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Hello again.


Active member
I've been around for a good while but I've been away and thought I should re-introduce myself. I was a regular at OG and a fairly heavy poster there. I got paranoid when they went down and started laying low. I've lurked here off and on over the years and recently got drawn back into posting by Rezdog's Graphic Design Contest.

I've missed the interaction with those who love what I love. I've done a dozen or so grows, most of 'em on the small end of things - strictly a small fry in this neck of the woods. I have some experience to offer but still mostly a student.

I've done business with both the boo and the bay over the years with nary a problem. I'm grateful to Gypsy for all he's done to spread the love and for providing this forum. It's the best source of info I know of.

Anyway, I'm glad to be back. Thanks to everybody for all you do.

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