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Hello from the Pacific Northwest!


New member
Hey, I'm eburna. I'm about to embark on my first grow in t minus 5 days (although that really depends on the mail). :clock watch:

I've planned a dwc/drip feed bucket system on a 4' by 4' screen of green under a 1,000 watt metal halide. I'm growing OG Kush, Super Bud, Super Lemon Haze, Laughing Buddha, Blue Dream, plus some mystery seeds with Pure Blend Pro nutrients. I'll be training my plants extensively with "FIM," pinching, and defoliating.

I've really enjoyed lurking on icmag's forums learning about growing and picking up many important tips on the way. Now I'm just excited to start.:dance013:

Space Ghost

welcome and keep a close eye on the "mystery seeds" during early flower, because they could easily carry hermaphroditic traits...

long live the great PNW!


Natalie J. Puffington
Warmest of welcomes, Eburna! :)

So glad you made it!
It sounds like you'll soon be off to a great start! :plant grow:
Looking forward to watching your garden take off.
Enjoy your stay, Eburna.


Yes A Warm Welcome

Yes A Warm Welcome

ABOARD, and here is a small "Welcome Party". Hope you make and meet many many new friends here. Bozzie :tiphat:
