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HazyD is back with that Crazy Cab, Now Improved


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I plan on doing just that sarge.

I have been treating with mite rid for the past couple days. Against my better judgement im going to mix up a heavy batch of miticide with the very last of the BMK i have (they dont make it anymore and this shit works well) and pull the plant out.

ill document the plant when i have it out. I plan to remove as many offending fan leaves as possible to open up the canopy for more air flow and spray everything down heavy. this is a last ditch effort as i have been monitoring it closely the past couple days and the mite rid is not working anymore. the little bastards are tough thats for sure.

im searchign for a better miticide. neem and miterid are jsut not effective at controlling a outburst of these pastards. im sure they work well for maintenece spraying to keep them down but when they explode like this it requires something more, which i have yet to find.

Trying to keep em green


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The War on Mite Terror

The War on Mite Terror

The congress of hazydreams announced war today the 41st day of flower on spider mites of all shapes and colors (but mostly red ones) due to their harboring of WBD's (weapons of bud destruction).

The use of the last stock pile of BMK was ok'd as a means of eradication. a heavy mixture at 1 to 3 instead of the prescribed 1 to 4. i cannot get this stuff anymore and this was the very last. so if this isnt enough to knock them back for another 30 days i go frantically looking for something that will work in the near future. i suspect i will be adding floramite and avid to my arsenal in the short future. i want these bastards gone in the worst way. heres to hoping.

The plant was removed and larf and large Fan leaves were removed to facilitate soaking the entire plant. there are buds, just not as many or as big as i want. this harvest looks to be sub par considering the last batch.

here is the pictures with some macros thrown in.





This is after she was put back in her tight ass home.


Know thy enemy. these poor bastards were at ground zero and heard my battle cry. rot in hell you little fucks.


The haze was hit with the very last of the BMK as a preventative measure. After this ill have to take a trip to the dro store for some other weapons. I might also inquire about the predator mites. im almost ready to unleash them.

Day 19 for these two.



So long old friend. I spent the money long ago on an inside tip and it was the best 50 bucks i ever spent. you were a silver bullet to these little bastards. the guy who made this shit could have made a million dollars.



I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Good luck with the borg battle hazy..damn the torpedoes..full steam ahead and all that shit.


Active member
I'm losing this war like the US in Vietnam. the double gum is starting to fatten up but overall the nuggets pale in comparison to the last run. i cant keep these bastards down. there are too many. Ill have pictures tomorrow showing the current state.

I also noticed that the tops of the double gum buds are going nuts because of the light/heat intensity at the very top of the box. i don't think ill be in a rush to grow another plant full term in the 250w side of the cab. not enough air flow, not enough ventilation, too much heat yada yada yada. the bright side is that the box was designed for veg and it grows them to size well, minor success. it just wont flower them well. lol.

the 2 haze are cranking along with little to no concern of mites. with the constant maintenance spraying with neem halted the little bastards. I think the DG was too far progressed to switch momentum. right now it seems that the BMK killed off a good deal of them with the initial banzai-this is all i got-hit em quick- spraying. The neem appears to kill the live ones on the double gum but the eggs are all over, there is just zero chance of eliminating them or knocking them back to a non destructive state. so i have to deal. or cut it down.

Success wouldn't taste so good if it wasn't for failure. im going to take the DG full term. and probably bubble hash/qwiso it. that's going to be fucking DANK! either way the haze show is still on. and you will still get to see the disturbing effects of the borg on a plant and its keeper's futile attempts at fighting back.


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Day 57 Double gum / Day 33 Haze

Day 57 Double gum / Day 33 Haze

ICMAG solved a problem for me today. which was fixed after i located the correct part....

i was cruising pictures to post up the progress and something stood out at me. WTF that cant be right can it?????


whats amazing is the the 250w HIDhut electronic ballast fired and has constantly fired the 400 for over two months. that would be why things are turning out so screwy. too much intensity/heat/infared. and this is what it produces... day 57 double gum.




day 33 haze, things are ok on this side.






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So tonight i pilfered the bubble hash bag of all larf and premature buddage and am making QWISO.

We gettin high tonight fellers.


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The QWISO thats had me fucked up all weekend.

The QWISO thats had me fucked up all weekend.


God damn this was a good run. i fished out all the larf i had in the bag and did a rather large run using a bottle of ever clear.

Fucking Spectacular!


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Day 64 Double Gum / Day 40 haze.

Day 64 Double Gum / Day 40 haze.

The little double gum who could. Improbable resilience to abuse. mites and heat being baked by a 400 watt bulb powered by a 250 watt ballast. was probably throwing all types of weird spectrum at the plant. yet it still managed to produce some nice buds. you judt have look under the carnage.
case and point. losts of leaves but still pretty. the yeild in ten days should be rather ummm whats the word, humble this time around. but ill deal with the end result and vow to never flower in the veg cab again!


its ugly in there people!


That was the beast. now onto beauty.

a mear few inches away lurks haze one and two. and boy are they cranking. The mix was slightly hot. im still playing with rations and i know now that after the initial stretch i have to back down on the concentration slightly. nothing to be too concerned about.


I tend to not worried when i gots frosties like these!






Keep em green and frosty guys!


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Double Gum harvest day 68

Double Gum harvest day 68

Double Gum Harvest Shots.

She was ravaged by mites and blasted with heat and infa-red, bad spectrum from a incorrect light bulb (eh shit happens the growers fault LoL) but she didnt do horrible. 377.5 wet from a true square foot. it showed the mite damage in the final product. the nuggets should be hard but are more airy then the last batch of double gum. aroma is still there and some of this will be smokable. the 146 grams of larf will be qwiso'd and ill lose a few more weekend days of my life. god that shit is awesome.

onto the shots out of the cabinet. beware Halloween horror ahead. :pumpkin:



man she got the short end of the stick. over grew the box burnt by the light, bad spectrum and mites. odd stacked in the oppositions favor.

but she yeilded. this is after the trim.


larf on the scale.

