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☮ haxi's Outdoor 2011 : The Autoflowering experience! ☮


Active member
Hi guys!

So yeah, here we go again!
My 2011 Outdoor Guerilla started!

Last season, we spend much time from april to november, visiting the spot where the plants were hidden. It was hard! We approximately went to the spot 40 times.
I will be planting indoor (hydro) soon, so for those reasons we(me and my growfriend - trusted) decided to only grow Automatic flowering plants!
We won't be able to water/maintain the plants this summer, so we decided to grow from half april to the beginning of July. We pray for good weather :tiphat:

For all the autoflowering-haters, I would like to say: Please don't hate autos. They are a great way to get fresh weed in the middle of the summer! It is how I see it.
Last year we grew 2 Automatic Lowryder #1, and despite the fact that the average yield was 20g per plant, it was great quality : taste and high!

Last year automatic Lowryder #1 random bud

Who said AF are like hay and harsh smoke? Man AF are sticky and tasty! :D

One run, two months and a half :


We bought all the feminised seeds, basicaly choosing the higher-yield strains.
Thanks to THC123 for all the regular ones! Can't wait to see 'em bud :jump: :jump:
- 10x Lowryder #2 - Regular
- 11x Auto AK 47 F3 - Regular
- 11x Auto Ak 47 * Lowryder #2 (pheno 1 100cm) - Regular
- 11x Auto Ak 47 * Lowryder #2 (pheno 2 120cm) - Regular

- 1x Critical Mass Automatic - Feminised
- 1x BioDiesel Mass Automatic - Feminised
- 1x Top 69 Automatic - Feminised
- 1x La Bella Afrodita Automatic - Feminised
- 1x Cream Caramel Automatic - Feminised
- 2x Big Devil #2 Automatic - Feminised
- 1x Vertigo Automatic - Feminised
- 1x Snow Ryder - Feminised
- 1x Pandora Automatic - Feminised
- 1x Maxi GoM - Feminised

All the regulars (thank you THC123!) are now germed (100% Germination rate :) ) and planted in little pots in LightMix.


Location: South France, lat 43°N.
Sun: Plenty! :D
Water: There is a little stream just near the spot, and we'll water&feed the plants once or twice a week with the stream.
Hopefully, it won't dry till the end of june.
Soil: The soil there is nice! Nettles are all around so it's a good environment for mariejane :)


So, the seedlings are on my balcony, oriented South-South-West.
They will stay there for 2 weeks, and we will transplant them to the spot.

The spot is the same that last year, but we made a "bed" for the plants (Around 3 meters * 7 meters, 20m2 ).
We prepared the local soil with perlite, and mixed with some All Mix (Biobizz).
We'll be adding wormcasting and some bat guano at the transplant.

We will be using BioBizz and hesi basic's nutrients (grow, bloom, PK).
The soil at the spot should be full of N.

Hesi Bloom and Hesi PK 13-14.
The bloom should start the third weed after germination.
We hope to get around 25 females (10feminised + 30/2 regulars).

We will for sure cook a lot of canna milk with the males ! (last year milk experience was so exciting :groupwave: )

The goal this year is to get at least 30grams per plant, we know that we can get more if the weather is in our favor, but we'll see.

We will also probably make a few seeds, with the best males that we'll have.

100% Germination :)

And some indoor Black domina I'm smoking atm, with my dirty grinder (normal use, always killer weed in it!) !

Look how the screen is sticky :p

Outdoor season has now started, it's so exciting! :D

Happy growing! :)

Peace ☮ :rasta:


Good luck, wish I had some autoflowers this season, you can cross autoflowers in breeding right? They won't lose potency?


Active member
tagged i'm exited to see the other autos in action some of the newer one are supposed to have bigger buds

the big lowryder 2 can yield 80 grams but generally the buds dont become so big, still they ar very very tasy sweet and fruity

i would love to see an auto with big round nugs

and in the south of france , growing must be so nice with the weather there


good luck haxi.....let the nature do miracles...i must see this story!.pace


Active member
They will stay there for 2 weeks, and we will transplant them to the spot.

if you want big autos , letting them grow 2 weeks is a bad idea

as soon as they break the surface and begin their first set of leaves , you should already put them in thier final spot or else yields will suffer

EDIT i saw you are using plastic pots , so in this case it is best to let the rootmass develop a bit before the transplant but yields will suffer

rocket high

Active member
Hi Haxi

so have you ditched the normal strains or is this just a sideline till the normal outdoors are finnished , loved your thread last year ...good luck ;)


Active member
Hey guys! Thanks for the kind words!

Paddi: Hey man :) It's very nice to see you sitting here :) Happy season dude!

Good luck, wish I had some autoflowers this season, you can cross autoflowers in breeding right? They won't lose potency?

Well, all autoflowers are basicaly a cross based on ruderalis cannabis (the autoflower thing comes from there), and this ruderalis is basicaly a low potency lineage.
Crossing normal strains with ruderalis is like adding potency to autoflowers!
I'm sure I won't be disappointed by the potency of my AFs :)

This year I'll only cross AF*AF. Because the autoflowering seeds are still quite expensive.

