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☮ haxi's Outdoor 2011 : The Autoflowering experience! ☮


Active member
@Highroller: Hey ! Man, my two big devils #2 smells realy realy strong guess what.. lemon!
When you smell the biggest of the two, it's like if you squeeze a lemon in your nostrils :D

Happy time! Photo update today, and today....................


P :rasta:


Well-known member
Very cool outdoor plot! Good greens all around, would love to share a smoke! Good luck with the harvest man....


Active member
Update: I labeled the pictures so you can see what's happening :')

Hi guys :) So yeah, here is the first part of harvesting this year grow. There will be 3 another parts!

I don't have much time to explain now, I drop the shots here and I'll comment them later (editing the post).
I'm so high from that finger hash that I could not concentrate on the computer :')

Big devil #2 ! Stinky lemon smell, realy sticky, an awesome auto! Big yield for an auto!

BD#2 Bud... <3

Femenised row (left)

BD#2 again, the big one. We hope for 30-50g yield, but it could be a lot more ;)

Global view:

You can (not) see the harvested plants on the back.

We harvested all the Lowryder #2 (6 plants), the snow ryder and the Vertigo.

This is lowryder #2, sticky and smells fruity!

Buds are not big but, even with 10g/plant, we are happy :)

This is the baddest pheno of lowryder #2, low yield and some mold.

We'll make some gumby hash with those leaves!

Some finger hash, we like to hand-trim, it's faster than with cissors.

0.6g of realy great hash, this ball was like plasticine

The hash string will be smoked soon!! It was realy potent shit, the joint blown nice intense and dense white smoke. Also the taste was realy good!

Shitty pic of one or two harvested lowryder #2 standing in front of my indoor plants.

Sorry for the mess, the pics are realy bad, I was shaking almost... that was after the hash joint. I have excuses. :bump:

I hope you guys like it :)
Peace :rasta: !


nice harvest dude, can't go wrong with buds in july.

that scissor hash joint looks tasty. :jump:


Hi haxi :)
I´ve never seen so many autos together outdoors before. Really nice grown bro :) :jump:

(Drop the tobacco and go fully green - you wont regret :cool: )

P :smoke:


wow looking great

what plant is which in the pics you took

the 11th pic from the bottom up , what af is that?

rocket high

Active member
i love to see a harvest :) but i hate trimming ...i suppose i cant have it all ways.

that ball of hash looks good enough to eat.... lol

fine work Haxi ;)
i love to see a harvest :) but i hate trimming ...i suppose i cant have it all ways.

that ball of hash looks good enough to eat.... lol

fine work Haxi ;)

Really? Trimming is sorta fun for me. As if being surrounded by smelly sticky buds wasn't enough, the scissor hash makes it even better. Nice looking harvest, Haxi, hope its as good as it looks. I am so growing autos next year for OD, I'm sick of cops and their choppers, get them harvested before they even start flying. I feel like I'm dreaming because I've been seeing pigs fly all around all week lol.


Active member
Happy Days

Happy Days

Thanks for input on the Big Devil #2. I need to post some pics of mine i been slacking. I'm with Paddi about the hash :smokeit:......Very nice indeed. Nice plot and nice to beat the rippers and the chopper........Stay Toking my Friend......:smokeit: :bongsmi: :kos: :smoke:

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
Good show, Haxi!

You inspired me to go for more developed gardens in my more secure sites.

I'm also with Paddi in going all green.

I could trim all day. I love the pungent aromas.


Active member
Hey guys! Thank you all for the kind words! I love when the work involved is rewarded :)

For info: I updated the last update with more detailed info about the pictures. LINK: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=4550268#post4550268

nice harvest dude, can't go wrong with buds in july.
that scissor hash joint looks tasty. :jump:

You're right, I'm proud of harvesting early this year, And it's great because I'm almost the only one on the OD forum trimming buds :p
Thanks for tuning in!

Hi haxi
I´ve never seen so many autos together outdoors before. Really nice grown bro :) :jump:
(Drop the tobacco and go fully green - you wont regret )
P :smoke:
Hey Paddi ! :tiphat:
Nice to see you here! Yeah just wanted to see what a sea of autos could give :')
I'll probably grow tobacco when I'll have a house & secret garden like yours :p
Can you grow your own tobacco and then smoke it in your joints? I heard the smoke could be harsh w/ homemade tobacco.

