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Haze for small rooms?


You guys are making this harder than it needs to be. I have a 5x5 bloom that I fill with hazes from a tiny 2' x 4' x 3' cab. I've kept a Neville's Haze x Coastal Collision mother in veg for 5 months before. If you're willing to keep the container small and prune often you end up with a beautiful little bush. I'm now flowering her on my tent floor for an F2 seed project. She's still being handwatered in the same 1 liter square pot she's been in her entire life.

I had a friend over last night and I was explaining that the tiny bush on the floor is actually the oldest plant in the bloom by at least 4 months. Needless to say his mind was blown. Here's a shot of her back in the corner of my tent. You can see she's not much taller than the 2 gallon pots the rest of my crop is in. She's in promix and not coco like everyone else.

Good luck brother


sens'si silver haze (not SSH, silver pearl x haze) has been good to me indoors. very manageable with good haze, incense, floral and pine flavors.

also golden goat is a great lemony haze strain with little stretch.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
you can grow any haze in a small cab if you train/scrog it.

as mentioned its best to restrict the roots a bit until it is budding, but the best thing you can do to get them budding quickly is to flower on 10/14 rather than 12 /12
thats how i grew 2 original haze (seedsman) in a cab 2x1x2' high
restricting N helps them finish.

