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Heat Issue in 3 foot box


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Hey all,

I've been growing for 6 six years, mostly in winter and spring, but my recent seedlings are just a about 10 days old. They are pretty small, but normal in size. All the plants are getting yellow patches on the leafs. I've only had this yellowing issue in the hot summer. Nothing else about my grow equipment is any different than my winter grows.

Here's the scoop.

3 foot area used to germinate seed and veg plants under 24 hour light.
MG soil. It's been in use since November and has been refreshed with new soil.
Containers are 2 liter bottles
Lights are CFL 8x23 watts
No nutrients are ever given during veg growth.
Temps way up for me over 93.

Here's what I tried to fix the issue

Turn off a set of lights
Added a fan
Gave plenty of water

Here's what I can't do to fix issue

Add air conditioner

Here's what I am thinking

Raising the lights to decrease direct heat from lights.
Buying a block of dry ice. Place in front of fan to give plants cool air.
Shutting down perpetual grow of 8 months and start back up in October.
Move plants outside.

The obvious choice for a next step for me is to raise the lights, and deal with any stretch for the next 20 days. It's a perpetual grow and that pretty much means non stop production.

I'm just looking for advice from people who grow in micro. You guys are experts in the small area growing forums, and figure I would get the best advice here.

A catch. I am leaving for three days to the beach/casino Friday night with my mom and would work the best strategy(s) offered here by you, the Micro Grow Experts before I leave.

Will be back Monday Afternoon.

Cozy Amnesia

If it's just light bleaching, then back the plant away from the lights a bit.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow

I did that after posting earlier. I also figured 8 plants in about 3 feet of space was overkill. I usually have 6, but the last batch has same issue, but it wasn't as bad. I ended up with only 2 females. So I removed the worst 4 plants. Put 2 on each end of the box to give more space between lights, and raised the lights up several inches.

It was an easy fix, but posting the issue was a big help to finding a decent solution. They may be too far gone by Monday if the plants don't improve, I think I will cash them out and try again with only 4 plants instead of 8.

Keep the ideas coming. I'm not the only one who'll have heat problems this summer.


Grow like nobody is watching
Are you sure your ventilation system as a whole is designed optimally? A new hole cut here or a fan mounted in a different configuration there might make the difference? How about running co2? I used to put frozen water bottles near the intakes of a hot cab and it helped a bit, but it's a real drag and won't really fix things.

Actually, now I think about it :chin: isn't dry ice = co2?

Also another thing I tried is an Ice Fan, it's like a little box fan 1ft cube and it has two frozen bottles that slot into the back, and the bottles have big deep ridges to increase the surface area. Even less fun than the frozen bottles because they only last about 2 hours I think.

Cozy Amnesia

Glad to here my advice was helpful.

This may have helped in the shortrun, but if you're still having heat issues you need to get that fixed. Cannabis won't grow to well above 90*F.


I've been growing for 6 six years

I aint dissin bro but come on now, youve answered all the right questions in your first post

get to grips with them and bests



This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Something else came up. Not really a problem, more like a bonus. I harvest 2 plants and put the main stem with small buds back into flower. It's just the lower section of the main stem.

What can revegging do for me?
Will keeping the remains in flower help?

Thanks for all the input on "heat issue". Even if I don't find anything helpful, someone else may. I would love to have a better made cabinet with climate control, and humidor but that 500 to 10,000 bucks would be better spent elsewhere.

I have no planned ventilation. It's pretty plain set up. A box with removable door. I guess the ventilation system would include the spaces in the raised floor.

No exhaust. The air will escape on it's own through every gap, space or hole it can find.

Sometimes seeing the words on paper will spark the best solution. I agree. I had posted several solutions in my original post.

The Contraption:

The veg cabinet is a bookcase. The floor has slats, not a solid board. 3-4 about 1/2 apart. Now imagine a 3x3 piece of plywood leaning up against the opening of the bookcase.

My flower space is similar but is 5 feet tall and close to 16 square feet. It works the same way as the bookcase. It might have 7 nails to the whole thing. It's quite embarrassing until harvest time and the smoke out.

