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Health Canada pulling the plug on growing for profit.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Health Canada Pulls the Plug on Growing

Health Canada appears ready to make things a lot worse for medical cannabis users.
Proposed amendments to the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations will take away both legal options patients have to produce their own medicine. More drug companies will be granted authority to produce and distribute cannabis. Some of the amendments may improve a patient’s ability to access cannabis products, but there is no guarantee that they will work. Time will tell.
Court decisions, political pressure, and complaints from stakeholders have forced Health Canada to admit that there are serious problems with the current situation. Unfortunately, the government has decided to stop the only part of the program that was even coming close to meeting the needs of patients.
Even more frustrating is the mock consultations Health Canada has announced. When the government first announced they were beginning a public process to accept feedback on the MMAR on Thurs. June 16, it seemed they were genuinely interested in reviewing the program to make it work better for everyone. The next day proposed amendments were released outlining Health Canada’s plans to stop granting patients legal permission to grow their own medicine, and open the market to pharmaceutical companies.
It is obvious sick people are the last to have a chance to formally comment on the problems created by the MMAR. Ironically, patient needs appear to be at the bottom of the government’s list of priorities.
Last year, Health Canada began holding meetings with so-called “stakeholders.” Who all the stakeholders are is not clear. It is clear that police, doctors, pharmacists, medical associations, bureaucrats, and lawyers were given ample opportunity to comment upon problems they had with the MMAR, and the measures they would like to see for improvements. There may have been meetings with patients, but to my knowledge the recent call for comments on the proposed amendments is the only formal notification that Health Canada is seeking input from license holders or the general public.
A small handful of medical dispensaries and designated growers were contacted by Health Canada last year when these changes were being considered. Meetings were held in Vancouver, Toronto, and Halifax. Details are sketchy, but it seems Health Canada revealed little about their intentions during these meetings. Officials listened to the concerns and opinions of club operators and growers, but apparently did not say much about their agenda.
One of the participants, John Cook, founder of the Halifax chapter of the Cannabis Buyers’ Clubs of Canada, recalls “Health Canada was looking, and seemed to actually listen—not sure though—to any suggestion/comment to improve the program. They asked our biggest concerns with the program at that time.”
It should be noted that in the last year Health Canada has shortened the time it takes for patients to receive their licenses. Last year, waiting times were months longer than the four to six weeks that Health Canada normally allows themselves to process an application.
Though it seems almost all of the concerns raised by cannabis activists were ignored in the first series of meetings, Health Canada has started organizing a second round of meetings with club operators in Montreal, Vancouver, and Toronto. We received an email on June 22, my 42nd birthday, inviting a single representative from our club to attend one of these private meetings to discuss the amendments to the MMAR. It almost felt like a gift from Stephen Harper.
Of course, I have no illusions that Health Canada is actually interested in what any cannabis activist has to say. These bureaucrats decided their course of action long ago. The only reason for these meetings is so Health Canada can claim to have listened to the concerns of advocates and patients when defending the amendments in court. Their hope is that by giving medical dispensaries an opportunity to comment upon the proposed changes, the public will think that clubs support the end of personal grow-ops in favour of commercial ventures.
There is one sure way for patients, dispensaries, and interested members of the public to make it clear that the proposed MMAR amendments are unacceptable. We need large crowds of patients and protesters outside of the building when each of these meetings are taking place. Officials at Health Canada should not be allowed to conduct private meetings with single individuals from different groups for the purpose of hearing comments on the proposed amendments. Open forums, where the public can listen to advocates state their case and hear the government’s response, are not hard to organize and would give the process a sense of transparency that is otherwise totally lacking.
Medical cannabis dispensary representatives also need to make it clear that taking the legal right to grow your own medicine away is contrary to the health of the patient. Many individuals with serious medical problems still have the physical ability and financial resources to grow their own cannabis. This healthy activity provides successful growers with plenty of inexpensive herb, at no cost to the government, giving patients full control over the strains they grow.
