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HazyD is back with that Crazy Cab, Now Improved


ICMag Donor
Nice yield, very pretty buds!

Looking forward to seeing the double gum pics.


Active member
thanks alot guys. its been a long road to get here. But the harvests are pretty consistent.

Ive got the double gum rocking the little house, and two clones set to take up shop for another twin run/max yeild run in the big box.

I have to tear down and clean the big system. i cut down the haze and left the water in it. I know better but i was sick and being lazy so i didnt drain the 20 gallons out like i shoudl hvae. so now i get to tear it apart and clean everything with bleach as there is some type of nasty smelling funk going on in there. I love RDWC for ease of maintence when the plant is running. but the required work for proper upkeep does suck some times. i also have to go out and buy another air pump as the one i have is biting the dust. they dont build these things like they used too.


Active member
Flower day 12 Double Gum / Veg Day 1 Haze

Flower day 12 Double Gum / Veg Day 1 Haze

Here we go again. Max yeild run with flora nova. two hazes installed and running.

The double gum was flipped a few weeks ago. its rolling nice. sorry for the dark pictures.



keep em green.


weed fiend
Nice setup, plants, buds and pics. I used Floranova for a few rounds. I got samples of Fruit n Fusion, Compost Tea and Floralicious Plus. They're nice complements. IMO, better than Floranova alone. But then there's much to be said for a good 1 part and Floranova is exactly that.


Active member
Disco- thanks for dropping by!

I love the flora nova product. It has its own issues compared to the ionic, but the product it produces stands for itself. The aroma is up over my old ionic regiment and the tester state that the potency is up slightly. Im still getting requests from them for more Double gum. They got spoiled and will have to wait for that.

I still use ionic's PK booster and Calmag. I also use Aqua Shield to innoculate the water with beni's and Diamond Nectar for the fulvic acid. theres still alot of tuning witht hat regiment going on but ive got it close at the moment. Ive noticed that FN must have alot of PH buffers in it as it causes my water to drop significantly after the first two days. Im guessing that my 50ppm tap is at the root of the problem. otherwise smooth sailing.

EDIT: I just notice the thread hit 10k views, WOOT! thanks to everyone watching and posting.
keep'em green


weed fiend
That's what I was noticing. I thought GH made Floranova with buffers, it lowers pH almost as much as lucas. My water is 12 to 15 ppm and I have to use a half tsp pH UP for every tsp of Floranova.


Active member
Day 5 of veg haze/ Day 16 of flower double gum

Day 5 of veg haze/ Day 16 of flower double gum


things are rockin in the little box and the haze clones are healthy.

Small note, i switched the 400HPS for a 250w MH for the duration of veg. This was merely because i had the light around and the temps were a little warmer then i like. Once flower starts the 400w hps will go back in and be under driven to around 300w on the lumatek.





keepem green


Crotchety Cabaholic
Hey Hazy, :wave:

Keeping it green I see. I wish I had a 250 to play with.

I'm thinking about sparking up the tubbler after my soil run to see what the indy dom sour cindy I have will do in hydro.



Active member
day 23 double gum / day 12 haze.

day 23 double gum / day 12 haze.

things are moving along. i opened the cab to see double gum had jumped another couple inches (!) over night. shit. better get the twist ties and pipe cleaners out. ill document the training this time as it will be necessary in the tiny box. i'm going to take the double gum full swing in the 1 sq ft box. just to make sure that the added size of the floweing box isn't helping my numbers. i personally do not think its going to matter. look at how it packed in there.



the haze will prove to be fun. they were topped a few days ago to get them to bush. i think flip time is a couple days away. maybe less. These are both haze and i have named them haze one and haze two left to right respectively.

Haze 1 is a standard clone. Haze 2 is a clone that i cut from the mom at a twin inter node site intentionally, to see if i could start branching really early, lol. this will prove to be fun.


haze 1


Haze 2


dont worry about the leaves that are dieing underneath there. most are original clone leaves and some are getting shaded. plus a little bitching about the transplant. (it always happens?) They will get cleaned up with a little manicuring tonight. along with the haze reservoirs nutrient change tonight. :jump:

keep em green!
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Active member
Day 27 of flowering double gum / Day 4 of flowering haze

