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HELP -150 hps to hot-100 hps or 100 MH help


I need help with a 150 hps my box temp is around 86 degrees F if i used a 100 watt hps or 100 watt MH would the temp drop below 80 degrees ? help


already had the 150 hps to hot went and bought a 100 watt MH security light made it a remote ballast now the veg box is at room temp about 74 to 76


half cat half man half baked
Thanks for sharing goready. You should share the dimensions of cab and ventilation.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
what kind of ventilation you got? Maybe we can get that 150 back in the cab for you...


yes made a tray for the carbon but even at one inch of carbon sounds like to much strain on the fan and it makes a squelling noise would love to use the 150 help what do you use for a light trap have a 8 inch diameter hole bottom side for intake


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Get a small 120V fan if you can find it, a lot more power and air movement. Holmes makes a little tiny one for desks and whatnot. It could be easily modified to fit your cabinet.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Hmmm ... I'm cooling a 250 in a 22x29x54 space with a 76 CFM axial fan. I'm going to guess too little intake or too much filter. Is your intake area double (minimum) the exhaust? If not, you're choking the cab. Note that four 1 inch holes do NOT a 4 inch hole make (OK so the pic is nine but, the idea's the same)

Can you cut filter material by half? I'm doing well with a DIY Odorsock with 1/8th inch thick Carbon pads.


the intake on the fan is 6 inches diameter circle the carbon tray the fan is on is 12"X 10" the box intake is 8" diameter circle


a 6 inch hole has a surface area of 28.27 sq.in X 2= 56.54 8 inch has 50.25 sq.in only 6.54 sq.in difference dosent seem like that much difference i cracked the box door and it did not drop the temp the same amount of air comes out of the fan exhaust with the box door open or closed the lamp is 3 inches under the fan exhaust there has to be something that will drop the temp
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half cat half man half baked
Right now I have 6 2'' PVC intakes that consist of two 90s taped together. This gives me 18.85 sq inches of intake. The exhaust of the fan is a 4'' cricle so it's area is 12.5 sq inches.

Here is the kicker...

The fan goready and I use is a variable DC motor. It speeds up to maintain it's rated 80CFM. When I open my cab door I can hear the motor slow down a little bit about 4 seconds after opening the door. It is not a huge difference, but one of my design goals was to make the quietest cab possible and I'll add more intakes down the road.

goready - you could pick up a 8x8 inch dark room louver to cover your intake.

FreezerBoy - I know you saw better results with having double the intake, but hoosierdaddy says about +10% more in than out is all that is needed. Because I have this variable speed fan I'll hopefully be able to find out where the real answer is, which must be between.


weed fiend
I think I have to go with FreezerBoy on this one, no slight to hoosierdaddy or anyone else. I just picked up a digital indoor/outdoor thermometer with a remote for the cab. I've always known my intake was a little smaller than optimum, the exhaust speeds up slightly when the door is closed. Since I got the thermometer, I can measure the difference. I think I'll increase my intake and watch my temps go down about 2 degrees f. Two degrees doesn't seem like much but I'll take it.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
catman said:
FreezerBoy - I know you saw better results with having double the intake, but hoosierdaddy says about +10% more in than out is all that is needed. Because I have this variable speed fan I'll hopefully be able to find out where the real answer is, which must be between.

Depends on what you're running. When I had a 150, a single matching intake was enough. If one is enough, one is enough. But, if you're overheating, doubling intake is the easiest, cheapest way out. Some go as far as 4X.

Hoosier knows his stuff. You won't go wrong there. My way is cheap and lazy compared to his but, it'll work.


my experience with the panasonic whisper fan 80 cfm model# FV-08VK1 very quiet with no restriction but when pulling through granular activated carbon even a half inch the fan is loud with a squealing noise not stealth anymore without much restriction the fan is very quiet