Once a grow-op is properly built, it can provide years of low-cost, high quality medicine. Health Canada currently does nothing to help people who have received a license to grow—no advice, no cautions, no helpful tips, nothing more than a card and piece of paper for the door of the grow room. While smaller grow-ops do not have the efficiencies of larger operations, personal gardens give patients enormous amounts of satisfaction.
Other patients have partners, children, or parents who are ready, willing, and able to grow this medicine for them. Compassionate caregivers would happily comply with reasonable health and safety regulations, if it meant they could provide this herb for their patient. Taking the legal right to grow medicine away from patients and their caregivers is unacceptable.
Many people who currently produce their own medicine will needlessly suffer if Health Canada proceeds to force patients to buy their legal medicine from drug companies through the mail. There is no way for the government to control the price, and distribution will apparently be through the mail only, so most patients will go back to the street if they are not able to continue to grow their own.
There is no doubt many people who have built nice facilities to supply themselves with medicine will not cut down the plants when their license does not get renewed. It is easy to assume the police will visit everyone who had a license to grow cannabis. The result will be hundreds of trials across the country where lawyers will argue whether or not we have the right to grow our own medicine.
This appears to be part of the Conservative Party’s strategy. The newly elected majority Conservative government does not seem concerned about the costs about to be incurred as a result of their tough on crime bills. They will not care how much the legal costs will be when they try to take people’s licenses away, as their agenda is to throw everyone who grows cannabis in jail.
Mandatory minimum jail sentences of six months for as few as six plants, and 18 months for making hashish or pot cookies, were close to becoming law while the Conservatives had a minority government. Now that they have almost full control of the Canadian Government, these zealots are prepared to throw patients in jail for defying these horrific amendments.
After years of being criticized for only having one strain available, it appears Health Canada has started to recognize the fact that different types of cannabis have unique effects. Advocates have known this for years, with many patients and their caregivers developing strains over the years that help with their specific medical challenges. Under the new system drug companies will be able to grow many types of cannabis, though it is not clear how many drug companies Health Canada is prepared to license to grow, or how many strains each company is required to develop.
No one reading this article will have a chance to get one of the contracts from Health Canada to grow. A long list of requirements to get the contract will likely include expensive security measures, irradiation equipment, extensive education within the executive and laboratory experience in extracting drugs from plants. It would surprise if more than two or three drug companies were given the opportunity to produce cannabis. Whoever gets in the program will have no trouble growing better medicine than Prairie Plant Systems, which is one possible positive outcome of these amendments.
Another change that could produce positive results is the plan to have forms available with all doctors that would be simple and easy for physicians to sign. Time will tell if this is an improvement or a measure that will actually place another roadblock for patients to overcome when trying to convince reluctant doctors to sign the forms. Not being required to send information to Health Canada may make some doctors more willing to sign the documents necessary to obtain legal cannabis, but not many.
The most positive amendment should have been made 10 years ago when the program was introduced. Compiling peer-reviewed scientific literature on the medical uses of cannabis should have been a top priority all along. Soon after establishing a minority government five years ago, the Conservatives cut all funding to research the medical uses of cannabis. Meanwhile, studies on cannabis, extracts, and endo-cannabinoids are being done around the world. Until now, Canadian doctors have had to rely upon information they discovered themselves, most often because of a patient’s inquiry.
Cannabis extracts were not mentioned in the recently announced amendments. This means patients who prefer to use hash, honey oil, edible or topical cannabis products face the risk of being prosecuted for production of an illegal drug. Cannabis resin, THC, CBD, and CBN are all listed as separate drugs in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
Perhaps nothing highlights Health Canada’s real intentions more than the exclusion of these extracts from the MMAR. While they allow drug companies to profit selling synthetic THC at $8 per pill, Health Canada seems content to allow the criminal justice system to punish patients who have learned to manage their symptoms by eating or topically applying cannabis butters and vegetable oils.
