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idiot grin

New member
I've been lurking here and there since '99 I think... c99 and omega-G* were the two new superstar plants at the time. I read pretty much everything on both CW and OG when they were around, but I never posted. These days I've got a medical card and am trying to slowly unlearn my paranoia.

So it's taken me 10 years, but it's probably time to say hello.

*if yr curious, omega-G was g13 x fig widow. I think it was the first commercially available g13 hybrid. Always thought the person responsible was later involved with Dutch Flowers because the style (and pricing) were so similar.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Hello! Im new here too. I work at a farm that grows a Hawaiian strain, the grower calls Hair'em Scair'em. I help with harvests and making hash. So the whole growing proccess is a learning thing for me right now. I would love to get some plants of my own going, but my priority is with my son and husband. And, well.... with 3 cops living in the 3 houses right accross the street from me, it might not be wise!

idiot grin

New member
ok, I'm not gonna lie, it feels nice that a couple people said hello already

@kharmagirl, thanks for the welcome, I've been seeing your name around for years

@lil, ooooooh I want a job like yours. Sorry about the 3 cops though. About time and yr son and husband... everybody needs a hobby, right? The busier we get, maybe the more we need to take some time out and do something nice.

idiot grin

New member
@kharmagirl, not old, WISE, right? Your internet persona makes you seem young somehow anyways, if I had to guess. Despite the authority. Weird how that works, I don't realize it but sometimes I make guesses about people just based on what they type and what their avatar is.

@resin, thanks, I got it from a book. Never used it for a forum name before, but I like that it means people can call me "idiot" drama-free.


I cough up honey oil
It's hilarious. I don't think I could take it! hahaha maybe cause the truth hurts? LOL I'd be like... who the f@*k are you calling a idiot! L8r

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
It's nice to meet you Idiot Grin... (I just cant bring myself to call you just, idiot) I'm currious what reason you told your doctor to get the medical card. I've been thinking about getting one myself. I guess Im a little weary of being rejected for not having a good enouph medical reason.


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