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Heavy 16 and ph rising...


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
anyone having problems with this??? ill make a rez ph it down to 5.4 go to bed wake up in the morning ph its 6.8 ph it down to 5.4 wait a hour or so its 5.7 feed then go to water at night its back up to 6.4 - 6.8 usually takes 2-3 times to get it to stick... no other nutes do that to me and it even says to feed at 6.8 with soil and hydro nutes... which is confusing to me...

im also getting a mag def i cant get rid of that usually happened when my pots ph is a little high.. Is anyone having this ph drift problem or are they using this at 6.8 ph in coco or hydro???

also are they ph perfecting this shit?? lol im really confused atm.. never had any base jump like this... its dtw rez btw....


Registered User
Hey brother...

I was talking to decent fella about the line and he noticed the same thing... He let the mix sit for a day and the pH drifted up. Was also playing with the aptus at the time and we were comparing notes over how much the adds dropped the ph, when he mentioned the rise. For what it's worth... Both of us aren't using it this round... Lol. We both had K issues...? But mine was on a shitty summer run so can't really pass judgement in all fairness...


Active member
anyone having problems with this??? ill make a rez ph it down to 5.4 go to bed wake up in the morning ph its 6.8 ph it down to 5.4 wait a hour or so its 5.7 feed then go to water at night its back up to 6.4 - 6.8 usually takes 2-3 times to get it to stick... no other nutes do that to me and it even says to feed at 6.8 with soil and hydro nutes... which is confusing to me...

im also getting a mag def i cant get rid of that usually happened when my pots ph is a little high.. Is anyone having this ph drift problem or are they using this at 6.8 ph in coco or hydro???

also are they ph perfecting this shit?? lol im really confused atm.. never had any base jump like this... its dtw rez btw....

The upward drift is probably due to the high alkalinity of your water source. Have you tried RO water?


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
i do use ro water and it still comes out at 6.8 but if you read the whole message this only happens with heavy 16 no other base's and ive tried alot of them... ive been growing for a while and have never experienced a ph drift like this consistently if ever...


Have you contacted the manufacturer? I know nothing about this product, but something's got to be in it to be causing the pH to shift upward that much, and by your description it sounds as though the H16 is making the water alkaline. Not just basic (pH) but resistant to pH shift.

RO has low to no alkalinity, so you can observe rather significant pH shifts just by increasing or decreasing CO2 levels. Conversely, O2 affects pH driving it upward. That means that anything you put into that water column is fairly easily able to shift that column unless you have sufficient acid or base to counteract the effects.

Have you tried pHing down to 5, see what happens? Or maybe even down into the 4 range?

Yeah, you know what? If you're pHing 2-3 times at the not-so-low pH, try pHing down to 4 (with a small batch, I'd hate for you to waste a bunch of product and time), see where it shifts overnight. That's what I would try doing, pHing lower the first time instead of this going back and forth. It's a pain in the ass, isn't it?


Oxygen levels in the nutrient tank can also cause shifts in pH in some nutes more than others. Have you any air stones in the tank & how many??
Stay safe


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
yea guys ive been doing this for a while.. two air stones along with a pump recirculating constantly...

i contact the manufacturer but havnt got a email back from them...


I wouldnt put it past AN to buffer all their other forumulas high trying to force people into PH Perfect.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
and it even says to feed at 6.8 with soil and hydro nutes... which is confusing to me...

also are they ph perfecting this shit?? lol im really confused atm.. never had any base jump like this... its dtw rez btw....

it sounds like they did something to keep it that high especially if it says to feed at the ph you can't seem to lower.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
thats what i was thinking... im really confused on whwy they would tell you to water at 6.8 for hydro??


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
thats what i was thinking... im really confused on whwy they would tell you to water at 6.8 for hydro??

this is all non sense some how mis read by me lol... i talked to bruce on the phone today for a good 45 minutes or so... really good guy gonna try his suggestions but who knows atm... i think on a fare note that im gonna buy the whole line and try it with just his additives and some protekt added...

however i made a batch up nutes today and ph the ro water before the nutes and the rez didnt rise one bit... so maybe i should ph first....


