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I have a fair deal of experience outdoors...11 seasons. One thing I can say is it is amazing what you can see from above. Its very important to haul out ANY debris, bury your PVC, dont plant in rows etc. When your planning on making a trip out to tend your garden, dress accordingly and have a bail route if need be. Ask your self, 'If I heard a chopper, where would I hide?' The best answer to that is drop, tuck you head into your chest and stay still, most likely you wont be seen. Skin is bright compared to shrubbery.


Bad enough if you can see and hear them ...

Bad enough if you can see and hear them ...

How much do I need to worry about them??

Helicopters equipped with Hi-Rez cameras are the least of it -- there is also FLIR, great during day or night for LEO surveillance. But that's not what's coming very soon, thanks to the War on Drugs and War on Terror merging -- Obama's DEA will be flying ultra-quiet and almost invisible (from the ground) UAVs (drones) over America's cities in the near future.

Welcome to the American Police State.


Obama's DEA will be flying ultra-quiet and almost invisible (from the ground) UAVs (drones) over America's cities in the near future.
So will the next administration's DEA. And the one after that. And so on and so on. Sheesh.


Active member
I hear these Help...

PS... Don't forget the Cat... :biggrin:



i dont know exactly how fast an alligator can close its mouth so i dont put my hand in there.... same with choppers... i dont know so i dont test
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Overkill is under-rated.
Choppers for indoor would be using FLIR, which takes a search warrant to use on your property. if they are FLIRing you, you've already fucked up and are about to be busted.

Outdoors, well, there's not much you can do about them, most of my friends go outside and flip them off, but depending on your region they can land and rip your plants, or keep looking for a 3K+ plant grow in the forests.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
The big thing now are the Drone's. They cost a 10th of a heli and can be manned from the ground and the cost has dropped so low that pretty soon everybody will have them.

They have all the bells and whistles on them and are damn hard to hear. Sources tell me they can have 10 of these damn things for the cost of one heli so time will tell but you heard it here first.



Overkill is under-rated.
Hmm, unmanned drones eh? Sounds like a good reason to start using them for target practice, lol.


One night I was on video chat with my husband when I heard a helicopter closing in, it kept getting louder and louder. Next thing I know it's right above me and a light in my backyard. I immediately shut down the grow-op and run out the front door to see the commotion. Immediately 'cherries & blueberries', oh shit, two cops posted right out front of my house and helicopter right above! Ran back in the house (poor husband is watching it all from afar) I was freaking out. What should I do? Hop in my car and take off.

After my adrenaline starts to regulate, I realize that if they were really looking for me, would they let me leave? Then I have to laugh, thinking that if I were really being raided, I would be blessed if they came in that loud. After driving around the block I went back home, it was quiet again. I found out the next day they were looking for someone else.

What I find funny is I could care less if there's an armed robber in my backyard, but not the cops!