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HELP! Aeroflo2 60 Root Rot wont Stop


New member
woozy did u fill your all the holes in 60 aeroflo? are u have some space in between?
cause i heard that root clog will be an issue later.
and whats your yield running 2k in avg ?


Beni's are benifiials, they are bacteria,myco fungi . Look up ORCA it is a kiiler beni's product. 2 things about bacteria there are many strains of bactillus. One is BTK it is in moquito dunks, have a gnat problem there is you cure, also BT have a borg issue yeah mites there is your fix. having a lving res with bateria and fungi will keep you on track and avoid alot of issues.

Pythium is found in alot of water naturally, it is more prominant in well water because it is not chlorinanted. If you look into water filtration there are UV lights you can put in the out put side of you Ro system that will kill alot of what is in the water. Its not 100% but will slow em down too.


sorry guys cant edit forgive my tpo'sand I gave some wrong spelling of the above, I regret this wish coudl edit oopppsss..
the B is bactillus. Another way to find it cheap is to go to a box store look for bayer organic pesticide and it should have Bacillus in it. The Bt is Bacillus thurungenous and I need to correct myself mosquito dunks are BTI it is Bacillus thuringiensis v. israelensis for the strain, again I regret the issue on my end.


@kannabliss I filled 47 holes, didnt have enough clones to run the full setup, but some clones exploded compared to others. as im running 4 phenos of the same seed stock. This is also a new strain so i dont know what to expect as yeild. but gennerally i get about .8-1.2 GPW with this system. Yield is typically strain related, as im not doing this for the profits, more of a hobby as a grower and a toker. after this run, Im going to clean the shit outta the system, and run some new nutes and a few more strains. probaly gonna stick to tea as a preventive and a root enhancer.


Heisenberg tea is the way to go. Make EWC tea and run it through. If you have plants in, let them finish and replenish the tea every week. After harvest, clean everything out super well and then run system with high strength physan 20 with no plants to kill off everything. Then do a new sterilze run use DM zone 2ml/gallon for the whole cycle and you should be solid.
in my experience Bacteria and DWC Or aeroponics dont mix thats not to say it doesn't work because I know people who have great results with it. but I once had two good size rooms one i ran DUTCHMASTER range with ZONE to kill the bacteria and in the other room I ran Humbolt with all its bacterias in the other and in the humbolt room i got root rot bad and it cost me big time so since then all my DWC setups i religiously use zone I will use rhizotonic to develop the root zone and then if i see any change in colour in the roots then in goes the zone right up untill flush.


week 7 now, ripening stage with superboost, roots not growing much anymore, but no rot in sight, so i cant be anymore happy, i was about to lose the crop 3 weeks ago. thx for those who replied. I dont wanna use any sterilzing agents as i do believe nothing good can come of it, especially when theres a natural alternative, just the way i wanna grow, everyone must find what works for them, if i had a commercial op tho, it be a different story.

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