I just noticed the same problem. I'm 5 weeks into bloom with heavy 16 + the whole aptus line. It hasn't happen until two Rez changes ago and then again on the most recent Rez change. Except mine is jumping up to 8.1! Plants look great except for the gsc, which as of today seems to be showing some weird leaf curling. What the hell is going on here? I have 1 good size air stone in a 70 gallon Rez. Another thing, After mixing the nutes these last 2 times the ph just so happen to be right at 5.8 so I didn't adjust it. Usually I have to add ph down. Anyone else have any insight?


maybe its the aptus fasilitor? My hydro guy told me to use it only in hand watering scenarios. My buddy gifted me a small bottle of the fasilitor and i had just sitting there, so i added it anyways to my recirculating rez 25 gallons in low pressure aero. I got bio slime everywhere, clogged up my filter. ph was going from 5.2 to 6.3 overnight. so rez changed and added dm zone to kill the slime and didnt add the fasilitor. now im back steady with the ph and no more bio film. thing is, next change im gonna try adding the fasilitor again along with the dm zone. hopefully the zone keeps the bacteria in check and i can use the fasilitor. otherwise id hate to have to only apply fasilitor as a foliar. point being that the bio film bacteria really hate low ph so they alter it to make thier environment more suitable to them (my theory). every time ive had ph issues it was because of this. and I cant give enough props to dm zone and the addition of air to the root zone for re sterilizing my aero systems.

specs on this veg box system:

RO water/low pressure aero/ cyco veg nutes (this is changing to aqua flakes or heavy 16)/ drip clean/cal mag/hopefully fasilitor/hygrozyme later on/dm zone


Active member
maybe its the aptus fasilitor? My hydro guy told me to use it only in hand watering scenarios. My buddy gifted me a small bottle of the fasilitor and i had just sitting there, so i added it anyways to my recirculating rez 25 gallons in low pressure aero. I got bio slime everywhere, clogged up my filter. ph was going from 5.2 to 6.3 overnight. so rez changed and added dm zone to kill the slime and didnt add the fasilitor. now im back steady with the ph and no more bio film. thing is, next change im gonna try adding the fasilitor again along with the dm zone. hopefully the zone keeps the bacteria in check and i can use the fasilitor. otherwise id hate to have to only apply fasilitor as a foliar. point being that the bio film bacteria really hate low ph so they alter it to make thier environment more suitable to them (my theory). every time ive had ph issues it was because of this. and I cant give enough props to dm zone and the addition of air to the root zone for re sterilizing my aero systems.

specs on this veg box system:

RO water/low pressure aero/ cyco veg nutes (this is changing to aqua flakes or heavy 16)/ drip clean/cal mag/hopefully fasilitor/hygrozyme later on/dm zone

...or you could simply use what the plants actually need and throw that other garbage away.


Active member
meaning? im still new to hydro (2 runs). its a bad idea for me to go with organic soil where i am so if you have any insight im all ears.

Ok, that f*ckin snake oil product 'faciliator' or whatever it's called should get tossed in the trash if it's giving you issues. They claim it's supplying three elements (Si, B, Mo), right? Now I know you got it for free but at $143 for roughly a beer can's worth of liquid, that should be your first clue that it's garbage.

Now, I'd recommend those elements that are supposedly in that product but chances are a quality base is already supplying 2 of those. Silicon is a great addition to any nutrient base and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg. I use Protekt.

FWIW, I've tested H&G's Aqua Flakes with Protekt before and had great results. Keep it simple with a quality base, possibly a cal/mag if using RO, and a silica additive. Done. All those expensive products in the hydro store will often times do more harm than good and are marketed directly to the newb with more money than brains.

Good luck!


thanks man!

ill give the aqua flakes a shot. plus i was reading that the heavy 16 can separate out of the solution if it isnt constantly mixed. went with silica blast before but ill hit up that protekt. ill have to play around with the cal mag as i was reading that aqua flakes doesnt need it. i like the calcium sales pitch on both the flakes and h16, calcium was one of the biggest factors in my success outdoors.

and a note to the slime ph issue - before i was put on hold i was running an older variation on my current set up- lp aero with pbp organic. when i added aqua shield to the program is when i had the exact same bio film issue as when i added the fasilitor this round.