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Heating flowering room during dark period from veg room?


During the cold months, my room gets down to around 55° F - 60° during the dark period. I've heard this is far to cold. Electric heaters are out of the question because they're very expensive to run.

One solution I came up with is venting my veg area into the flowering area during the dark period. And when the lights are on I can redirect that veg area through a scrubber outside to avoid adding extra heat in the flowering room. All it would take is another timer and 4" fan. Has anyone done this? Could it create light leaks? Any input would be appreciated. Thank you so much!
You would have a hard time pulling this off without light leaks. The only way I see to do it is with a lot of S bend PVC or a darkroom louver. Either way you will have a higher static pressure to overcome, meaning that your veg room will not vent as efficiently and the temps will rise.

If you do decided to do this, I would use a relay instead of a second timer to control the second fan, timers are inaccurate,and when they get off from each other the switch will not be simultaneous.


I'm not positive, but I think those oil filled radiator heaters aren't too bad on the electric bill.

I used to vent my veg tent into my flower room, but I had too many problems with positive pressure and odor leaks.
I'm not positive, but I think those oil filled radiator heaters aren't too bad on the electric bill.

Thats what I use in a small (8' X 5') flower room. Mine has 2 heating elements with separate switches and a dial so I can use only one element at 50 % on the dial. This raises my temps to 64-68 F on a day when its in the low 20's outside. It also cycles on and off with the built-in thermostat. I figure its pulling 400 watts when on, which seems well worth it to me. I also have reversed day/night so lights are on at the coldest part of the 24 hour cycle. Hope this helps.