146g in the hash/iso bag. i wont waste my time trimming it.

Heres the over all shot. ruler in inches for reference. :jump:


scale shots.



Keep em green. The haze harvest is dialing it up. updates to come soon. :tiphat:


Active member


thanks stigh! the haze will prove to be much more photogenic for the masses. This was just an ugly ugly harvest. :tiphat:


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Dry Weight Is in for the Double Gum again.

Dry Weight Is in for the Double Gum again.

We still didnt do all that bad considering. the final product still needs another trim due to the leafy nature of the buds this time. otherwise it came out ok.






By the numbers i pulled about 20.2% density from the 377.5g Its not a spectacular yield but its not horrible either. I think that 76 grams from a square foot is rather nice actually. that falls between my best in the big box and worst in the big box. i was interested to see if the one square foot box would produce significantly less then the flowering cabinet due to the size advantage.. With a horrible growing environment and a mite outbreak i missed the flower cabs bench mark by some 14 grams.... so lets say that the max for this system is somewhere in the realm of 65-95g per square foot. :jump:

stay tuned. more comming

Keep Em Green


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Haze Day 56 of Flower

Haze Day 56 of Flower

ver nice.








They need a little trim to uncover a couple of smaller bud sites. other wise this will be a nice harvest i believe. The Flora Nova regiment is still a work in progress. it got a little hot towards the last water change and i burnt some tips. so i think I'm going to dial back on the PK boost next time around the 5-6 week mark. other wise this is looking promising.

keep em green!:tiphat:


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Day 72 Haze, of Perhaps 80

Day 72 Haze, of Perhaps 80

So here she is. shes still putting on a lot of weight I'm going to take her to 80 days.maybe a little longer to let the fan leaves and a little of the bud purple up.Ive given these two a very weak (1/4 dose) of nutrients and am letting her pull that to the end with only fresh water top offs and ph adjustment. I'm looking for some colorful Christmas trees for the holiday season. Shes bulked up well. but i dont think this will be the shattering harvest. Looks to be over a qp. but far from a hp. hey what ever it is I'm still happy!

i believe in order to break the hp mark with two square feet its going to require i go genetics hunting for a proper specimen. the double gum appears to offer almost a 1.33+ to 1g return over the haze. but its still lanky and lacking the dense bud structure i would need to knock on the hp door. i suspect i need something closer to 1.75 to 1, in other words as much density as i can get.

That's where my mom cabinet comes into play but is still under construction. I'm looking for a heavy yielding strain with perhaps a chemy/fuely overtones and a indica structure. anyone have an idea where/from who this strain exists? i have a few potential candidates in mind that Im gearing up to hit on the bou.

To that end, this will be maybe the second to last post in this thread. BB 3.0 will be up and running but unrecorded as i invest time building/automating my mom cabinet and setting up for a genetic hunt that i might or might not document. the BB 3.0 system needs a rubber fitting / Oring over haul that i might document as its time and i have discovered a slight drip. but this is it folks. i have time to invest elsewhere for the better of the system!

With that i give you gratuitous Photo OP day 72.




Close Ups.







Side Shot Rectangle o Budz.


the stuff way under the canopy is frosty too!

Many thanks to those that have watched and posted!

I will post the harvest and dry w.

KEEP IT GREEN! :tiphat:


Active member
well i was gonna go and upload the harvest pics and post them but then i packed a bowl of double gum shake and finger/scissor hash from the haze. Ive lost motivation to do anthing right now but i am HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........LOL.

Tommorow i promise. give you a sneak peek. wet weight was low. but i got some color.

keep Em Green and Maybe Purple too.


Active member
Day 82 Harvest. Haze, Two plants - Two square feet.

Day 82 Harvest. Haze, Two plants - Two square feet.

As promised. Here it is.




The yield wasn't as spectacular as i had hoped but its frosty green and got some purple in there. larf pile was weighed up at 117g.

Heres the Larf Pile Salad Bowl!


Here are the wet weights for those that dont want to add it up, 491.5g wet. So about 200 grams wet short of my best with a single massive plant. hmmmm. interesting



The over all trimmed harvest was nice. But the bud wasn't packed quite as tight as the last haze Flora Nova run. I'm wondering if the bulb needs changing (i need to pick up a light meter.) or if i screwed the pooch with the light nutrient burn at the 6 week mark. either way I'm happy with the aroma and tric coverage.

here are the various close ups.






many thanks to those that are watching! dry harvest pictures to come then I'm gonna go off into mom cab building territory for a while and come back with a build thread.

Keep Em Green


Active member
Hazy, I can't give you any more rep , but mad props to you !

You can literally watch this stuff kill them on contact, no sissy smothering them in oil, f-that, i want the little bastards dead and i wanna watch them die in front of me.

Hahaha hilarious. You remind me of me.

And the 400w in the 250 ballast, classic stoner mistake. Think we all have done something like that.

Is this the system your wife ran ?


Active member
Hazy, I can't give you any more rep , but mad props to you !

Hahaha hilarious. You remind me of me.

And the 400w in the 250 ballast, classic stoner mistake. Think we all have done something like that.

Is this the system your wife ran ?

yes sir. The BB 3.0. it works well thats for sure. just wish the wife wasn't stomping my results. lol.

as for the stoner moments. hey your cant be perfect all the time! they dont call it dope because it makes your smart!