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heat build up...help please......



hello everyone i am a new grower problem is i went & bought all this stuff & temps still too high i have one of these bud boxes 1mtrx 1mtrx 2mtrs..400watt adjusta wing large aqaufarm..systemair lti extractor 5in rvk a1 250m3/hour..& temps are still too high its about..85f..so thinkin of building new grow room so if anybody can help with what size of room for a 400watt & 125 extractor fan...thanx alza.... :joint:


ALZA - is the 400W an aircoolable hood? That is the best thing you can do if you dont have one already.

As far as the room exhaust besides the light fixture, are you bringing cool air in from the bottom and exhausting it at the top? What about your passive intakes? They need to be twice the size of the exhaust outtake for optimal flow. When measuring the size, you need to measure the area of the circle (intake and outake). Formula for that is 3.1459265 x Radius Squared.

Just some basic thoughts for ya... not sure if it helps. 85 isnt perfect but it would work still.



hi thanks for reply

hi thanks for reply

hi the grow tent has three 20inx4in vents on each wall at the bottom hot air is vented into attic fresh air comes in threw bedroom window...thinkin on building new grow room but dont no what size to make it for 400watt with scrog...the light i have is not air cooled may try & get one thanx for the help..... :joint:


it would seem like a lot of work to build a new one cause you could make this one work with the air cooled hood. That will bring the temps down 5-10 degrees. If it's feasible to switch out the hood for an air cool model - that's what I would do. Get some dryer duct, some flanges and another exhaust fan and you will be good to go.
I guess it's a question of cost.

Good luck -you'll get it down


hmmm - was that you asking about that the other day? I saw a post about it. I havent made one of those before. I guess you could build a box to fit over/in front of the window. Paint the inside black and then run your duct up to a hole in the bottom of box. If the duct bends alot there is no way the light will get through it. Or if it is shorter you could paint the inside of the tube black - that kills light cause it cant reflect

those pipes on the back of mine are just two pvc elbow joints stuck together at opposite angles, then I spray painted the insides black. works well for the little rig i have right now.


Alza06 -

What is the room temperature that you have the garden in? An extractor fan can only keep the garden as cool as the surrounding air. For example, my house is still about 80F. With the lights on in the garden, my extractor blower can keep the garden at about 83-84F.

As m.steelers said, adding an air-cooled hood to your light would help a lot. You need to extract the air from the top of the garden (since that's where the heat rises & accumulates) and bring in the cool air from the bottom.

What type of exhaust fan is the one you have? I ask because in-line type duct fans are primarily intended to be used as boosters for already moving air. They usually have two air extraction ratings - one for air that is already moving that is a higher number (and the one the manufacturer likes to put in big type) and one for the fan pulling still air (which is much lower than the first number). Normally a "blower" will pull more air than a "fan" will; but they are also more expensive.




hi the fan i have is lti rvk 125 a1 250m3/hour...temps i room goes from 73f to 80f & growroom goes higher so air cooled probaly wont work because of room temp


air cooled will work still. you're pulling hot air away from the bulb and out of the room. you'll get a 5degree reduction in the tent i guarantee it. keep in mind your temps arent THAT bad. I flower between 80 and 85 with no problems, shit is dense as hell too.




thanks for link the shades in link are not avalible in the uk..thanx anyway i will get there in the end but when i start i will post pics thanks.alza...... :joint: :wave:


I think what you showed will be just as good or better bro - I just never used one of those but people do swear by them. keep us updated.


i will give it a go

i will give it a go

hi m will give it a go with new cool shade will get it next week will post results going to try ss chronic or white russian....... :joint: :wave:

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