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Hello everyone!!


New member
Well some of you may remember me and some don't but I've been away for some time but I'm back. Its been about 4 years since I was around due to being busted and spending about 3 1/2 years in prison. Not fun but I wouldn't change it my heart is still a grower and one day I'll get back to what I love but for now just hanging out. Hope everyone is having a great day.


Active member
I feel ya oog2 :) anyways a warm welcome to you, glad to see you beeing able to hangout here at ic again. :D


Welcome back :tiphat: to IC, oneorganicgirl2. Glad to hear your on the right side of the bars, hoping they didn't hang too much paper on ya.


Hello back to IC and to meet ya organicgirl. Glad to hear your out & free of state college. Now begins a new chapter in your life and the man's rule book. Stay safe and good luck on probie girl.


New member
Thanks everyone I have 4 years on parole so im just staying clean and growing veggies. Getting ready to do some hydro peppers just need to get everything together.


Active member
I remember you OneOrganicGirl, u always have a friend in guineapig :abduct:

Rack up some posts!!!! :wooohoo:

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


New member
Yes always a farmer! I have a good veggie garden going lots of hot and super hot peppers going. I will start a thread in general gardening if anyone cares to follow along. Going to run some super hots in hydro indoors as soon as I can round up some lights.


New member
Hey guinea pig glad to see someone remembers me I was starting to worry had lots of friends at the cabana but can't register there you have to have a recommendations and I can't find anyone to help but its great here.