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Haze growth question ! sativa or haze coinoisseurs needed


Dear growing brothers and sisters

I am a competent grower and have been growing very good buds, from "Clone only strains" and also private seed lines as well.

It is only this recent Cycle that i've grown (half) Hazes. A 1/2 haze cross that is - BubbleGum clone X Haze male. The first one to come down, BGH#1, was purple, thick budded, and SO strong that it tasted, and was like smoking very primo hash. Very good taste- hazy and hash taste with a slight muddy.strawberry taste, too.
Real coffee-shop menu quality shit.
We have BGH#1 seeds..the search is on for a good clone representation of the original.

question #1 . Why do haze leaves yellow after a while, even when I've been feeding them? Is it the cold, or is my feeding regimen not giving them enough Nitrogen (N)?
By yellowing, I mean their leaves, yellow, and fall off, as if the plant has "eaten" it. Maybe it's severe root boundedness.... this was a test grow of hae, they are all in half.gallon containers and are at wiw

BGH#1 went 92 days.

I use Botanicaire's Liquid Karma, and Ripen (1/5/4), and Molasses. I grow in re-used soil, amended occasionally with a bag of 60/30/10 Peat/Vermiculute/Perlite and some "Plant Tone" soil conditioner, or "Blood Meal" if I have it.

Question #2:Do I need to add Liquid Fish, or something similar, to keep the Long-Blooming hazes from starving-while-flowering??
[ I think if grown better, and dialed in more, the hazes would have given us rock hard, dense buds, which only the first female of 7 (from a 10 pack) displayed. ]
:thank you:

Any info, suggestions, or discussion appreciated? Haze growers..help me out. I dig the haze smell, and effect, but i need thse rock hard buds..i hope hen it warms up here (and in the basment) they will get denser.



Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
I have never noticed a huge difference in nitrogen need. I do need to make sure not to cut out nitrogen entirely but that's about it. That being said I have zero experience with your feeding regime.

I have fed a decent number of long bloomers. Bud density seems to be waaay more about genetics than feed. If you have the underlying potential to pack on weight then the plant will respond well to feed. However if you have something that wants to keep everything fairly spaced out (hey, there are some advantages to that sort of structure) more feed is just going to result in slightly larger nearly as airy bud. I would agree that a lot of this bud looks like it should come with a mary gin & a wood bong. Not the most attractive thing under the sun.

Cooler canopy temps, little or no shift in temp from day/night cycle and a slow gradual dry & cure seem to help a little, but if you have a "fluffy" plant none of them is going to be a miracle worker.


weed fiend
Dear growing brothers and sisters

I am a competent grower and have been growing very good buds, from "Clone only strains" and also private seed lines as well.

It is only this recent Cycle that i've grown (half) Hazes. A 1/2 haze cross that is - BubbleGum clone X Haze male. The first one to come down, BGH#1, was purple, thick budded, and SO strong that it tasted, and was like smoking very primo hash. Very good taste- hazy and hash taste with a slight muddy.strawberry taste, too.
Real coffee-shop menu quality shit.
We have BGH#1 seeds..the search is on for a good clone representation of the original.

I'm no commonsewer. But I'm growing another round of my first haze cross and it's a bit harder to dial in than the non haze strains I've tried.

question #1 . Why do haze leaves yellow after a while, even when I've been feeding them? Is it the cold, or is my feeding regimen not giving them enough Nitrogen (N)?
By yellowing, I mean their leaves, yellow, and fall off, as if the plant has "eaten" it. Maybe it's severe root boundedness.... this was a test grow of hae, they are all in half.gallon containers and are at wiw
BGH#1 went 92 days.
I've had the same thing happen with unusual yellowing and leaves dropping. Then I tried feeding veg nutes through the stretch and had too much green at harvest, lol.

IMO, my haze cross needs a bit more N early in flower but needs wane sooner than typical. So I'll hit it hard early, back off a bit sooner and compare the results.

I use Botanicaire's Liquid Karma, and Ripen (1/5/4), and Molasses. I grow in re-used soil, amended occasionally with a bag of 60/30/10 Peat/Vermiculute/Perlite and some "Plant Tone" soil conditioner, or "Blood Meal" if I have it.

Question #2:Do I need to add Liquid Fish, or something similar, to keep the Long-Blooming hazes from starving-while-flowering??
[ I think if grown better, and dialed in more, the hazes would have given us rock hard, dense buds, which only the first female of 7 (from a 10 pack) displayed. ]
:thank you:

Any info, suggestions, or discussion appreciated? Haze growers..help me out. I dig the haze smell, and effect, but i need thse rock hard buds..i hope hen it warms up here (and in the basment) they will get denser.

That's another thing I noticed but haven't made any clear determinations. The higher than normal yellowing I experienced didn't seem to affect the stone negatively. In fact, it tasted pretty darn good (maybe because salts were depleted.) Yield was a good or slightly better than "greener" harvests.

I'm less familiar with organics and defer any tips here. As far as density, I've grown this strain in varying temps and humidity. While not always consistent, only the small to medium nugs have any degree of "rock" density. The bigger buds tend to foxtail. I used to think it was excessive heat but this winter I'm enjoying the coolest temps ever.

If you've still got the dense plant, clone it, reveg... whatever keeps it around to play with. If it's gone, best wishes finding another keeper. I'm not the consummate haze fan but I can appreciate it's niche.


Thanks guys. Just popped 12 seeds of the FirstHaze ("that strawberry shit!") as my sister said).So I do have the plant still,i just need to suss out a keeper female .again.

and i've got 3 other v.dense strains, so i'm set on density, though i'm glad to note the way my HazeXs have been growing is Normal or Average among others whom have grown Haze X or XHaze.

The haze's HAVE been strong..but only that first one, the dense purple strawberry wide leaf phenotype,was jaw droppingly strong. ice/water/micron bags Hashish strong. true "1 hit shit" never seen it in my 6 years, nor my dads' 36! of smoking..
we have HIGH hopes for the seeds we have..of that "Strawberry" stuff.



Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Just remember not to be horribly upset if you end up with terribly strong terrible lookin nugs ;)