a size and location in mind for my ideal room, and that is what i'll search for when looking for my next place.

Hope all is well. Cheers, Dak


I grew up in the midwest but have lived in at least a dozen states. Where you're heading sounds nice...been through there many times. I hope the move goes smoothly.

This is my understanding on hermies. You don't want a plant that herms easy under light disruption. Chemical stimulus for herming a plant isn't selecting for a plant that herms easy under light variation.

This subject of famale seeds is discussed endlessly. But I have the belief that there is always the risk of selecting for easy herming plants in the process. So I don't buy female seeds and I definitely don't trust seeds made from plants derived from female seeds. I don't believe that the use of female seeds has any place in plant breeding.

I have some Strawberry Cough seeds that came from an accidental pollination due to a hermie. But I'll never grow them out.

There are a couple reasons why I feel this way. First is that I have old eyes and it's hard for me to wend my way through a whole garden looking for nanners. A hermed plant will destroy an entire crop...so I look at it same as I look at a plant disease.

So my precautions are preventative to do all I can to minimize hermies in my garden.
a) I don't grow bagseed
b) I don't buy female seeds
c) I don't grow seeds that have in any way been derived from a hermed plant.

Far as the chemical stimulus to trigger herms...there are a couple out there, one being silver. When you get ready to do that...you'll just have to track down a sticky on that subject. I personally don't believe that you should mess with making female seeds and especially when the initial stock came from female seeds (double whammy). You're asking for trouble. And if you do that...your seeds should never leave your possession. Don't spread around weak genetics.

On genetics and seed selection. This is the approach that I'm trying to take. I don't like having to put out money for new seeds. Plus I don't really like the direction that seed selling is going. Nobody takes the time to create IBLs anymore. It's all unstable polyhybrids out there.

So the seeds I've purchased are mostly older IBLs or landrace strains. The characteristic they have that polyhybrids don't is that they breed true. If I cross two afghani indicas (same strain)...the resulting seeds will be very close to the parent seeds. So almost all are either landrace, ibl or crosses that I've make myself using the true breeding genetics.

So that's the reccomendation that I would make to you or to anyone who wants to become independent of seed sellers. Buy some good true breeding stock and you'll have enough genetics to play with the rest of your life. Find some strains that have growth characteristics you like, reasonable finishing times, good potency and yield (if pertinant).

I can't make specific recommendations. As you become familiar with what's out there...you'll come up with your own list. I can give you a partial list of what I have.

I have several crosses made with Buddha's Sister. That's a Soma strain. I purchased some genetics from a Canadian company called HighGradeSeeds but now I understand them to be of questionable rep. The Kona Gold came from them, White Russian, Purple Thai x C-99, and a surprisingly vigourous sativa called Black Pearl.

From Nirvana I bought Skunk #1, Northern Lights, Afghan, and Master Kush. I'll occasionally buy a mix...unlabeled seeds. They're a good bargain I bought Satori from Mandela. My White Widow came from Positronics. From Reeferman I bought Willie Nelson, Burmese Sativa, & Boddhisatva sativa. Recently I bought some stuff at a benefit auction...the most promising of which is a compact Pakistani indica landrace.

What would I buy if I wanted to spring for more genetics at this point? Western Winds (Sagarmatha) is a sativa dom that was part of the C-99 genetics. So either the WW or C-99 (though I had some freebie C-99s that didn't grow well). I wouldn't mind finding some BOG genetics and some more Soma, maybe lavender. God would be nice though I have some God crosses when friend sent me some pollen.

I'm not a $300 seed pack sort of guy. I'll make do with what I have from this point on. Unless something truly amazing comes along. The Kona Gold I came across probably wasn't the real thing...it was potent but hard to grow. Came from HighGradeSeeds. That's for information only and not an endorsement.

I did click on the link to the Aero system but without membership, you can't see the pictures. Doesn't matter. I'm just not interested in Aeroponics. Top drip or E&F are more my style and if I felt really creative I might try and build a NFT grow.

Thanks for the partial review of the Bible. Sounds like an excellent reference book. A more detailed book on nutrition would be great. If I understand the mechanism behind a deficiency...I'll remember it better.

PS: It's a little early to be planning light purchases since you don't know the layout of your proposed room. 600w bulbs are longer lasting then 1000w but don't have the same penetration. So depends on how big your plants will be. If growing treez, you need 1000w but 3' plants or smaller...600w are fine. Light movers can complicate your ventilation system. I use a light rail 3.5 so I imagine we'll discuss that later...



Good day! I appreciate the good wishes. I hope the move goes well, too. Sometimes things are going so well that you forget what it's like to get down, and then... life drops you on your ass.

Thanks for the info regarding the herms, initiation, and genetics. I'm obviously lacking in the genetics dept right now, but I guess there will be plenty of that down the line. I feel like I got ahead of myself by ordering the genetics that I did. If I would have known what I know now, just by having our little discussion, I might have reevaluated my selection, but there will be time to get some 'IBL' genetics on the next go round. I use quotes there, because the seed co's state that some are IBL's, but who really knows. I guess just go w/ who you think is 'reliable'? I want to get some regular AK47 beans from Serious (better be IBL at $15/reg seed!), Nirvana's regular NL's (although I don't think that's IBL), TH's Skunk XXX (they say it is IBL, and only $4/seed, not bad considering their quality), Reserva Privada's OG Kush (they claim it's a bag seed from a Grateful Dead concert, some 35 years ago), and a well stabilized WW (You think Dutch Passions would be decent? So damn expensive though at 22/seed). How is your positronics WW? I'm hoping my Jack Diesel hybrid from them turns out... Right now, I have 9 strains, but some of which I only purchased 1 and 2 seeds, so doubt I'll get 100% germ for everything.

What is landrace? How are these genetics different from IBLs?

How was the Skunk#1 from Nirvana? That is w/o a doubt the best bud I've EVER smoked in my life. I was only lucky enough to acquire it one time. My friend and I got it from some old hippies about 5 years ago. We were only able to talk them out of 1 zip, which was disappointing after seeing it in person. It was kill, just completely drenched in trichs. So many that it looked like miniature crystals all over the flowers. Mmm, makes me salivate just thinking about it. I've been dry for about 2 and half months now, though! Hence, the grow....

I feel you on the price of seeds! I'm not and never will be, unless the Afghani Bullrider becomes avail (I would pay for that strain only), a $300/pack guy. I saw some ignorant individual gloating about how he spent $3200 for a pack of seeds on RIU from BCSEEDS.com! I thought it was like a pack of 250 or something bulk... 10 freakin seeds. They've lowered the price since then on the strain he bought at the time (Oracle), but it's still like $2K or something. Absolutely ludacris! If it were that good, we'd have heard about it;)

No worries on the Aero system. To each their own. But, I would like to ask you a question. Why would you rather go w/ the Top Drip or E/F? I'm just asking so that I can understand your perspective, and learn from someone w/ obviously more experience than I. After all that I've read, I thought that system was ideal for me, but maybe that isn't the case.

After finishing up the chapter on nutrients/horticulture/water, I think that it would probably be worth the buy for that chapter alone. I would find it hard to believe that you couldn't get something else out of it besides that chapter, but even expert growers would appreciate that information (assuming it's factual scientific info!). It covers such a broad spectrum of specific information, including: Watering/Irrigation, misdiagnosed disorders, common cultural problems, full range of nutrients mobile/immobile and macro/secondary/micro, fertilizers: Chem vs organic, nutrient charts, teas, nutrient application, and additives. And all of it is in great detail. I've learned so much by reading this book, I just should've read it before jumping into a grow! I'm covering hyroponic gardening right now, good so far. And as I look forward, the Air and Pests, Fungi and Diseases chapers look pretty lengthy, too. I paid face value and it was well worth it. If you order it online you can pay much less than $30, but I couldn't wait 5 days...

We'll talk lights when I find an unfinished basement that I like. I was looking at the same light rail in the case that I go w/ the 1000W lights. I'm sure that it limits ventilation options, but I'll have to make something work if I go that direction. Btw, do you have any recommendations on the quality horiz reflectors? Hope all is well. Cheers,


Hi Dak,
Don't take my opinion as gospel...on anything. Just decisions I've made over the years and when a better idea comes along, I'm willing to change too. It's a world of change out there.

The whole female seed issue is complex. There are many people who feel differently and obviously many people are buying female seeds. But my feelings are that female seeds were developed as a way for breeders to protect their genetics...and to charge more for their seeds. It works well for both of those things, but the actual product is not as good as the regular set of seeds. Having males to make seeds from them is a big plus.

The Positronics WW is good. I'm quite sure it's actually WW which sometimes is all you can hope for. I have gotten totally generic seeds...not at all like the seeds I thought I was ordering. If you want the original WW though, go with Mr Nice Black Widow.

A landrace is a strain that has developed with/without human intervention to occupy a particular geographic region. Afghan is a classic example. Panama Red, Jamaican Lambsbread, Columbian Gold...Yoruba (Nigerian sativa) and so on. Strains that are true breeding not because they were bred to be...but because nature selected them and they became a pure strain over time.

There still are quite a few of these available. But as western influence grows and Amsterdam strains find their way to various parts of the world...then the landrace strains get polluted. That's what happened to Jamaican Lambsbread and the Kona Gold we were discussing. They got bred out of existence by accidental pollen.

