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HELP - ARRRRGGHHHH - Pythium Again !!!!!!, Tried everything !!!!

My last grows were same mate and i did not use hygrozyme so that aint done a thing...

Will update if any joy just confused as to what will happen to the brown/dead roots ?

Will H202 eat them away.

Cheers and thanks for advice.


Active member
OK, get them out, dont leave festering shit in the res, not good, clean the fkers asap, i'd pull all the mushy ones out, swill in a bucket of h2o2/ph water solution, your gonna have to man handle them imo. get as much out as you can see & keep swilling & checking untill your happy. then back in the main res on normal EC nutes(stage growth dependant) with H2o2 only, nothing else, should fix you up, ive seen plants bounce back from vertually 2/3rds of their rootmass removed(i dont recommend removing this much at all), they struggled & i had to foliar but they came back, last thing id do is leave festering roots in there. forget about enzymes making food for roots, you wanna get it clean first imo bro, I use Cannazym myself, lovely stuff in DWC, no problems.
i do wanna give the Bene's & Hygro a go though in DWC, just to see how she fairs!
Have a look at Dutch masters 'Zone', might be worth a look for future ref. Might be worth a shout now!

Your welcome anytime mate! Best of Luck!
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So i take it you do not use H202 as maintenance/prevention continous through grow as this will kill all the bennies from Cannazyme ?

I was going to ontinue to use it if i clear the problem as i have no doubt it will return if just left to be.


Active member
I have used H2o2 on a 3-4 day weekly basis from day one of veg right up to flush many times with great results in the past. But i like adding things like Superthrive(In Veg)/Rhizotonic CannaBoostAccelerator, Cannazym, B'Cuzz Bloom stim, & various other addys that contain organics. You cannot add H2o2 to any addy containing anything organic, it' will just break it down rendering it useless & it can make a mess. Theres alot of additives that are not compatible with h2o2 when growing out in hydro, but i tend to use it alot in veg, its great for sterilising leaving you a blank canvess to add to as you wish, but h2o2 also gives massive growth boosts, & improves overall health, your not going to get Phythium while using it & no bacteria are gonna live in your Res either, luv the stuff.

There is no actual Beneficial Bacteria in Cannazym but it promotes their growth, as it says on the bottle. Cant use it with H2o2.
'DM Zone' might be worth a look for you, but id just run Nutes, H2o2 & PK if i was you, or bleach like has been sugested by others, untill i got it sorted.


bad luck Takeiteasy

i'm a UK grower-not sure how to cure your problem but I know some things that will not work.
Peroxide (H2O2)-i used the Growth Technology 17% stuff at the reccomended dose 0.5ml/L then at 1ml/L then at 2ml/L in NFT systems-it did not kill the pythium.
Cannazyme. Hygrozyme. Cannadian Express Regenaroot-none of these made the slightest bit if difference
I also soaked my entire system in neat H2O2 17%-then washed those systems down with neat household bleach and left over night.
I sterlized everything-meters-pumps and replaced all lines and connectors. Threw out all the propogators-as the pyth was wiping out the babies as well-
I think that I got it because the res got too warm-but remedied that running a 20c res. After the systems got infected I tried 3 times with all this disinfecting and sterlizing and it kept returning.
in short I had to throw out all of hydros and kit and start again in coir. You probably don't want to hear that. This happened about 5 years ago and nearly finished me off as a grower-it went on for about 1year. That's 1 year of fucked up and aborted grows and hundreds of dead babies. I've not really grown in hydro since-it really did my head in
hope you get it sorted
good luck


Active member
Wow eddie, thats fuked up mate,
Ive found H2o2 to work just fine against Pythium or Root Rot as its otherwise known. I think you hit it on the head with correct Res Temps & NFT tanks(205/i,424,606 etc) they can suffer from heat problems. especially under large 1000w HID's. H2o2 fixed me just fine, so it depends on other variables too, how advanced infection is allowed to get before treatment, which is very important, type of system, NFT, DWC, E&F, they all cope differently with a phythium infection, variables!. Theres plenty of effective treatments & preventatives out there. Phythium aint so tough if you get conditions nearer optimal. Dead res Hydro, running bleach or H2o2 will & does protect against phythium, as long as everything else is running right.
In your case then Eddie id of gone done the UV steriliser route.
id say easier to deal with in DWC than NFT though.

It was fun doing a 2x3m Scrog with a single 424 under it, mind boggling lol! The Canopy kept the Res & Channel-tray cool, H2o2 worked like a dream, so did the Cannazym. 600lph of Air being pumped in too, was a very healthy Res & Root system.

Thats a design problem with NFT tanks with such infections(growth stage dependant), not all the roots are submerged & if infection gets into the upper air root system, then no H2o2 is gonna be touching, so i think you were fighting a losing battle there. It would be a major ball-ache ripping it all apart top get into the upper channel to treat it. suppose just lifting the lid & spraying would work, never had to do it.
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Hi guys. One is def sending out new white shoots. Others not look to good tbh, think one will die for def.

I have read up on UV filters and they are cheap enough and KILL EVERYTHING !!!

The only problem is that they mess with the nutes esp Iron, BUT Ionic/Growth Technology do a UV balance solution to cure this.

Might add one for belt/braces....

I also have sme 5% Chlorine which is supposed to be very effective and used in commercial veg grows.

If i get no joy with H202/UV filter Chlorine will be my last resort, if that don't work i am knocking it on the head....lol

But i like to grow my own smoke for variety/quality...

