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Hello Again


New member
Well, well, well.....looky who is here after a very long ~Shabatical~ LOL, Mr Bongaloid, how the hell ya been sir??.....Nope, 10k is MIA, haven't seen hide nor hair of that ole fart, Tommy is still around....Krypto is still around....WR I see occasionally, Ole Coot is in almost daily touch...ummm, lets see, who else??

Always a pleasure to see old faces....Glad to see yer grace'n the halls of IC, Amigo... :bandit:

Oh shit, the crack of dawn ain't safe. Sportz, it is damn good to see you.

I hope all is good with you. Waiting for 10k to show up will give us something to look forward to. I'm glad to hear that Tommy, Krypto , WR and Coot are still around.

The overgrow thing finally worked and I am smoking legal weed tonight. I hope that everybody who embraced that ideal and made the og site what it was is gratified by that. The remaining prohibition laws ought to fall like dominoes.

Don't be a stranger.

Burn, you ought to know that Sportz is part of the very small percentage that will survive anything. What fails to kill him makes him Sportster.

Payaso, if I knew these guys were going to be so forgiving or forgetful, I would have come out of retirement years ago.

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