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First time poster, long time grower (since ever since) I intend to do a grow show here to get some feed back, tips and such. I'll most likely spend the majority of my time here in this forum. This won't be a "WTF wrong with my plants dude" type of thread.

1st things 1st. I need some guidance in posting pics safely. If someone would be kind enough give some tips or direct me to some reading material it would be appreciated. If I do somethig stupid, let me know please.

My style of growing: I run a perpetual 100% organic grow. The soil is perpetual as well. 3 600's in a 4 x 8 stealth room. The room is sealed off from sound and view. I have no issues. My temps are +/- 2 degree no-matter what time of year.

I do not have one single insect. None.

My soil is 2 years old and kicking ass. I've introduced several species of microorganisms via cultures from a unique homebrewer, I also purchase vials of these on-line. My homebrewing friend does a lot of sour style brews. My pest control theory resides here.

Props to Burn 1. The Organics for beginners thread (the first page lol) is amazing. You've saved me a lot of time with the math and recipe's. Top 5 cannabis forum post I've ever read.

Sean Price

wadup Jay! This forum has taught me everything I know. There's an amazing amount of organic soil information here that can be applied growing everything, not just mj.

I've introduced several species of microorganisms via cultures from a unique homebrewer, I also purchase vials of these on-line.

this sounds interesting. is this like a compost tea or different?
I don't think it's a compost tea. I add them to my nutrient teas. Brettanomyces and Lactobacillus are two of them right off the top of my head. The tea goes crazy when I put them in.

mad librettist

Active member
holy shit! no insects! my condolences as well, that sounds like a sad place.

unless... have you actually married all your insects off to each other? then none of them are single, true.


Sativa Tamer
I think that would be a bug.



Instructions for bigger pictures

I'll tell you what I do -. Click on any picture in "My Albums". At the bottom of the picture page (the page were the image is shown full size) you will see a linking for two picture URLs. Copy and past the second of these URL into your post.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
i see it too! sentinel of the garden!

sounds like a sweet room!

can't help you too much with the pics. there are some websites that will batch process photos for you to scrub them of the attached information. google it.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
that is sparkly! what variety?

how were the brews? never tried anything by that brewery. I'm a big hop head tho :D


Sativa Tamer
how were the brews? never tried anything by that brewery. I'm a big hop head tho :D

That brewery (Bells) is one of the best breweries in America IMO and that beer (Hop Slam) is their most anticipated offering. It is a double IPA and is only available from late January through the early Spring. I hope Jay's bottle isn't from last year because it is best enjoyed fresh. I don't think Bell's distributes to the West Coast, but if you know someone in the Midwest you might ask them to ship you some. Their Two Hearted Ale is probably my favorite IPA is available year round. I like the Two Hearted better than the Hop Slam.



Sativa Tamer
Hop Slam is 10% ABV, which can leave you feeling....well slammed, like the hop-man on the bottle.
