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Proud Cannadian Cannabist
well...let me apologize in advance for yummy budding but i truly have no where else to turn except my dog. a month ago i had a friend. a friend that meant the world to me. the way we got along was like undescribable. i have personally never in my life held someone in such high esteem. a month ago i was drinking. something i have absolutely no business doing obviously with good reason. as my friend was leaving they made me feel slighted on the way out the door. i continued to drink for another half an hour and thats when dr jeckle became mr hyde or how ever it works. i suddenly and maliciously decided to do something passive aggressive to sabatoge my friends relationship foolishly tricking myself into believing i was doing so annonomously. it was clearly obvious it was me. i dont remember the full extent of what i exposed due to intoxication but what i do remember was more than enough to make someone want to feed me to the wolves. i dont mean to sound like a hippocritical, contradictive asshole but under normal circumstances i am fiercely loyal and wouldnt even betray someone i didnt like let alone someone i did. i woke up the next day and recalled what i did. instead of leaving the fire i made alone and hoping it went out i procedded to spend the last month binge drinking and making daily angry tupac style rants on my facebook page. in most cases im indirect and generalize but other posts have been crystal clear who i am aiming at. as a result i have initiated real life conflict with certain individules that i will cross paths with again. when i do. odds are definately against me. i have spent the last month hating and loathing myself. the guilt that i am harbouring over this situation has manifested itself into anxiety attacks multiple times a day, bad dreams, straight out nightmares and constantly on edge. my sleep for the last month has been laboured at best and for short periods only. at this point i just want to sincerely apologize to the friend i hurt but they wont speak to me and surely wouldnt believe it anyway. what i did was far too over the line to appear to be anything short of an act of war. i cant blame the alcohol for my actions but i am no fool. i would never get the impulse to do something like that sober. and if i did i would have come to my senses before it was too late. all i want is for them to know how sorry i am and to figure out how to forgive myself which just isnt possible knowing how awful and uncharachteristic it was of me. if i dont get this situation under control im afraid of how dark things will get for me. i already suffer from severe depresion, anxiety and ptsd. i dont know how to live with what i have done. do you?


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
thanks but i dont want any new friends. that was the first new friend i made in years. im not a good friend and im not going to subject anyone else to negativity. no good person deserves that.


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
im just gonna continue smashing ink into my skin for the pain relief it gives me and tomorrow im buying a crotch rocket. i have never ridden a bike in my life so im hoping i can get unlucky early...


There are FOUR lights!
well...let me apologize in advance for yummy budding

I should hope so.
Stop drinking. Stop abusing yourself. Say 10 'Hail Marys' and 10 'Our Fathers'.
Start believing in yourself. Start liking yourself.

The rest will follow...


if it smells like fish
dump the facebook and jump on that bike and drive it like you stole it...it gets fun after 120mph,,,consider staying drunk


Andinismo Hierbatero
if you can't forgive yourself, don't expect others to either.

I'd stay off the facebook, off the booze and off the bike.

I'd get on studying something that interests you, get on some form of sport / physical activity, and get on the bus.

it's not the end of the world, sure, you hurt some couple's feelings, they were your friends and all, but you need to get over it soon, don't drown in a glass of water.

good luck!


sorry, im not a native speaker and im not quite fit at the moment, but i'll try to be understood ;-)

you maybe lost a friend but only you guys can judge if the friendship is lost or not.
but don't say you are not good at beeing a friend. he obviously liked your presence when he didn't avoid you. so i'd guess, that there is something you have to offer, friendshipwise (is that a word?).
try to learn from this for the future. maybe: speak openly and honestly. dont do something behind someones back. something like that.

if you feel slighted because you feel to be kicked out, think about if it might have been with bad intention, or if the person maybe just wanted to spent a little time with his gf alone ;)
grant your friends a little space, even if they mean the world to you.

if you are suffering from depression maybe this is worth reading:

having a gf suffering from depression I'd say: go to a doctor, if you aren't already under medical treatment. it's a good thing and helps.
i had ptsd and depression too and was too proud to go to a doctor.
today i see that i wasted more than 2 years trying to avoid doctors.
for about a year i often couldn't sleep for days, and never found more than 3 hours of sleep a day. I didn't want to go outside, didn't want to meet anyone, drank, did lots of drugs, had no perspective.