Eating properly made cannabis products can dramatically control a wide range of medical symptoms. By selling edible and topical cannabis products at the lowest price possible, the Cannabis Buyers’ Clubs of Canada has helped hundreds of patients cut down, or eliminate, prescription drug use and improve their health. Seeing is truly believing, and after over 15 years of selling cannabis medicines, I am firmly convinced of the extraordinary healing powers of this plant. I also understand the power of greed. Pharmaceutical companies are threatened by the existence of cannabis because they have developed drugs according to an expensive process of regulation and testing and the widespread use of a herb people could grow in their backyard could seriously affect their bottom line. Medical marijuana grown in greenhouses and cooked in kitchens around the world would have a massive impact upon prescription drug use rates.
That is why the pharmaceutical industry wants Health Canada to open the legal market for large-scale production, by eliminating personal and small-scale producers. If cannabis is going to be legally available as a medicine, you can bet these drug companies want as much control as possible, especially if sales in other drugs could plummet. Ultimately, not only are these amendments flawed and the MMAR dysfunctional, but the prohibition of cannabis outright is the main problem we face. So long as recreational users are punished for growing or using this plant, there will be massive problems with the distribution of cannabis as medicine.
Though Health Canada is only asking for comments on the proposed amendments, I believe cannabis advocates should take every opportunity to inform government officials about the broad failure of cannabis prohibition and its impacts upon the distribution of this herb as medicine. Since the use of cannabis as medicine has become firmly established, the issue of how it is to be produced and distributed is what is really being fought over here.
Medical cannabis dispensaries currently act as illegal sanctuaries for victims of the drug war. Raids across the country in 2010 seem to indicate the RCMP, Public Prosecution Services of Canada, Department of Justice, Health Canada, and politicians are ready to test the validity of these clubs. Many of these clubs facing trials, including the CBC of C, have been invited to discuss these proposed amendments, even though there are no provisions that would allow us to operate.
Indeed, these amendments seem designed to prepare the public to shut down all medical cannabis dispensaries across the country in favour of mail-order, irradiated herb grown for-profit by large corporations. It is unlikely the Government of Canada will change any of its plans because of what we say in these behind-closed-doors meetings, as Leona Aglukkaq, Canada’s Health Minister has already made it clear it is their intention to shut down personal medical grow-ops.
The introduction of these amendments makes it difficult for the government to argue that the MMAR is working, and that compassion clubs are not justified in operating under the circumstances. If anything, these amendments are confirmation that clubs are needed, at least until the government establishes a working model. Of course, the best working model would include locally controlled facilities that are subsidized by recreational users, but the courts cannot seem to force the government to do that.
Courts can throw out charges against medical cannabis providers, which is exactly what they have consistently done for over 10 years when a proper defence has been mounted.
This is exactly what we predict will happen on Jan. 16, 2012, when the 20-day jury trial of Owen Smith will begin. Owen was making edible and topical products for the Cannabis Buyers’ Clubs of Canada when the police came to the door of a downtown Victoria apartment in Dec. 2009. Lawyer Kirk Tousaw will argue that the charges of possession of THC for the purposes of trafficking should not only be dropped because the MMAR is unconstitutional, but that the prohibition of cannabis in general should be struck down due to the continued failure of our government to create a functional medical cannabis program.
Everyone concerned about these issues should read the proposed amendments themselves, and send their comments to Health Canada. It is my hope that there will be many protests organized by local, grassroots activists connected to dispensaries and head shops in the three cities these private meetings are being held. Patients holding on to their plants outside the doors of these behind-closed-doors meetings would give the media and public a perfect visual picture. After all, it is just a plant.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Cannabis Digest is the source lol I must have deleted that out lol. Anyways although I think Ted Smith the authors heart is in the right place I do think he is dreaming about our doctors here in Canada as I don't know one doc that cares about cannabis as a herb in it's natural state. Well I take that back I know one doc that will give you a lic now that one in all of Canada now that is pretty pathetic. Now Cesamet or somthing they are going to make somthing ca$h off of that would be another story but if they can't get somthing out of it they don't give two shits. Just my own personal observation so far peace out Headband707
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Active member
Gardening is by itself a medicine. It is healing to the mind, body and spirit. Growing one's own medication should never be outlawed.