Day 27 of flowering double gum / Day 4 of flowering haze

The double gum loves that flora nova. so much so that i attempted to pull all the shoots down to give some more head room. I say attempt because i got half way through that and i snapped a major branch. ooops. so i tied it off. looks like its healing so that good news. sorry about the blurry picture. So since pulling the shoots down wasnt working out came the super cropping. and i went wild. i now have about 4 inches from the 250w hps bulb maybe a little less.. and the shoots seem to have stopped going vertical. we shall see. If it goes north again im gonna start crushing and snapping shoots to regain lost headroom.



snapped stem. damn






The haze are rocking. the stretch has started hard core.ill be training heavy again. but this should prove to be a very fruitful harvest!


hope all is well.

keepem green


Active member
thanks for stopping by disco. That artic storm you go going looks HEADY! ive been looking into buying some new genetics, HOL and RES have my attention at the moment. I miss my SourD plant and kinda want to give res's gear a shot at giving it back to me. My current grow op doesnt lend itself well to sativas though and it would behove me to get a heavy indica for the micro system. i guess in the up coming months ill make a descision and you might see a soil from seed thread from hazy.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Looking good hazy, I can't wait to see how your double gum finishes


Active member
Looking good hazy, I can't wait to see how your double gum finishes

that makes two of us warped. Last batch carrie da heady stone and some nice flavor. I want to try out some sweet on this crop. Maybe the last two weeks with a really light dose of nutrients and sweet as a flush. Either way i sure hope this one measures up to the last one!


weed fiend
thanks for stopping by disco. That artic storm you go going looks HEADY! ive been looking into buying some new genetics, HOL and RES have my attention at the moment. I miss my SourD plant and kinda want to give res's gear a shot at giving it back to me. My current grow op doesnt lend itself well to sativas though and it would behove me to get a heavy indica for the micro system. i guess in the up coming months ill make a descision and you might see a soil from seed thread from hazy.

Speaking of HOL, Alien Double Dog might be worth considering. It's an indica leaning hybrid and you'll get close nodes with the lamp parked close. I think it's 60-65 days, depending on expression and or preference. If you like lots of amber, the more indica leaners wouldn't take forever to finish. Hope you find your sour d keeper.:) sd isn't as bad to stretch as chemd, I'm sure you can rock it.


Active member
day 38 double gum?/ day 15 haze.

day 38 double gum?/ day 15 haze.

hmmm something is wrong here.

the double gum seems retarded in growth. thats weird. either that or i screwed up on my documentation. which is possible seeing how busy i was at teh start of the double gum. also growing it in the small box might hurt it. but not quite this much. so im stumped. retarded double gum nuggets are nuggets and ill take her till she ambers either way. shit was dope last time.





i want to state that there are more nuggets in there then the pictures suggest. i went in there and broke that bitches legs. you grow to the light and you get your legs broken. the ones i repeatedly snapped are fuller then the smaller ones that i didn't super crop. so that doesn't seem to be the problem. maybe it was just too hot at the start because of the heat wave?? this is interesting, i changed nutrients, quality of documentation, the flowering cab size and ambient temp. too many variables.

the haze on the other hand........


BOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laughing::laughing::laughing:
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Active member
you got bugs in there? the first few shots the leaves look like spidermite damage. if you got the borg it would explain perfectly well why your buds are so skimpy.

these spots on the leaves look like spidermites. look under the leaves and see if you see them moving around or a buncha little white fuzzy looking dots. these are the eggs. they are veeery tiny you might need a magnifying glass, i can see them with my naked eye. cursed with eagle vision.


Active member
good eye stigh. +r

Ive been quietly battling the little bastards for a while now. the double gum clone is what brought them back into my life and i thought i had those bastards undercontrol. im not entirely sure why they exploded like this. they are usually along for the ride and controlled with a miticide spray. the last crop with the double gum these little bastards reared their heads as well. but if you compare it to the double gum on page 7 the plant looks to be at minimum a week behind? i suppose its possible the mites are causing it.

i did a scheduled water change today. that should perk her up. and a light misting of miticide which im not overly thrilled doing. when i update again ill give a status update on the battle raging int he little cab. the haze is not showing the mites at all and has been given regular miticide sprayings.


Crotchety Cabaholic
The dreaded borg.

Get on that shit Hazy. I hear Eagle 20 wipe their ass out but it might be too nasty to use at this point in flower.

Never had to deal with them myself, so I'm no expert.
