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Heart Angina


New member
Hi all! was wondering if ne one has been diagnosed with angina of any kind? if so how has it affected your life, how is it being treated.


Active member

Yep, I did. Just got home yesterday from the hospital. Had to stay there six days. It's all a very long story. I ended up having a heart attack. Got two stents put in on Saturday and then two more on Tuesday. No more PAIN my chest. So far so good, but there's always a chance this method won't work for me over the long term. If that turns out to be the case then the only thing left is a bypass of those bad arteries. If you smoke cigarettes, STOP NOW. Next, read about plaque and cholesterol. Some people may not have much of a choice but others do. It also depends on what's causing the angina. It's not always the heart but most of the time it is. Not proud of it but I've smoked for 45 years. It's done an unknown amount of damage. Never thought I would have a heart attack though.


New member
wow! i smoke ciggarettes and am trying very hard to quit, havent smoked herb in a cple weeks. Guess i need to go to the hospital, lol. i dnt have insurance or a regualr income, ive been hem hawing around about it for a cple weeks.


Active member
If I knew you were speaking of yourself I would have told you immediately, go to the hospital NOW ! The longer you wait the worse this could become. If it hurts, you're already out of time. Do it now, it may just be nothing, but it could be something that could take your life very quickly. Please, stop horsing around with it. Be brave and step up to the plate, go and have it checked !! Do me one other favor, when you get back, post here and let us know what's up, OK ?


Active member
Angina can be brought on from anxiety, but sometimes it can bubble parts of the heart or arteries and stretch them.

That is basically leading to a heart attack if you're not healthy.

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