First because of the very nature of cannabis. The plant itself is so diverse there is no way anyone but the patient can decide which individual plant works best in conjunction with their own body. By eliminating their ability to decide for themselves which plant to keep for longterm benefits they are being deprived of the right to choose their medication.

Secondly is cost. Once dependent upon commercial sources for medication the patient will be limited in not only choice but affordability. Cannabis can grow under many conditions and in most cases could be free for many patients were they allowed to grow and stockpile for longterm use their medications.

Third is quality. An individual growing a plant for their own consumption has the ability to choose the methods that plant was grown by and how it was processed. A company growing for mass scale production would in most cases adhere to minimal standards set forth by the industry. With the variety of cannabis and lack of industrial standards or records many people would recieve medication that is inferior to anything they themselves could produce.

There are a plethora of reasons to allow the private sector to grow Cannabis Sativa L. for another human being to tell me I can't put a seed in dirt for my own use is against the very laws of nature.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Cannabis Digest is the source lol I must have deleted that out lol. Anyways although I think Ted Smith the authors heart is in the right place I do think he is dreaming about our doctors here in Canada as I don't know one doc that cares about cannabis as a herb in it's natural state. Well I take that back I know one doc that will give you a lic now that one in all of Canada now that is pretty pathetic. Now Cesamet or somthing they are going to make somthing ca$h off of that would be another story but if they can't get somthing out of it they don't give two shits. Just my own personal observation so far peace out Headband707

Thank you. It is about time that one should do something about this.

Mahatma Gandhi wrested control of the salt industry and ultimately the British Empire's control of India by announcing a march to the sea, where he was going to engage in civil disobedience (break the law) by making his own salt. The rest is history.

Of course during that time some of the protesters were killed but I have my doubts that the evening news would be flattering with disabled persons using wheelchairs being clubbed for say..making cold water extract..or cooking brownies...I've got a wheelchair and an email address.
Just saying....

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Gardening is by itself a medicine. It is healing to the mind, body and spirit. Growing one's own medication should never be outlawed.

First because of the very nature of cannabis. The plant itself is so diverse there is no way anyone but the patient can decide which individual plant works best in conjunction with their own body. By eliminating their ability to decide for themselves which plant to keep for longterm benefits they are being deprived of the right to choose their medication.

Secondly is cost. Once dependent upon commercial sources for medication the patient will be limited in not only choice but affordability. Cannabis can grow under many conditions and in most cases could be free for many patients were they allowed to grow and stockpile for longterm use their medications.

Third is quality. An individual growing a plant for their own consumption has the ability to choose the methods that plant was grown by and how it was processed. A company growing for mass scale production would in most cases adhere to minimal standards set forth by the industry. With the variety of cannabis and lack of industrial standards or records many people would recieve medication that is inferior to anything they themselves could produce.

There are a plethora of reasons to allow the private sector to grow Cannabis Sativa L. for another human being to tell me I can't put a seed in dirt for my own use is against the very laws of nature.

I actually could not agree more with your points but this is just not going to cut the butter with these assholes..
#1 they will say then grow any garden and leave cannabis out of it.
#2 they will say how sick are you that you can grow a garden?
#3 they ask how healthy is the cannabis you grow , We want to see it does it have any mold etc? are you a good grower do you screw up houses and or your living enviornment to grow.
These are all ligitimate questions that for some need to be addressed.. Not everyone is good at growing or atleast knowing how to grow and how to vent a house.. It is one thing to grow cannabis isn't a whole other thing to grow mold in your rafters.. lol...
This being said we have come a long way and the net has taught most of us much more then we could have ever hoped and no one wants to get sick in their house or have mold on their bud and it's been a long time since I have seen or tasted mold.

I think it's important to realize that these guys are not our parents and they really need to stop acting as though they are. That shit is getting old fast.
but yeah bra I couldn't agree with you more lol peace out Headband707:)

I get that this is not a political board and I'm not talking politics here but this whole following the US's drug policies really needs to stop here in Canada as I for one am so sick of this shit now.. the Canadian gov can kiss my :moon:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Thank you. It is about time that one should do something about this.

Mahatma Gandhi wrested control of the salt industry and ultimately the British Empire's control of India by announcing a march to the sea, where he was going to engage in civil disobedience (break the law) by making his own salt. The rest is history.

Of course during that time some of the protesters were killed but I have my doubts that the evening news would be flattering with disabled persons using wheelchairs being clubbed for say..making cold water extract..or cooking brownies...I've got a wheelchair and an email address.
Just saying....

Yeah but who won on the salt war ultimately? lol...
I would not have believed that the US's DEA would have gotten such a foothold here and been able to do the damage they have been able to do but I was very wrong. This is not the place I remember and I don't see it ever going back to that as long as they are here controling things and I see that there has been an agenda the whole time and that is to get the ca$h into their pockets one way or the other and sick ppl be damned. I hope this is a David a Goliath fight cause we all know how that turned out lol peace out Headband707:dance013:



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Yeah but who won on the salt war ultimately? lol...


