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Having trouble HELP


Hi guys Im tring to grow Northern lights, I have tried to start the seeds for about a wk now, I have had them wrapped in tissue "WET" and placed in the hotpress at home, I just cant seem to get a go on them, I have now place them in warm water and left them beside the fire all night there now sittin on the rad in the water I have been told that they will sink in the water when they have cracked but still notting "FLOATING" this morn... Please someone must be able to help ? Can they be fauilty ?
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New member
Hi Deefirl
I dont think actually putting them in water is a good idea. I have cracked a few seeds in my time and what works every time is get a roll of cotton wool cover the base of a small plate with it make it nice and damp not soaking wet, place the seeds apart on this then cover with some more very damp not soaking cwool. Place this in the hot press and leave two days and check nearly always by the 3rd or 4th day the tap root is out. I like to use cotton wool beacuse if you uses tissues and the tap grows in to the medium the cotton wool is easier to get it out with out damage to the sensitive tap root.
I hope you kept some seeds back for run two :)


You can also try to plant them directly into the medium while keeping your light on and see if they come up after a few days. The light warms the soil and in turn incubates the seed. Worth a shot.

The most extreme way I got troublesome seeds to germinate was to use a scalpel to carefully chip away a tiny piece of the outer shell where the tap root usually comes out. This way the water activated the seed.

Worked like a charm but I used a 10x magifying loupe and a really steady hand.

Sometimes the outer shell is just really hard to crack and the tap root struggles....
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be very careful dude soaking the seeds in water for too long. they need air to begin life and drowning them will prevent this. what soul fertilizer said is also effective but i dunno about a scalpel. i start new seedlings every 3 months and i always get some emery paper (very fine sand paper) put it in a match box with the seed and shake them about for a few minutes. this scuffs the shell of the seed and allows water to penetrate. what seems to be happening to you is that the seeds are just taking a little longer to let the water penetrate. be patient my friend and they will sprout. sprouting time for me varies from 4 days to 10. keep it safe and simple.


YYYYYYyyaaaaaaaa WWWWwhhhhhoooooo........ Think I crack it lads, I got both the little roots out of seed now, FULL STEAM AHEAD !!!