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heady blunt's] coming out party 2011!!


nice bush heady :tree:
I gave my non-green thumbed friend a widow clone this spring too, gotta go check it out sometime, its been months! hope it looks like yours, if you can grow organic indoors, outdoors is no problem.


Alchemical Botanist
that trunks is sweet looking. mid late september? That's good weather still just about everywhere. :)

heady blunts

prescription blunts
i forgot to include this picture from the first couple days in the 5 gal under that big hps in the sky :D

from humble beginnings...


heady blunts

prescription blunts

earlier in the week i had checked in on the plant and noticed some stippling, so i took the pictures from the last update, did a little pruning, and applied a healthy top dressing of EWC about 1" thick and 18" in diameter around the trunk.

when i got there today to give her a little lavender fpe shower, she looked great! i believe the EWC top dressing helps the plant's natural defenses against the mites and is super effective!

anyway she's looking gorgeous. i moved up to a chair from my friends table for scale :D also check out my sweet new sprayer. i dunno how i made it this long without one of these!



end of the first week of flowering. most of the bottom half of the plant is showing flowers.


silver hawaiian

Active member

earlier in the week i had checked in on the plant and noticed some stippling, so i took the pictures from the last update, did a little pruning, and applied a healthy top dressing of EWC about 1" thick and 18" in diameter around the trunk.

when i got there today to give her a little lavender fpe shower, she looked great! i believe the EWC top dressing helps the plant's natural defenses against the mites and is super effective!

anyway she's looking gorgeous. i moved up to a chair from my friends table for scale :D also check out my sweet new sprayer. i dunno how i made it this long without one of these!

end of the first week of flowering. most of the bottom half of the plant is showing flowers.

Yes, but be careful - I've heard that an abundance of N can help contribute to PM-friendly-environments, .. And FWIW, when I noticed my mini PM outbreak, it was just a few days after a LIBERAL (perhaps too liberal) top dress of EWC..

Of course, you're outside, lots of differences in environment, .. Just a general word of caution. :tiphat:

I dig the sprayer. It's what I use for the veggies outside, for Organicide and the like..
HB, nice work. Lavendar works great, huh? My dandelion FPE really has made my plants stand up and reach for the sky. Gotts love FPE - I'm a recent convert. Keep up the nice work!


I would love to get in on this outdoor organic blessed by our summer solstis..watchin for sure, stellar work heady! ! Keep on takin care of your lady Bro.

silver hawaiian

Active member

Super jealous of the freedom (well, what I perceive as..) on the situation w/ this outdoor broad.

Are you in a situation where it's 110% legal beagle, and she can be as out-in-the-open as you want?

I've got a semi-for-real master plan to eventually privacy-fence off the back yard, then a greenhouse, .. And then an outdoor lady or so. :D But even though I'm legal beagle myself, .. The climate here doesn't exactly make it without worry, .. Kinda f'd up, but that's another story, for another thread, ..


heady blunts

prescription blunts

Super jealous of the freedom (well, what I perceive as..) on the situation w/ this outdoor broad.

Are you in a situation where it's 110% legal beagle, and she can be as out-in-the-open as you want?

I've got a semi-for-real master plan to eventually privacy-fence off the back yard, then a greenhouse, .. And then an outdoor lady or so. :D But even though I'm legal beagle myself, .. The climate here doesn't exactly make it without worry, .. Kinda f'd up, but that's another story, for another thread, ..


my intent is always to stay well within the confines of my legal rights as a CA med patient.

both me and the friend hosting the plant have legitimate medical recommendations. the good people of the state of CA have decided it's within our rights to grow our own medicine.

this is on a second floor balcony, on the back of a privately owned house, off the street, with privacy screening. no schools nearby. only one plant. i feel legit :D

the only concern i have is if someone "follows their nose" in late flower and decides to rip us off. i'm hoping/betting that my friend's 110 lb dog will discourage any one that thinks about it :D

heady blunts

prescription blunts
kjz - thanks!

anti - always glad to have you!

labtec - you said it!

b_d - thanks!! also lol on the swamster joke :D

SM- thanks! me neither!

MFK - i love those FPEs they're just fun. i've got some dandelion in store for her. also currently fermenting some camelllia which i am very excited about.

schwagg - thanks!

WDI - that is exactly what i look like :greenstars:

3rd - thanks!

self - thanks! hope your friend is doing a good job!

most - thanks buddy!

DS - thanks!

CI - glad to have you!

BW - please join! :pass:

C2W - thanks!

GD - thanks!

des - you said it. i love this plant! she deserves some attention :D

BF44 - stay tuned!

habeeb - my friend drinks a rack of those a week. i like the occasional one, but only these hecho en mexico ones. they taste better and no corn syrup :D

CE - very glad to have your blessing :D

mad - that is very sweet :D

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