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Health of Monther Plants

I have four mother plants who's health has been less than wonderful for the last two weeks. They have been slowly growing greener and stronger and the new growth looks good. This sucks because my camera is currently acting up as well. They stems are still purple and they seem to have a slight nitrogen defficiency but I can't feed them for a couple more days. I'm wondering if I can take clones now or if the clones would already be too stressed to make it worth my time. Any help would be great, in a bit of a time crunch, it's either take clones or send these mothers through hell and back. (Still stuck on this rock they call an island)


full time daddy
it would be best for the clones to feed the moms first but if you have to.... by god take your cut's..... :) why cant you feed them
The soil was still very moist, I've been told to let it dry out before feeding. I just fed them today and let them play on the front porch for a few hours (beautiful day here). I'm definately taking clones, but now the question is how long should I wait? and what method should I use to clone?


her dankness
If you're about to take clones, I'd do the last feeding with a bloom fert (higher P) rather than a veg fert (higher N).
Use any method that has worked for you in the past, but an illustrated guide to a way that I have found foolproof is here-

Remember that stable temperatures are of utmost importance when using a prop dome, to avoid condensation and mold. Also forget the part about using nursery 6-pax. They seem to slow rooting and allow air to stagnate and the RRs stand up on their own if ya flip them upside down ;)
I'm foolish, and for my ignorance I apologize to everyone at icmag. I just today realized how horribly misplaced this thread is. Please forgive this foolishness.


Lol,don't sweat it bro.This is a stoners retreat.We are expected to do things like that.
How are those moms?