Also forgot to add i may just run the UV for 1 hour a day or something so it will not mess with nutes.


Active member
Keep spraying periodically with H2o2, hit the rootzone at least once a day this way n you should see improvement now you've dropped the hygropoo, been through that one myself. Make sure the rootball isnt getting completely saturated, has the white furr gone now?

UV would be my last resort & i wouldnt have it on 24/7 either. ;) New white root growth is a good sign, i think you'll start seeing more over the coming days! if your having res temp issues, try aiming a fan on the intake of your airpump, that helps keep the pump & intake air nice n cool, can help alot sometimes.

Best of Luck to ya mate!


Not sure if it's been mentioned but flairform makes a product called pythoff. This stuff is bad ass! It not only protects and conditions your nutes it will actively kill the pyth where in about a week the brown will shed off the roots like a snake sheds it's skin. Nothing but fuzzy whites afterward. Keep in mind this is only for synthetics as it will kill any beneficials in the rez too

Madrus Rose

post 69
Keep spraying periodically with H2o2, hit the rootzone at least once a day this way n you should see improvement now you've dropped the hygropoo, been through that one myself. Make sure the rootball isnt getting completely saturated, has the white furr gone now?

UV would be my last resort & i wouldnt have it on 24/7 either. ;) New white root growth is a good sign, i think you'll start seeing more over the coming days! if your having res temp issues, try aiming a fan on the intake of your airpump, that helps keep the pump & intake air nice n cool, can help alot sometimes.
Best of Luck to ya mate!

Heya Scrogger , hows goin m8?

The the beauty of UV is you don't have to run it but once a week , really just a maintenance thing ...with 100gal rez only running a 9watt UV for just an hour would sterilize everything pretty much 99% . Just a flip of a switch on a timer once a week does the trick while circulating entire system thru . Hav a larger rez so hav been using a 15watt , rez is crystal clear after 1hr ...

* This shouldn't even effect the micros he's worried precipitating out which would happen running 24/7 perhaps . But that's not necessary ...just an hour a week , or every 3days etc & water is guaranteed clear of baddies of all sorts . (love the H202 as well , tx for the doseages )

best regards


Active member
Hey Mad & Guys!
Ive only ever had minimal Pyth/RootRot problems in the past, bad once maybe, but i soon delt with it, H2o2 & correct res temps have always fixed me up.
The Pythoff ive always wondered about, so theres another product answer that sounds good, one of hunderds ive seen about, Zone is similar being a conditioner. Thanks for the UV steriliser feedback, thats good to know!
Not sure if it's been mentioned but flairform makes a product called pythoff. This stuff is bad ass! It not only protects and conditions your nutes it will actively kill the pyth where in about a week the brown will shed off the roots like a snake sheds it's skin. Nothing but fuzzy whites afterward. Keep in mind this is only for synthetics as it will kill any beneficials in the rez too

Pythoff is just Chlorine mate, been reading up and its expensive when the 1 litre is just mainly water !!!

The 1 litre is 0.5% Chlorine the large 20L is 2.5% Chlorine.

I bought 20L of 4.9% Chlorine for £6 !!!!!

Going by Pythoff instructions you need following (using lowest figure)

40-80ml/1000L or 0.04ml/L

So for the stuff i bought just half it -

So use 0.02ml/L

Use at rate daily to kill/clean and every 3 days to maintain.

Also this can not be used in conjuntion with H202

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I am going to try H202 first as it has benefits with added O2 and a UV filter on for 1 hour a day.

If that fails going down the Chlorine route BUT i am also thinking if i had used H202 from beginning as a preventative measure i may not of had the problem.

Like i say i had awesome grows in past no problems and have tried the obvious in order.

Higher flow rate.
Flooming in main res with 1000 l/H pump
Chiller added keeping temps at 19/20c
Spotless room/cleaned/flushed with H202.
Increased air pump with ceramic stones creating an inferno of bubbles.

Still had Pythium.

Time will tell and plants looking ill, not going to foliar feed as they will not send roots for food as with cuttings.

Watch this space.........


When it first happened in my hydros I was running GTech Peroxide 17%@0.5ml/L. I'm sure H2O2 helps keep mother nature out of the res-but if things go wrong-or if your luck runs out-it won't solve the problem on it's own
good luck
interested to hear how it goes



Active member
As far as i know Chlorine is harmfull to MJ, why we let out tap water sit, so the liquid chlorine has time to turn to Gas & dissipate/evaporate out of solution, before we add it to our Res/Plants.
Right enough it'll kill all the bacteria, why the water company sticks it in our drinking water! I remember it burning my eyes in the swimming baths when i was younger, looked stoned for hours after going swimming, proper 'Red-Eye'
im gonna have to look into this bro!

I think i can assume its a different derivitive of chlorine used in Phythoff compared to the stuff they use in our Tap water, still interesting stuff & from what ive read would surly cure pythium, personally id stick with the H2o2, she has always served me well & has many more other benefits in comparison, H2o2 should work just fine imo! Theres alot of ways to skin this cat!
(How many Chlorine coumpounds are there? & which ones do they use in Pythoff?)
Does DM Zone contain the same stuff?
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Overkill is under-rated.
So where do i position this filter on my 13mm supply line ?

Can i then ditch the H202 and Hygrozyme etc ??


You should never use Hygrozyme in hydro IMHO, it's famous for causing WAY more problems than it solves. i'm at a loss as to how they stay in business. Run a dead res (no beneficial bacteria, nematodes, enzymes or the like) and your hydro will go much smoother.


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