If anyone here had a crappier set up with no exhaust, ventilation, circulation, and plenty of light leaks, I dare them to step forward. It's works for me and I never have any problems with light leaks fudging up my buds. I only get the annual heat issues in the summer time.

The Goods:

I have a current set of 5 plants in harvest. 2 down 3 to go. One comes down Friday before I take off. The others come down when ever I feel like harvesting the. I have buds drying. By the time the harvest is finished and dry, I'll have 2-3 ounces.

I have 2 plants in flower to be harvested around August 7th. These plants have branching where the other 5 were main cola and main stem buds. I also put the remains of the main stem back in flowering box. No reveg, just reflower. There are buds on these 6 inch stems, and hoping to get another 6-10 grams.

Finally, I have the now 4 plants in veg. Those would be flowered as the other plants are harvested in August. At which time I would star 4 more seeds.

Sorry for all the words. Enjoy. Trolls welcome. You need a place to vent as well....


Trolls welcome.

if thats aimed at me dude? I feel iv done some good inspireing you:laughing:

Iv been where your at 20 times dude.....it makes you a desant weed grower' fact

and when i get off this hundred day cured bluemoonshine il review the thread! see if i came across wrong and apoligies if I did.

bests with a solution......cmoon


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
No one has said anything wrong. As for the bluemoonshine. I just smoked for the 1st time in over a month about 45 minutes ago. I guess I should have mentioned that somewhere. Shouldn't go around judging potheads. Some of us don't smoke all the time. I wouldn't compare them either. We're not all, like, the same.


Temps way up for me over 93.

All the plants are getting yellow patches on the leafs.

No nutrients are ever given during veg growth.

id certainly say these 3 things are strongly connected.

your right where not all the same, but you quoted youve 6 years growing experience but aint sure whats wrong:wallbash:

anyways bests with the grow.......cmoon


what type of cfl's are you using?

If you aren't using "daylight" white/blue spectrum bulb, I would suggest switching to them..the "warm" yellow/red will put off much more heat then the daylights...also the daylight bulbs are better for veg/young growth.

sorry i can't remember the bulb temp ratings....kelvin or whatever..damned short term memory loss :p


Grow like nobody is watching
Daylight is 6500k I think
Natural is 5000, the ones I use

Both wicked for veg although I think my vegging bulbs are hotter than the equivalent warm whites.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
About seed runs from previous post. I only do them when I start a new pack of seeds. and I've done 4 since November. Right now it's all WW and all sensimilla.

They are daylight bulbs. The issue(s) are from lack of water and too much heat. Stupid job. I was working 12 hours a day until they got things settled, now it's 11am to 6pm, and I have time to actually tend the garden.

I haven't checked the plants today, but last night it looked like 3 of the plants put off new growth. The other plant looked too far gone to revive.

My last harvest was Aurora Indica and it didn't do anything for me. I don't even smoke it but have a 1/4 of it laying around. I was disappointed. White Widow is awesome. 1-2 hits for me and I get high.

Would rather keep this perpetual grow moving over shutting her down for a few months. So if I can get a couple into flower, I'll germinate a few more seeds in August.

Feel free to use this thread for other chat. I'm leaving for a weekend weekend to the beach/casino in a few hours.

Going to check and raise lights, soak well with water, and maybe even harvest a plant. I'm on the fence with picking a plant and could go either way. Leaving it in the cabinet/thing will prevent sister from smoking it. I'll leave her a decent "J". Would ask her to watch plants, but don't want here to get involved.

K+ to all...


This is the money you could be saving if you grow

I'm back from Mississippi and the casino. I lost about 300.00 but my mom had a great time. Only 3 days though.

Before I left, I soaked the plants and raised the lights in the veg box. When I got back, the 4 plants in there had revived. Also the temps are back down in the low 70's.

Love the weather.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I wanted to let you know that the heat is gone. Removing lights from the cabinet really made the day. 3 of the 4 plants are very healthy looking and 1 is stunted. CFL's can put out a lot of heat in smaller spaces. The weather is 15 degrees cooler too.

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