Why do you have such a need to say lol after everything you say? I do believe I stated the British were ousted...much more than a salt war...right?

I guess there is no hope in rallying the masses who are triping potheads eh?


never fear, we have HOPE and CHANGE here in the states right? the good ole usa is starting to crumble. douche bags ruined my country.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Why do you have such a need to say lol after everything you say? I do believe I stated the British were ousted...much more than a salt war...right?

I guess there is no hope in rallying the masses who are triping potheads eh?

LOL perhaps I find many things funny and the lol is expressing that ... Yeah the British were ousted and here is one more big LOL on that statement too..
Just like they are ousted here in Canada or even the USA lol..Thats why I have to look at her face on my money everyday right? You have heard of Royal decree's right? Well they still stand today ,so perhaps were still listening to these asshole when we shouldn't.

As far as rallying the masses you do whatever YOU think is going to change this bro and good luck to you.. peace out Headband707:)

headband 707

Plant whisperer
You know to say the whole fucking world is going down hill fast is an understatement obviously and without getting political here it's obvious atleast to me why and how this has happened with extremely corrupt Governments around the world taking advantage of their ppl.These actions of these Gov are nothing new it's just all coming to a head now because it is so wrong and twisted. That being said it's up to you to find the right path and not hurt anyone and make it better cause these guys have really screwed it up and everyone is really to blame through ignorance or not wanting to see. After reading the Georgia Straight article about Fukushima Fallout we are in big trouble here so we better figure this shit out peacefully and try and fix the fucking mess we have left this world in. Cannabis is for peace and if they can't see that then there is somthing wrong here..peace out Headband707

headband 707

Plant whisperer
wouldnt it be nice if they told big pharma the same thing?

Oh yes it would be..but I do believe it's Big Pharma that gives them their paychecks so you know they are in bed together one way or the other..So very twisted the more you know ..peace out Headband707:comfort:


Active member
#1 they will say then grow any garden and leave cannabis out of it.
#2 they will say how sick are you that you can grow a garden?
#3 they ask how healthy is the cannabis you grow , We want to see it does it have any mold etc? are you a good grower do you screw up houses and or your living enviornment to grow.
These are all ligitimate questions that for some need to be addressed.. Not everyone is good at growing or atleast knowing how to grow and how to vent a house.. It is one thing to grow cannabis isn't a whole other thing to grow mold in your rafters..
#1 If I grow medicinals in my garden it is twice as healing right? ;)

#2 I don't need to have cancer to want to prevent it. (There are plenty of other medical uses besides being an ANTI-CANCER agent when consumed orally!)

#3 The big debate. Many points could be made on both sides. In the U.S. most of them would fall under constitutional issues.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
#1 If I grow medicinals in my garden it is twice as healing right? ;)

#2 I don't need to have cancer to want to prevent it. (There are plenty of other medical uses besides being an ANTI-CANCER agent when consumed orally!)

#3 The big debate. Many points could be made on both sides. In the U.S. most of them would fall under constitutional issues.

Bra if there is one thing I have learned from these guys it's that they just don't play fair .. If I say black they say white and if I say okay white they say nah grey. So this is one game I have had enough of as I have played these stupid games before and when it comes to these guys they will win or make sure you lose.
When I look at how long we have known this info and how stiffled it has been by our own Gov. I am not only disappointed but I now understand that they will not let you win because they think there is cash attached to it and this is what they are always looking for.
Personally I'm sick of this fight they have made a mockery of this whole thing and proven that no matter what they say now they are NOT to be trusted. If this is the type of Gov we have to fight everyday then I would rather move then let them have anymore dominion over me. peace out Headband707:)
Health Canada - a rant

Health Canada - a rant

Welcome to the Unites States of Harper.

sorry for this rant..i now get to speak without the need for
proper grammar and or self control

A family member with license, needed to travel via 2 major Canadian airports.This being AFTER Health Canada stopped distributing photo ID cards.

Two Letters from my attorney later, requesting information on the procedure for medical marijuana and airport travel with a giant folded paper fucking permit. No photo ID card and travelling through 4 security screenings at 2 major airports.

