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Help! 30 days flowering: yellowing.


New member
Hi. I have 3 white widow and 2 bluebbery dutch passion femminizzed.
This is my setup:
Box: 1.1*0.9*1.8m

vessels: 18l
Climate: fan, extractor 3 (total 400mq/h)
light: 600w hps philips with cooltube
substrate: 40%biobizz light mix, 30%coco, 20% perlite, 10% humus zeolite, micorizze.
fertilizers: biomagno flo, activator and stimulant.
always controlled pH 6.8
water 250/350ml every day. fertilizers 1ml/l 3 times of week.
temperature: light on(30C°-86F) and light of(25C°-77F)
U.R. 50-60%
What are the causes?


Active member
Looks like they lack N & Mg, maybe try upping the feed & watch the top new growth for signs of tip burn, if that happens weaken off the feed a bit! PH 6.5.
Seems like a small amount of water daily too. maybe try using more, untill you have run-off out of the bottom of the pots/bags. about 5-10% should do it! then let dry for a day or two, then repeat!
Are you following a feed chart for that nute line? EC?
Epsom might fix it but watch how much & how often you apply!


New member
yes, I am following the table of nute.
They told me that I have fertilized too much and my water is full of limestone.
Biomagno flo and activator contains 3% N and many micronutrients.
It 'can block because of calcium?


New member
Looks to me like your plant is just fine,
It is using the food in the lower leaves to fuel rapid bloom growth.
It usually doesnt occur until after 45 days or so, but you pot container looks a bit small for the size of your plant.


New member
Penso è presto per un normale ingiallimento, le piante hanno 30 giorni di fioritura, i pistilli sono rossi troppo presto.
I vasi sono 18l->4.75 Gal


Active member
I can garentee you that is not an over fert problem, you would be seeing different symptoms, like tip burn on your leaves & Claw'ing etc would be starting at the top on the new growth too!, i thought your pots or bags as they look, actually look Big in the pics. The Leaves are yellowing from the bottom up. you have green veins signalling Mg def, overall id say a lack of N and Mg but what do i know!¬
never heard of that nute line before, what EC are you using? can you put up the chart you are following? there are a number of things that can cause leaf yellowing!


I can garentee you that is not an over fert problem, you would be seeing different symptoms, like tip burn on your leaves & Claw'ing etc, i thought your pots or bags as they look, actually look Big in the pics. The Leaves are yellowing from the bottom up. you have green veins signalling Mg def, overall id say a lack of N and Mg but what do i know!¬
never heard of that nute line before, what EC are you using? can you put up the chart you are following? there are a number of things that can cause leaf yellowing!

spot on. next time ya feed just use a grow formula for 1 dose or do a foliar feed sparing the buds. n is rapidly absorbed through the leaves. i use calmag w/ nitro and iron foliar spray if i notice a little lower leaf yellowing in early flowering


Active member
WTF just happened, other people use this PC & when i logged into your photos on imageshack a picture of my misses & her name pooped up, auto signed her etc, i dont know, i dont use facebook! Ive told her to change how she uses FB & make sure nothing Autosignes her in. very Bad! Very bad! Anyone got any advice?

BTW Great Advice jammie, what brand of Cal/Mag & Iron do you foliar with man? Love Nitrozyme, does wonders on Organics! Great foliar on Hydro too! Alg-A-Mic is supposed to be Mustard too!

The Celtic Rove

New member
My babby's look similar and i tried lots of diffrent things eventually tried to spread stems out and its making big diffrence not completly fixed but better? my closet is about the same size and i have 4 plants in mine so acts like a canopy and no light was getting to the bottom leaves. not saying that is the fix for you but worth a try b4 extra nutes..


New member
Thanks to everyone for the advice.
I thought that mag was blocked for too much calcium
Initially 20 days ago yellowing leaves are low in the shade.
1 week ago the temperature was two days (95F 35C °)
and started to turn yellow quickly the other higher.
I not thought deficiencies because the fertilizers biomagno fio and activator have much nitrogen and micronutrients. I checked and the pots are not full of roots.

Sorry for the language, are not very good and helps me a translator.


Hi. I have 3 white widow and 2 bluebbery dutch passion femminizzed.
This is my setup:
Box: 1.1*0.9*1.8m

vessels: 18l
Climate: fan, extractor 3 (total 400mq/h)
light: 600w hps philips with cooltube
substrate: 40%biobizz light mix, 30%coco, 20% perlite, 10% humus zeolite, micorizze.
fertilizers: biomagno flo, activator and stimulant.
always controlled pH 6.8
water 250/350ml every day. fertilizers 1ml/l 3 times of week.
temperature: light on(30C°-86F) and light of(25C°-77F)
U.R. 50-60%
What are the causes?

I 'd feed them with Nitrogen. Despite the bloom feeds have N, there's some strains and some Pheno that requires some dose of N in the Mid of the Flowring stage. In the other hand, it's quite normal the lowers leaves become yellow. If the top leaves are becoming yellow aswell, i'd that this high temp could be yellowing the leaves. It heppened to me once. When my Homebox got to heat, my babies became yellow and as soon as i decrease the temp they recover.
Take a look in this Temp. It's too high. Could stress your babies. The bluerry is quite sentive to a Hot Place. U got to get something to decrease your temp as fast possible.
Hope this help


After examining your images, That is not nute deficiency! That is Phantom MG/CA lockout. You have the typical symptoms of Root Aphids, leaf blotching, yellowing, this is not nutes!!! It always starts with the older fan leaves and works its way to the youngest at the end as the aphids gestroy the roots.

Are you seeing any fliers in your grow room, phantom MG def are the dreaded devil bug...the Root Aphid and causes what you have going on at Day 25-30 exactly!!! usually at day 20 1st sign show, then it blows up.

Go read this Root Aphid thread before adding any more nutes, I bet you have them, they are un noticeable to the eye.

So many people have these without realizing till its to late.
Good Luck