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hello from italy



hello everyone well i am finnaly here in europe. well in italy right now. visiting family and partyn. in a few weeks i will head to munich for a few days then i am going to be in Adam for the htcc hopefully i will get to me a few of you icmagers at the seed boutique to smoke a fatty. gypsy and DG i will be seeing you shortly in ADAM( at the seed boutique and at the cup). then after adam i will be heading to france then to england... so if anyone is here in italy say hi. i will be heading to bari for a bit.. ciao...

looking forward to meeting everyone...



not in Italy BUT....

not in Italy BUT....

Hope you have a blast!!!...:bongsmi:

Be sure and come back and share with us all the details, that you can remember.... :rasta:

Take Care!


Hi Swerve, be sure to drop in the Boutique, there will be a bonghit there waiting for you.


well i never made it to the boutique but man the cup wsa interesting..i seee what everyone means by it is to comercail....i will never go to Adam again during a cup unless it is the 420 cup... ... man i dint like th vibe and the scene but man the erb is killer.. it was cool meeting gypsy and dg you to are great people....cant wait to kick it again and actually chill... welll im back and i will be taking pics of the hash i brought back with me.. got about 17 grams back into the country of 80% cup entries so i will take pics and doo a post and report..

