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help buying new equipment

Hi guys,

Just about to place an order for:

400 watt dual spectrum bulb
4 inch 256c3 ruck inline fan, acoustic ducking
rhino carbon filter
65x65x200 secret jardin tent
digital ballast

Got a few questions.

1) Is fan good enough for bulb in that tent?
2) is carbon filter full proof as I will be venting onto pedestrian sidewalk.
3) if I bought 9 6.5 litre pots that fit in there exactly will they be too crowded?
hi there m8, im a newb so wait for the right people to answer.

am i reading it right:
tent is 65cm x 65cm x 2m?

i would guess that 400w would be way hot in there. Hard to control temps, especially as we move season in the next few months. id say a 250, but wait for the pros to step in.

As long as you keep a negative airflow, then smell should be contained. I got a rhino on my lil babies, and when i turn the cf off, the place stinks quick. Turn it back on, and within a cupla mins, the smells gone. I still wouldnt risk pumping it out onto the street level. Thats me tho.

9 pots would be tight, but prolly can be done, especially if clone to flower. Would really have to know the strain, keep em small tho,plus no side branching, especially if its a 60cm wide tent. Thinking you would need excellent airflow control aswell to maintain all em . In such a tight space, id prolly go with just a couple, or even one nice mama!

IM using a 400w dimmable digital lumatek ballast. Ive got it turned down to 250w, with a 250w Metal Halide bulb. What ballast u thinking of getting.
Im liking the lumi ballast, runs silent, and cool to the touch.

im sure the pros will be chiming in shortly, with the proper advice for ya. Listen to them, not me, im still learning

Good luck m8.
would it better to have 4 x 11 litre pots instead in that space then? I have a mother cab ready to go so getting clones shouldn't be too much an issue. wud kinda prefer a continuous harvest.

do you think I should get a bigger tent then? apparently that fan is good for up to 800 watts of light? I could just invest another £100 and get a 756cm3 fan instead...

ballast was just gonna get a standard 400 wat digital ballast (not dimmable as its cheaper).

no side branching? so i'd have to cut the side branches?
hopefully the professionals will be along shortly m8, wait for them to give ya the proper info. Im just going on what im thinking it would be like.

If i was gonna advise you on anything, it would be to spend the dosh on a bigger tent. In the long run, your gonna be happier you got a bigger tent. plus with a 400watter, you will get a nice harvest with some decent space for your ladies.

i got a 1mx1mx2m tent, and its ok. I want only about 6 in there, but cause i started some seeds nearly 30 days ago, i got 14 young ones in 6.5L pots. Its getting cramped in there, have a look:

gonna flip em soon, just so i can get rid of males, and have more space. In the long run , i think this tent will do me 6 nicely vegged plants at max. unless i train then a few more etc.. ideally, when i find the right pheno for me, then im gonna do a 1or2 plant in there, in some nice big pots..

When i said side branching, i mean that you wouldnt have much space for any side branching, and if you let them branch out too much, id imagine it could get messy in there, trying to control all the branches, in a 60cm area, and allow a proper airflow on all plants and buds etc
Some strains take a while to recover from cutting them up etc, so i was just thinking that you would have to know the strain well, and know that it can take the constant hacking and recover quickly.some plant i imagine wouldnt be so kind.

Like i said bro, please wait for the pros to help out, im just guessing and learning here.
oh, and dont forget the pot saucers, they take some space too...

im lookin for a decent tray that can sit under all of mine, so they wont leak everywhere. If i go for pot saucers, then i think it will be a tight fit trying to get em all in.

hope that helps a lil bit mate.


alright m8 i would go for a 1m2 garland tray should fit the tent no probs
hi there m8,

hope u managed to get something sorted out?
Was hoping someone with experience would have posted.

Bumping to give it another chance ;-)



hi there sirsmokealot i would buy a dimmable digital basllast and buy the 400watt and if temps too high turn it down too 250watt thats what i do the basllasts also run hps and
metal halide...peace..p.s i see you are buying a digital ballast hey bro its worth going for dimmable because when the good weather kicks in you can reduce the heat at the flick of a switch


Still Learning
Maybe you are going to only start 9 and cull to less and I'm misunderstanding you question but 9 plants, 400w in a 25"X25"X78" tent in bloom! No. Try 2-3. Unless you bloom from seed you'll have an out of controll jungle with 9 and it may be a jungle anyway with 2-3. All will be good untill you go bloom. I agree with buy 400w dimmable ballast and a bigger tent for that many plants but realize that you 'have' the smaller tent already. I can run 6 plants in 5'x5'x7' tent and it's a mess, 4 is manageable but I run 3 so that I can get in, defoliate, tie up and or adjust the girls. air flow will also be retarded with that much growth in that smaller space.

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