what helped me was to do sports (swimming/jogging), hobbies, trying to go on with my life and talking with friends. maybe it will help you too.

you have a dog. go out and meet people :)
maybe you'd like to do agility?
if you don't have hobbies at the moment, just try something. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hobbies
there are a lot of things to do.

definitely try sports. at the beginning it may be hard to motivate yourself to do that, but you will find sleep that day :)

at this point i notice how late it is over here.

i wish you the best.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
dump the facebook and jump on that bike and drive it like you stole it...it gets fun after 120mph,,,consider staying drunk


Screw it all the way over, reach through the handlebars to raise the headlight beam, the needle leans down on a hundred, and wind-burned eyeballs strain to see down the centerline, trying to provide a margin for the reflexes.

But with the throttle screwed on there is only the barest margin, and no room at all for mistakes. It has to be done right ... and that's when the strange music starts, when you stretch your luck so far that fear becomes exhilaration and vibrates along your arms. You can barely see at a hundred; the tears blow back so fast that they vaporize before they get to your ears. The only sounds are wind and a dull roar floating back from the mufflers. You watch the white line and try to lean with it ... howling through a turn to the right, then to the left and down the long hill to Pacifica ... letting off now, watching for cops, but only until the next dark stretch and another few seconds on the edge...


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
wow....talk about having your faith in humanity restored. thanks for all that posted. i talked to my friend yesterday. turns out they want to forget about it and move on still being friends. definitely not what i expected or what i deserve. i really dont understand it but it is what it is. i have learned a priceless lesson. im not going to drink any more. it clearly brings out the a side of me that is evil. i am genuinely dumbfounded that someone has such a good heart. i still dont understand it...


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Clearly he isn't taking us seriously trout.

I don't usually do this, but you've really got to meet a friend of mine. He's a great guy, I think you'll both benefit from the relationship.


Andinismo Hierbatero
wow....talk about having your faith in humanity restored. thanks for all that posted. i talked to my friend yesterday. turns out they want to forget about it and move on still being friends. definitely not what i expected or what i deserve. i really dont understand it but it is what it is. i have learned a priceless lesson. im not going to drink any more. it clearly brings out the a side of me that is evil. i am genuinely dumbfounded that someone has such a good heart. i still dont understand it...

so you have a good friend, who will overlook petty bullshit; he obviously sees also a good friend in you; you two are lucky, as friends are few and far between they say.



if it smells like fish
Clearly he isn't taking us seriously trout.

I don't usually do this, but you've really got to meet a friend of mine. He's a great guy, I think you'll both benefit from the relationship.
when that class was going I was out back getting high...I was the phantom student......luckily propper grammar and such isn't required in any work I have done...I don't work in a cubicle... yeehaw


Andinismo Hierbatero
trout, I think he meant that regarding the OP's first post. I've never seen you type long enough posts to demand paragraphs from you anyway lol yeehaw!!!


if it smells like fish
ha ha ..haven't had my morning bloody mary and joint yet ...just woke up....lol..I don't comment on others grammar and such as mine aint so good either..i really was out back toking up ... I knew grammar and such wasn't needed for my lifestyle and work...long as you can talk/read well...........yeehaw


Active member
Avoid the booze buddy...

Some people just shouldn't drink....Your one of them. Sooner you accept that, the sooner you can stop screwing up your life, and more importantly..other peoples.

We have had a few MEAN DRUNKS in my wife's side of the family....seems the only solution for some of them has been to be shitkicked(usually by a sober family member who has had ENOUGH) so bad they never want to touch a drop of booze again.

It has worked at least twice....and the one guy who it didn't work with was cut out of the family till he quit drinking on his own.

So just smoke pot, and don't drink MMNNNN....KAY


if it smells like fish
me I will never give up my morning bloody mary... I figure using v8 and then booze =v 10...great start to the day...lol...ya you however prob should consider quitting ...now you know you got a real friend tho...real friends don't leave ya when things are bad...those are called fairweather friends and they split the minute things get difficult.....peace bro