How about a paper passport ?
a paper gun permit ? ( a gun permit might come in handy when they come to arrest you for growing ONE plant , and plan to give you a mandatory 6 month jail sentence )

Luckily our pathetic excuse for an airport security system didn't sniff the cookies in her mobility aid. I told my family member that, if she was stopped, to punch the first fucker who tried to touch her medicine, as Health Canada obviously doesn't give a fuck about it's sick "patients" and doesn't offer any help or return anything but the simplest of phone calls

I have followed up with 2 more registered letters, ( including one addressing the 14 days that exemptees had to comment on the proposed changes ) 14 days !!!
It took 2 years to change a street name in this city and the fuckers at Health Canada gave SICK CANADIANS 14 days.

4 months and 4 letters later..not a SINGLE REPLY from Health Canada...NOTHING.

This has nothing to do with how busy they are. To put this in perspective, During the 4 months of attempts to contact Health Canada, OTHER than the glorified phone clerk who returns calls after a week, we have received no response, yet in that time frame, I applied for and received my own permit.

Absolutely hilarious.

Please flood Health Canada with emails addressed to the current director, Ms. Jeannine Ritchot and also our most beloved and Coca Cola drinking dip wad of a Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

How can you trust anyone who drinks that crap daily ?
Caffeine was ranked higher than marijuana in the harm scale, by Henningfield Benowitz ( see attachment )
This means that, since Steven Harper consumes beverages that contain elevated levels of caffeine, he himself is in need of a drug treatment plan. Any more than 1 Coca Cola a day ( a street value of $ 250,000.00 ) and Harper gets 6 months in jail.

Perhaps we should raise money so we can get our Prime Minister admitted to a private American drug treatment centre, since there are ZERO long term, cost free rehab centres in this country that don't have a 3 year waiting list. While we are at it, we can send him to FAT CAMP, where he can join Dick Cheny, jogging on the beach, and where he can learn to shrink his man breasts by allowing impoverished 3rd world countries to suckle the fat from his teats

Health Canada unconstitutionally denying requests concerning medical and security issues. If our provincial government refused to return my serious calls concerning my provincial health benefits card, the shit would hit the fan.

Please PM me if there are any more canadians interested in a class action suit to challenge several areas where the government IS and WILL break the constitutional charter of rights and freedoms. I am in the process of contacting more exemptees and working to get a " Pro Bono " case going. We are looking for a Canadian law firm to work pro bono, on what we feel will be an excellent challenge to the proposed changes to the medical marijuana laws.

RE proposed cultivation changes. As we all know : An exemptee growing a small garden for themselves, can spend 150.00 a month on hydro, and after it is established, can maintain a constant crop for less than 80 dollars a month in supplies ( soil and or hydroponic etc. ) of course some people spend NOTHING, using composted soil etc.

If the daily dose is 5 grams, that's 5 ounces a month. At dispensary prices it puts medication out of the reach of most Canadians.
We have the right to produce medicine that keeps us alive.

I cannot believe that Canadians voted for a Prime Minister and a political party, that had just ILLEGALLY refused to answer any questions in committee regarding budgets for proposed prison reforms and other ridiculous new world order

The government was found in contempt of parliament.
The same party was elected some months later !
In some European countries the offending political party would be dissolved and criminal charges laid...

This sounds very similar to a crafty little fucker called George Bush who stole the presidential election, ended a legal vote recount, and continued with Anslinger type policies toward drugs and war.
Since these are not allegations, and there is complete proof what went down,I think a few countries would call that "treason."

Remember :

The only thing up Obama's ass these days, is Steven Harpers nose.
If there are barely two thousand cultivation permits in Canada,
Inspecting these grows is the simplest, most cost effective way to deal with this.

If the government is worried about organized crime involvement, from the extremely low number of permits..why don't they use the hugely budgeted Anti Gang task force. ?
What is the organized crime unit there for ? ..... target practice ?

Our oath to the proposed laws :

We are sick
We don't care


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Active member
so basically the little guy can never make money doing anything...and you gotta be a big corporate backed pharma company with millions/billions of dollars to make money..

pretty much sums up how things work in this day and age.....
that is the way it seems.
The new government is telling us what "Canadians" want, but they have never actually asked ANY member of the public , what it is that is needed.

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