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Help-a-newb! CFL/Rubbermaid/Soil [First Grow Ever]


justanotherbozo said:
lol, that plant at the bottom left looks like a sunflower i think.
definately not canabis.

also, you don't need to live in a city to be subject to acid rain,
check the ph of that rain barrel.

We have a winnnaaaaaa

Yep that's a Mammoth Sunflower in the bottom left. It loves it in there.

I'll check my rain pH. Worst case, I have some backup gallons of bottled spring water I can use....or is distilled better?


Ok so these are from this morning.

There have been a few changes. I repotted last week. They are now in what might be final containers (is it bad to repot during flower? too much energy goes back to root production or something?)

Repotting meant I got to add all my organic goodies. Bone meal, blood meal, lime, worm castings :jump:

The containers are 2.5qt (just over half gallon). Will this be enough? I mean...guys are growing herb in 16ozs of soil on here..I should be ok, yes?

Yesterday I made the big change, switched out some bulbs so I have a majority of 2700k bulbs. I have 5 total bulbs: (3) 42w 2700k and (2) 23w 6100k running now. I also changed my timer, so flower is on!

Here they are this morning:

So for ID purposes.. these were all random "saved" bagseeds. However, three of them were from the same bag, and I think its pretty obvious who's related.

In the upper-left pot is the oldest one and the loner seed. I'm new at this, but from what I've read, those super thin leaves indicate it might be a sativa or sativa-dominant plant..that would be awesome as i'm a "heady" high kinda guy. This plant is the oldest and tallest. My previous posts show this seed has been above ground since 10-01, so it got a full month of veg time. It is approximately 4in tall.

The other three have fat-ass leaves, so I'm guessing indica. They are all from the same bag. These have all been above ground since 10/22. They only got about 12 days of veg. They all appear related, but are all growing very differently. Obviously one seems to be well ahead of the other two. Here is the leader



So heres a weird one. This is one of the smaller 'indica' plants i've got. It's first two real leaves came out slightly deformed. They both were bent, at about the same place, in the same direction. Since then it just acts, looks weird. i expect immediate "hermie" responses, but only the first two leaves were really odd, it has gotten somewhat better though. Keep in mind also this is from the same bag as the other two plants

This pic is a few days old, before the re-potting. If you look at the pics after the repot, you might notice that this plant is in a different medium than the others.

Since it was being weird, I decided to make an experiment out of it. I got some "soil" from my side yard, where my Mexican Petunias grow. Its pretty much all just sand. I didnt' add ANYTHING to it. The reason I did this, is because I was trying to convince someone else to grow, and when describing the stuff I was doing he said "sounds like a pain" . So this one is to see how easy it is to grow, with the minimal of effort, for the lazy folks.

So anyway, whats up with those jacked leaves?


Nov.13 (12 days under 12/12)

Group shot. Some LST'ing has been applied:

the two frontrunners:

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Nov. 15th (about 2wks now under 12/12). Shouldn't I be seeing signs of sex by now? Am I missing something? I think I'm seeing some female areas on the two larger ones (or might just be wishful thinking), but not much on the smaller.

I did some more serious LST'ing:

This is a close-up of the larger, sativa-ish-looking (far right plant in pic above) which is the oldest by 2 wks of veg time.

edit: I realize that my close-ups are kinda crap. But I'm using my phone-cam on all these pics so far. I'll try to find the good one.
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Plants are growing slow guess thats the price you pay for limited lighting. Where the seeds just regs bag seed or a higher end that you found just a few seeds in?


We have lift-off!! :jump: I might be a newb, but Ive been looking on here long enough to know what I'm seeing.

The only hold-out, in the bottom right, is the one that I put in the soil (mostly sand) that I dug up from next to my house just to see what happens.

It looks like they will probably all be female though, so my next thing is.. is it worth trying to grow them all out, or is it better to consider ditching 1 or 2 to make room for the bigger ones..


New member
Looking very healthy!

My current (also first ever) grow is almost identical in terms of the set-up, and I'm also using bagseed (though it's all the same stuff). They are only 1.5-2 inches tall so far, but I still wish I had a camera.

Anyway, good luck! I'll be taking notes.


Lollypop Man said:
What a difference 4 days makes!!

And how stoked are you going to be, firing up that first bowl of home-grown? :smoke:

you have NO IDEA how exciting an idea that is, man. I can't wait.
And from flipping thru the calendar, its looking like that should happening right about in time for my birthday.

But also, a few people, who i am trying to convince to start growing, know that i am on my first run...and i've been telling them all along how "easy" it is after reading the threads here... so i would love to pull something worthwhile outta the box.

(*Before everyone starts with the 'first rule of growing' lectures, dont worry..none of the people I have told even really know where i live*)

Anyway, so when do I stop LST'ing the stem? So far I've been trying to LST the stem 'loosely' along the edge of the pot, then allowing to grow for a day or two, then repeating.
I started 12/12 lights about 3 weeks ago, but buds only really began to show about 4-5 days ago. So when do i stop trying to pull the top colas down and just let them grow?

Also, since the bud-spots are beginning to form, the last time I watered i sorta manually pushed the larger fan leaves under the bud spots.

Do you guys recommend any sort of trimming of the leaves towards the bottom of the stem, under the main 'canopy' area?

Finally, why do my posts always end up being a whole paragraph long? Its like the more I read on ICMag, the more questions I have...shouldn't it be the other way around?


My stupid low post count... I can't do anything around here ! :(

I feel like a 47" kid in a must-be-48"-to-ride-this-ride theme park.

40 more posts to go before i can enter the chatroom
Hey Clay, check out Quazi's super-guide on all things training. It's stashed in the Growers Forums (ie not in any sub-forum), in case you've missed it up to now. The text is great, mostly summarizes a lot of the information you can collect by trolling around on ICMag, but he's pulled in a few wicked diagrams and illustrations that I haven't seen before.


Clay, they be looking just fine! Also have low-post syndrome (anudder newb workin on 1st grow here in SoFla). Frustrating, ain't it?


hey folks,

i got a 5 day picture update for you. (plus this will help to boost my post count..soon i'll be chatting real time with DrBud :jump:

In the event that a moderator decides that this thread needs to be moved to the Grow Diary section , I suppose I will understand..i just consider the Micro section as my home..

anyway, on to my crappy phone-cam bud shots. (I really need to snag my girl's camera for a few good pics some day )

11/24 (about 3 weeks of 12/12 lighting, but buds only started about 1 week ago)



Current best bud:


Looking good. I can't wait to see what you end up with. My current grow is at about the same point as yours.

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