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Hello ICmag and woohaa(GK and Gypsy MM mix)


New member
:wave: What is up ICmag Micro people. :woohoo: I am also a micro people, which is too bad, but at least i can be a people.. anyway.. I am sort of an OG refugee. I have 4 grows under my belt, 3 of which i can say were a complete success and it is all thanks to... OG, which is now lost. ICmag! is found and hopefully i can share my stuff with you guys for awhile.

So Let us recap with the last grow i had. Only one Iv'e actually put on OG but it was nice and tasty. ICE! yum yum yum yum yum

So that was the past.. Next up is some more contemporary stuff just starting out 12/12.
Any Questions, comments, or insights onto what iv'e been working will be mucho appreciated.

Much love,


New member
An Old Dresser with Draws was converted into...!

It's pretty stealth looking besides the lock in the front.. :chin: .. so i added this!

Let us see what is inside.. :sasmokin:


New member
DJ Shorts Grape Krush - 5weeks of vegetation
- 1days flower

Notice in the middle where i have topped this beatiful uniformed, sweeeet smelling genetic maniac. :yummy:

oh yes, soooo goooood. :yummy:

The GK is surrounded by 2 of gypsy nirvana mysteries, which have been LST'd alittle bit.. Does anyone know what he puts in the mix?

And we must leave for now

Not to be corny but.. peace love and chicken grease



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!

Hey man that is a kickass lil stealth cab. Looks like a good ole dresser drawer.
Nice lil selection as well. Ill check back man peace..



New member
PieceofMyHeart - Thanks for the welcome i'm glad to be here! Hope i have it going on, or at least i'm hoping to get it going on :D

sackoweed - yeah i thought it too was a kickass cab, but it is such a bitch to work with because the door in is kinda tiny :\. Doesn't matter though because it seems sneaky! Thanks for joining

They reside in a soil mix that is primarily perlite, I'd say about 50-60% sterilized soil about 10-15% about 5-10% vermiculite and about 20% peatmoss

151Watts of Flouro!
-will be adding about 70more sometime in the next week or 2

So far this has been a pretty nice grow. The all showed sex at 4weeks of 24/0 which i thought was kind of odd, it was almost alittle disappointing to get all 3 as female because I don't really wanna get rid of a gal, so i'm gonna try to work anyway best i can.

They have recieved about 4 bat guano tea waterings using a combination of mexican and jamaican with a ratio that i seen fit. Iv'e also sprayed they with chi two times during their lives.
About a week ago they were showing a bit of Mg deficiency, which I quickly cured with some cal-mag+.Thank you MYnameStitch for the comprehesive thread on nutrients.


New member
One week later the ladies of the lake are pushing fiercely towards the light... is that good or bad?

Well, it is something i wanted to try. The gypsy mysteries I have let elongate a bit so there can be this sort of layered canopy. Some of the tops are higher than the others which i will be able to control somewhat by meticulously rearranging the lighting to go in between the tops. The Grape Krush i have in the middle of the two getting light from all around.

Here are some pics out of the box.



Active member
Well as you know, for about 2 weeks after they go into flower they will stretch a good bit. I would just keep tying them down and exposing as many areas as possible to light so they can stretch during this time also.

They look very healthy.


You have the cab of my dreams.

My original plan was to have almost the exact same thing, just by the time i found one big enough i realized it was a pain to move, and i have to be able to toss my stuff in the trunk in a heartbeat.

At least theres always something to aspire to!

What kind of bulbs do you have in those utilitystyle reflectors? CFLs?


New member
PomH- Indeed... Indeed... your new 150watter is making me so jealous :p

ABD- thanks man, i too thought it was the cab of my dreams, but like i said, it is such a pain in the ass to get in and out of. Still very stealthy though. Just remember you really can do just about anything if you put your mind to it. :)


New member
Hey Guys, today is week2 day4 of the flowering cycle... damn i'm pissed, i just spent like 15minutes setting up this post and i accidentally backed out of the page and lost all the stuff. So now i don't feel like redoing it all :bat:

Here are the picks

-The tops of 2 of Gypsy Nirvana Mysteries

Here is the Grape Krush. Not as far along, but it just so damn tight... it will surely burst with buddy goodness

group shot

Here's the nutes
-Mexican and Jamaican Bat Guano (mostly teas)
-Brer Rabbit Blackstrap Molassas
-Chi (foliar spray made from insect and crustacean shells)
-Liquified Sea Kelp (from the sea!)
-Dolomite Lime
-Bone Meal (just a tad)... (tad,lol..)
-Epsum Salt (None of this yet)