Yeah, I would love to get big compact buds, but you know how it is :).
The Big Devil #2 seems a realy nice auto, the breeder says 50-300 gr/plant, that's why I took two of it and I'm hoping for good yield :) (I think I'll be crossing it :p)

Some pics of the work that we did at the spot... We made a big bed.

Here the pics when we prepared the spot (approx one month ago)

The other side

Look how it was last year (but one month later)

I'm so excited about this year :)

Peace! :rasta: :rasta:


Active member
if you want big autos , letting them grow 2 weeks is a bad idea

as soon as they break the surface and begin their first set of leaves , you should already put them in thier final spot or else yields will suffer

EDIT i saw you are using plastic pots , so in this case it is best to let the rootmass develop a bit before the transplant but yields will suffer

Yeah man, I already considered your advices, I'm sure you're right!
I hope it won't fuck up everything, but it's a lot more convenient for us to grow them in pots before going to the spot... Because we're working hard me and my friend these times and don't have much time to visit the spot( if we plant seedlings, we need to go water them every 2 days..)

I hope they'll not suffer!



Active member
no they wont suffer i just meant the yields will be lower , more around 20-30 grams

when they germ there comes a tap root out

this tap root kinda measures the available volume and then calculates the size the plant will get

cuz autos dont grow for long you ant the taproot to "understand" there is more then enough volume

this way it will grow faster and bigger

( if we plant seedlings, we need to go water them every 2 days..)

hehehe wel that is cuz you live in S france , where i live water is noooooo prblem :(

i'm sure you'll do allright , and should the yields be lower cuz of this , there is only 1 solution:D plant more!!!!! :jump:


Active member
Hi guys, just received the feminised AF seeds.

Cream Caramel -> CC
Critical Mass -> CM
Big Devil #2 -> BD1 and BD2
BioDiesel Mass -> BM
Maxi Gom -> MG
La bella afrodita -> BA
Snow ryder -> SR
Pandora -> P
Vertigo -> V
Top 69 -> 69


News from the balcony: Everything is going great! I'm watering with tap water ph 6.5.

We'll transplant the AF regulars next week!
I can't wait to see them bud :tree: :tree:

Peace :rasta: !

the END

Crossing normal strains with ruderalis is like adding potency to autoflowers!
I'm sure I won't be disappointed by the potency of my AFs :)

This year I'll only cross AF*AF. Because the autoflowering seeds are still quite expensive.

When you cross a general photoperiod 12/12 flowering plant with automatics, the seeds will not be autoflowering. At least not in the first generation; the f1 generation will all be photoperiod, but with subsequent inbreeding the auto trait will reveal itself more frequently until you can breed it into stabilization; thus creating a new auto strain.

so basically it takes some work (growing & inbreeding) in order to incorporate a normal staiva/indica non-ruderalis gene into the pool.

hope i am clear, very interested to see your jungle grow my friend:tiphat:


Active member
When you cross a general photoperiod 12/12 flowering plant with automatics, the seeds will not be autoflowering. At least not in the first generation; the f1 generation will all be photoperiod, but with subsequent inbreeding the auto trait will reveal itself more frequently until you can breed it into stabilization; thus creating a new auto strain.

so basically it takes some work (growing & inbreeding) in order to incorporate a normal staiva/indica non-ruderalis gene into the pool.

hope i am clear, very interested to see your jungle grow my friend:tiphat:

Usefull info dude!
I'm too tired to read the breeding threads but I will :)
Anyway this year I will only cross AF*AF :D

Can't wait next week.

Peace :rasta: !


Active member
Hi guys!
So, we've done two commando missions:
- Monday we went to the spot and dug 5 big trenches
- Tuesday we went to the spot to transplant the 43 regular AF, such as LowRider2, AutoAk*LR2 pheno 1, AA*LR2 pheno 2 and Auto Ak F3.

The feminised seeds are still on my balcony, and the seedlings are great there
They'll go to the spot next week.

The transplant was successful.
We watered the plants (water from the little stream, added phDown, ph~7) and added a little more allmix.

The little stream we pick the water from. We hope it won't be dry till june.

The plants on my balcony ready to transplant:

The little ones are the feminised seeds.

We worked hard on the spot... A little timelapse:

Two years ago

Last year:

This year!

Some work getting done!

As you can see we dug the last trenches on the right, the one for the feminised AF plants.
We added wormcasting and bat guano as well.

Guys, I just want to sit and watch buds! :dance013: :dance013:

Hope your guys' growing season are starting great!

Tell me what do you think!

Peace :rasta: :tiphat:


I have same problem with water like u (a spot in the swamp, and a spot close to a small river)the patch is great idea and i use this year ... last year i use the holes, But Patch is a great mode to amplifay the natural development of plant's... i wait for update haxi...jah bless the herb!


Soul Feeder
Smart choice with autos, let the haters hate while you smoke fresh buds in the middle of the summer ;)
The spot is sweet :yes:

Best of luck

