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New member
I had a police helicopter hovering around my road for a half hour last night. This in itself isn't too strange but i'm wondering if anyone heard of any raids due to the chopper checking out heat signatures off the roof. I work with Ifrared technology and know what its capable of. I did an ok job insulating the attic for this reason. I might put a bit more money into it if I know I have more of a reason for concern....and yes I might just be a paranoid stonner!

DJ Twist

FLIR or similar detection techniques are used in conjunction with other evidence...

And are used after there is some reasonable suspicion or evidence.

They aren't enough to convict on their own.

So...Unless you have other reasons to worry, you're probably ok.


I wouldnt be to worried unless your selling it or somthing,those guys are looking for terrorists not hippies or growers.
Plus the technolagy they have these days if the are watching you its unlikely they would sit up there for that long. :wave:
Paranoia will destroy ya!
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JUst out of interest, is it true the garda only have 1 helicopter? And i know the amount of sniffer dogs they have is under 10 anyway, or at least it was told it was (told there was 5-7 sniffer dogs).


Glad to hear all cool Bud,Dont know about choppers but there are very few dogs.Hell9 your prolly right ive heard stories of them having to be loaned and stuff.Mad


New member
no they have two choppers one in dublin and one in the south west...there only in the air for 2hrs out of 24 as they cost a fortune to keep in the air...so when they spent twenty min of that 2hrs around my roof you can get a little freaked...fucking noise keeps you up too


Its not so bad at the minute but its coming up to the silly season so they will be up here on a daily basis soon.When they hold in one spot it makes some fucking hum its unreal.How they can justify it is another thing,its scarry knowing they have to.I wish there was only a few here.Maybe someday!

Just came across some reflection/anti-detection barrier foil available at
Take care of those pesky porkchoppers!
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Bud_lovin_dub said:
no they have two choppers one in dublin and one in the south west...there only in the air for 2hrs out of 24 as they cost a fortune to keep in the air...so when they spent twenty min of that 2hrs around my roof you can get a little freaked...fucking noise keeps you up too
just two :yoinks: in the USA we got shit loads of the dam things at 20 Million a pop :badday:


Active member
I heard a story a about a guy with and attic grow.
The gardaí knocked on his door and told him they Knew he had a grow lamp. They told him to turn it off and they did not care about the plants.

if the did not they would inform the drug squad and they would not be so polite.

I think the Ir was interfering with camera surveillance of some thing else.
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