I'm a realy green person, indeed. :dance013:

P :rasta: !

wow looking great
what plant is which in the pics you took
the 11th pic from the bottom up , what af is that?

I guess you mean the harvested plant, I updated my post so the pictures are now more detailed. It was Lowryder #2 .

i love to see a harvest but i hate trimming ...i suppose i cant have it all ways.
that ball of hash looks good enough to eat.... lol
fine work Haxi ;)
Hey :tiphat:
Well... Trimming mh... I love it! It means you will have some great fresh weed soon :bump: :bump:
And I love to smoke the finger hash so trimming when you have time is not a big deal :) (I'm on holidays, thanks god ;) )

Thanks for input on the Big Devil #2. I need to post some pics of mine i been slacking. I'm with Paddi about the hash :smokeit:......Very nice indeed. Nice plot and nice to beat the rippers and the chopper........Stay Toking my Friend......:smokeit:

Thanks dude ! :dance013:

Good show, Haxi!
You inspired me to go for more developed gardens in my more secure sites.
I'm also with Paddi in going all green.
I could trim all day. I love the pungent aromas.
Ohh yeah, I love the smell of myself (fingers and hands in general) after trimming :D. Nah realy I love trimming of course, but the best part is when everything is curing in jars and you start to lay down and blow a big fat one :smoke:

Again thank you all guys for passing by ! :wave: :wave:

Peace :rasta:!


Active member
i testvaped a nug of lowryder 2 x auto ak that dried for 4 days(dried already manicured)

nice taste but the effect is not my thing up to now

a very racy trippy energetic high, a buddy of mine who grew for the first time also had this , but he only smokes once a month

i smoke a lot an still had this wtf is happening effect

wondering if you will also experince this

i prefer the easy stone of the lowryder 2

this effect makes me want to do things , like electricity flowing through the body
Last edited:


Hi Haxi, nice autoflowers! What's your favorite? I would like to grow some fruity autos next year...How's the yield on those? Not much, huh?
peace, boz :D


Just superb:greenstars:

What a great sight, I can almost taste that joint, lovely.

A field of bud in the summer sun- your the man!


nice garden bro, but about the effect of the LR 2´s maybee you have harvested them a bit too early?
If you have a 30* scope-shit you can look at the trichs and harvest when you best like your smoke.
Early harvest, trippy up high, late harvest stoney, down, sofa

But you proberly know all this,

best regards


Active member
High here :tiphat:

Thank you all guys for passing by, it's realy great to have people watching!

So yeah, we've done the second part of the harvest :bump::bump:

It was by night, because we had to bring a lot of water (60L), and we knew that we will have to harvest some plants.

So we went to the spot at 1am and hand-trimmed the plants the whole night... It was crazy high time, but realy nice and a lot of memories :'D

I'm not paranoid, but I had to blur some of the shots, it's just to be safe. As you can see I experimented some techniques ;') I like the pixelizing.

Here are the shots, sorry guys, no living plants today ! :comfort:

First some dried shots of my balcony then indoor (hps 400w) Auto AK-47!

Buds are fluffy but covered with resin, Yield: 10grams.

I do not expected more yield, the quality is great.

Here is a messy hps'ed shot of my indoor. Flowering nicely!

A bouquet of flavor

We harvested 10 plants

Due to some rain comming, we harvested the tops of the two BIG DEVILS #2

Trimming almost finished!

Of course autos are leafy, it was long but we done 8plants/10.

Big devils #2 top buds, this strain is simply the best outdoor auto I've ever seen

Those BD#2 buds are AWESOME! The lemon smell is realy strong! So great.

So here are the ten plants :) Two are not trimmed.

Drying process !

Re-trim of the lowryder #2 buds that are already dry.

Lowryder #2: 6 plants = 73grams.

Not on the pic, but the Snow Ryder yield= 8g :(. Vertigo yield: 14g.

Should I say that I LOVE HARVESTING :D

Next round soon!
Peace :rasta: !


Active member
all in all it's a nice harvest

let us know about the quality of all the strains when you test em all

those big devils have real nice buds

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