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Have Your net pots broke open?

cravin morehead

Active member
sure have... used some zip-ties to repair enough to finish the grow...
im assuming its from the roots getting thick, right?


Oh yea, many times in DWC systems. I finally found some really heavy duty 5" net pots that didn't spit open. The smaller 2 and 3 inch net pots split all the time still. You just have to support them as best you can like cravin morehad said above.


New member
size amount ect ect has not happened yet but it looks like it will. I hope it wont it would be a giant pain in the ___! day 29 of bloom we will see


Active member
I have had this happen, but I really didn't bother to fix it because the roots that where there where good enough to hold it in place still, but I guess it really would depend on how bad/where the broken spots are.
I had some HUGE plants growing in 5.5" netpots. The only thing that I worried about was my home depot lids giving way adn letting the netpot fall thru (it happens on big plants) I end up hanging it with wire hangers bent to my specifications


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
My homemade cups split open but, the root structure held everything in place. I only "lost" a half dozen rocks or so.