Don't feel bad about any of the genetics you've bought. You may find some amazing clone Mommas. I was inactive in growing for quite some time until about 4 years ago. I had to start from scratch. So I did like you...went a little bonkers and bought a batch of stuff from discount seed sellers. Then I spent some time thinking about ganetics and the loss of good ganja genetics.

Somewhere in there I read an interesting article. I've long forgotten the author or the source. The point of the article was to stress that with a small variety of quality genetics, there is the possibility of great things to come forth. Just keep working with the same genetics and selecting for the desired traits and eventually a unique strain of your own will arise. So that's what I decided to do. I'm resisting the desire to spend cash when I have decent choices at home already.

Some of the new seedlings I've started are showing great vigor which I'm really pleased about.

Haven't heard of the Afghani Bullrider. But I have heard that Maple Leaf Indica is the truest and best Afghani available right now. I smoked some of the street Skunk in San Diego 20 years ago and it would get you fucked up. It's a good strain to grow...but also makes very nice crosses which is why I bought it. Haven't grown it out yet.

Hey, thanks for the very nice review of the Bible. I need to order that book.

My reasons for top drip or E&F aren't the issue. The issue is that Aero systems must have a large pressure pump operating continuously...and they're complicated. No reason in my mind to mess with that if I don't have to. And i don't have to. Many other simpler options available.

My reason for switching over to top drip from E&F is so that I can use smaller reservoirs and less wasted nutrients. Less flood risk too.

On the lamp reflectors. I'm not widely experienced there. All mine are Sun System. I have several of the 2' square ones which are great for square trays and the rectangular ones for other then square spaces.

PS: I wanted to ask you if your work experience would allow you to easily use tissue cloning techniques? It would be so nice to be make hundreds of clones from one little leaf snippet.


Hi ET,

Hehe... No worries, man, I won't hold anything against you regarding your opinions and info;) Actually, if there's one thing that I've learned in my young life, it's that I don't know everything! You know how ignorant, naive, and pompous young people can be; I used to be one of them. Now, when I find someone that I believe has something to teach me, I open my ears (or eyes, in this case), close my mouth, and try to 'listen'! I just appreciate you taking the time to educate and help me about the various topics we've discussed, and I look forward to continuing on... Hopefully, I'll be able to repay you someday, somehow. And moving to a friendly state just might allow me do so.

The female seed issue sounds like a complex issue. I guess I just hope that I will be able to learn enough to understand the basic science behind it, so that I can really apply the knowledge towards my grows. I cant thank you enough for enlightening me to the subject, as you've changed my perspective on buying regular seeds. Initially, the mindset was, well if I can buy less seeds, spend a little more/seed, and get fem's everytime, then what's the problem...Assuming that I didn't want to breed anything myself. Now I know that's definitely not the way to go about this. Especially for the long term.

Thanks for the tip. I think that I will go w/ the Black Widow from Mr. Nice. I've been reading quite a bit about Shantibaba and his story behind him and Arjan separating. I had no idea that such drama existed in this industry. Anyway, I assume after reading about Shantibaba that Mr. Nice has pretty damn good seeds?

The Afghani Bullrider is a strain that emerged from Canada (surprise...). I believe Michelle Rainey, the big Canadian Med Marij advocate was responsible for this cross. It's supposed to be one of the most medicinal, pain relieving strains out there... Again, who knows? But for now, this strain has just been passed as clones amongst that close knit group of ultimate growers in Canada. I wish I could tell you what the genetics are, but I can't remember the cross off the top of my head.

No prob on the review, man. Anything I can do to help. I'll let you know how the last chapters are once I'm done, but who knows you might have it by then.

I understand. I guess the pumps on the E/F and drip lines don't constantly run do they. I like the idea of drip much better than E/F for the same justification you switched. I don't like wasting nutrients. Not as expensive as the ones that buy. It surprises me at the number of people that use E/F. I worked part time at a Hydro shop for a little while, and 80% of the customers used E/F.

I think that I'll be ordering a Sun System reflector, as well. Not for any particular reasons besides the fact that I know they're decent quality/perform, and the place that I'm ordering from uses them in their packages. You can get a 1000W Hortilux Super HPS, the 'Nice' Sun System magnetic remote ballast, and the Cool Sun reflector (its the large semi-rectangular one) for only $395. I know that's not as cheap as I could get, but I want something quality.

Regarding your inquiry on my experience w/ tissue cloning.... I actually used to perform these techniques on a regular basis when I worked in the molecular biology lab. However, only w/ animal and insect cell tissue, not plants. It's quite simple when you have the supplies/solutions/environment to do so. Do you have a specific piece of literature that your referring to? I'm interested in your methods for amplifying or transfecting the cloned Tissue/DNA into actual vegetation. Damn, I miss science... Its been a long time!


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