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Having trouble cloning


Landrace Lover
keep an eye on temperature too mate, if it's too cold the clones will shut down and not root as quickly as they would otherwise.


You could try Cloning in plain water.
This is what helped me when clones wouldn't take in soil.

You can dip in the powder hormone if roots don't start taking an a few weeks, but
rinse and change water a few hours after dipping in powder or when you see wilt.
When they start wilting as if the hormone is choking them, rinse and change water ASAP.

Follow directions in the thread I linked to, and if it isn't working, but you still have
lively looking cuttings in the water after a few weeks, try the powder rooting hormone.
Just be ready to rinse it off quickly and thoroughly when wilt starts to show.

First run of soil clones went well, but the other runs failed, so I have been doing water.

I have found that changing water daily can speed the rooting process.
more light means that they will grow better and more evenly. less light means some will take off and crowd out the others.

ez cloners (2 60's and a 120) with hydrobact (or aquashield) and power clone only. it will take about 14 days to start getting good roots, although we usually see bumps in 7-10 days. clonex took a week longer and was slightly less effective.

we even think we need more light for our clones. we have a 1k light in veg right now, but eventually want 2k (2 lights).


I usually see differences in seasons.. In the winter, when my cloning success is best, I use a heating mat and the medium stays at a warmer temp then the foliage (which is ambient). During the summer, when the heat pad is unplugged, ambiant temp can be higher then the medium temp and the cuttings just don't want to go at all.. I won't even bother cutting in the summer unless I can keep the foliage temp slightly cooler than the medium temp..

bobjoe 69

get a aero system i find that the easiest and wait anything from 5-21 days depending on strain etc but the roots will come

Peace Bro


I keep it real simple...i take a small rockwool cube...cut it in half...soak it in some ph water...cut the clone with a dirty razor blade...stick it in the rock wool...cut a 16 oz coke bottle in half...use the bottom half to hold the rockwool and hydroton...and use the top of the bottle to slip it over the top for a semi dome...bottle cap OFF...every day i touch the rockwool to see if its damp or dry...if it damp i let it ride another day...and every day i take the lil soda dome off and SPRAY THE DOME...i dont even spray the clones...after a few days to a week max i take the soda dome off...and tada i got rooted clones

Ive taken clones from my veg mom and from 3 weeks flowering...they have all rooted and none even died on me...it was my first time so my ideology was if this clone cant even survive to root it dont deserve life

And my setup is no where near the standard of most of these guys but hell it got the job done and i have three 8 inch beautiful green clones to prove that KISS works


Active member
sadistic clone torture !!

sadistic clone torture !!

using no knives or blades, rip lower branches from plants. once they are torn, put in your pocket, i used a napkin full of dirt which i picked from the ground. ride in car for at least an hour, and then place in cups of dirt. no nutes, nothing added.


the suede pumas and plaid pants add pimp style to cloning !!


Active member
The key to rooting clones is not over watering them. Give the soil a good watering at the time of planting the clone, cover the tray and leave them untouched for 5-6 days. DO NOT MIST the plants or the dome. If after 5-6 days the soil is dry, water again but I doubt it will be at that point. Remove the dome in the 5-7 day range.

A cutting will not root quickly if you are providing it too much moisture and that means either thru the soil or thru misting.

After the initial watering and the soil drying your goal from there is to tease the roots out. You need to give the soil (or whatever the medium may be) enough water so they dont wilt and then allow the medium to dry out some, repeat. This will tease roots out. It will force the cutting to develop roots to survive.

If you over water or mist, the cutting will never form roots.


What you mean never:D?

That is true to not overwater clones and let them dry a little. It helps but not forbid to develope roots. You can root clones in plain water, but it takes +14 days.

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