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Heading to Thailand


New member
Hi. I am heading to Phuket Thailand for two weeks in Feb and am looking for advice from anyone who`s been there regarding how much to pay for taxis, girls,and of course the local homegrown! Any input would be appreciated.Thanks.


sounds like a great vacation...

sounds like a great vacation...

I've never been there.

But I've read that a good strategy is to hook up with a girl and have her connect for the weed.


You mean local field-grown.

barnyard is spot on regarding finding weed.

Taxis will obviously depending on where you're going but you can expect 300-500 for most reasonable destinations, again depending on how far you're traveling.

As far as girls go it generally depends on where and how long, but 500 for a "short time" and 1000 for overnight is typical. If you find them at bars, expect to pay the owner a "fine" (another 400-500) for taking the girl out of the bar. If you have to pay more than that she must be either be very attractive, or you're not her type.

According to current exchange rates, 500b is about $16.55 USD.


New member
^ good call. You don't want to end up with a lady-man.

Regardless prostitutes are plenty available, hook up with one of them and use her to get your stuff. Buy small amounts and be very discreet, it's my understanding that Thai authorities are nobody to fuck with. (if you do get caught... pay the bribe and stay very, very calm. thai people do not appreciate outburts.)

Not to mention, the prostitute will be a local, familiar with who has what, at what price, etc. Surely less risky than asking around yourself.


Well it should be pretty obvious who's a girl and who's not, c'mon now. (Although I will admit that there is a much higher than expected tranny prostitute population in Thailand...).

Keep it simple, use common sense, and a little respect goes a long way.

Think with your right head, and make sure to use protection (condoms, dental dam, etc) every time, for every contact. HIV/STDs is supposedly a very high risk there. Resist the urge to kiss or make any type of fluid exchange. HIV isn't the only scary STD out there.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^hookers equal bad idea. might be diseased, and might rip you off. your better off hooking up with some hot tourist chick.


ICMag Donor
Phuket costs about $25 to get their in a boat leaving from pattaya.The trip from Bangkok to pattaya is about $30 by cabbie.

When buying things from vendors,never pay the price they offer you.Learn a few words to barter on price,and to ask how much something costs in thai.They always will raise the price,when selling something to a foreigner.

Tons of beautiful girls and cheaper prices in pattaya and phuket,verses higher prices in sukomvett in Bangkok city.

If you can spend a few days in Bangkok on your trip,ask someone who speaks english to write in thai "The weekend market" Known as the Jatujak weekend market.If you have the time its one of the coolest things ,to see if you can spend a day in the city.

Be prepared for culture shock,as you will realize ,how rude americans seem compared to their culture.Also be prepared for alot of fun.Theirs a great bar that has thai boxing on the main drag in pattaya...Your gonna have a great time,i can't wait to go back....

Also speed and smoke is sold on the streets by poor kids,but be very careful .Buying things like this their is NOT recommended,and can bring SEVERE punishment if u get caught...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
If you are smart you won't have to go with the local working ladies in Phuket...so risking a possible disappointment/STD.....and cost...

....Try hooking up with some lonely Thai ladies thru the internet before you even arrive....there are many dating/singles sites you can easily become a member of for Thai ladies.....just google Thai dating site e.t.c.

...Many Asian women actually prefer western men due to many reasons you could think of......one of them being from my experience the fact that western men actually treat them better than the local guys and are considered exotic in an area where we are a minority...

...Be careful where and how you ask for 'erb......best try and get to know a foreign ex-patriate who tokes rather than getting involved with random local people.....There are quite a few westerners (Farang) who have settled in Thailand and they would usually know the score regarding availability of cannabis....

....Most proper Thai taxi's have meters, so make sure the driver puts the flag down on the meter when you get in or fix a price before you set off otherwise you will be overcharged.....


Active member
Bail on Phuket and head east across the mainland to ko samui or ko tao (scuba and dirt bikes)...Much better vibe...Dont hang out in bangkok very long...Head south or north (opium) as soon as you can...

Hookers I would go with hanging at legit thai bars ( no pharang) Pretty easy to find a nice local girl without going to the prostitute bars...Herb was just ok .. Be careful dont travel with the drugs...


Donald Mallard

el duck
Good advice there gypsy ...
I didnt like the look of most of the bar girls in phuket , patong , the local girls however were stunners generally ,,, slim and tanned , very pretty ... all looking for a decent boyfriend as gypsy said ...
the bar scene offers some of the ruputed talented dart shooters (they are very accurate btw) ,, cigarette smoking and ping pong balls , quite amazing actuallly ,, i was in awe .. even watched a lass write a letter to her mum with a big graffiti texta ,, very legible .. lol ..

as mentioned ,, just keep your wits about you ,, be careful , and avoid shady deals , they will be what brings you undone ...
id venture to say phuket is a very naughty place ,, hehehe ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
Ohh ,, definately check out the seafood , theres a strip of restaurants haggling to get you in there ,, man its great seafood if your into it ...


I would have to agree, go to this site: dateinasia.com and find one. Pretty easy pickins :D




i spent a couple months in thailand about 5 or 6 years ago. back then going rates for a bungalow on the beach with hot water was about 6-8 bucks a night. beer is still a couple bucks. you're going to be ripped off left and right just because you're not thai. knowing the language doesn't help much. bring a calculator when making negotiations. easier to punch in numbers and show the vendor your counteroffer.

if you stay over 30 days you usually have to pay a penalty which works out to a few bucks american per day.

taxi's and tuk tuks are cheap except for the ones that leave from the airport. don't pay any more than about 1/10th what you would pay in the states.

as far as weed in thailand, most rural and semi tourist areas (didn't go to any tourist spots) have what are called "reggae bars" you can spot them from the jamaican colors, though they sometimes play rock music. you can get weed from the bartender or server and it will even show up on your bill. quality is awful and it usually comes wrapped in tin foil for some reason. the bartenders know when there are cops in the bar and won't sell it to you if there is one.

stay away from the prostitutes. there are plenty of backpackers and wanderlusters that are free to party.


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