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Have you seen this Horrible Anti prop 19 propaganda

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c

"Prop 19 supporters are attempting to mislead voters as to the real effects of marijuana by citing scientific studies and reports. A better way to learn about the true dangers of the marijuana drug menace is to read educational materials based on actual events. Below is good example of an educational comic book that takes an unflinching look at the effects of marijuana and how this powerful narcotic leads to violent crime."

funny stuff

In the same site it says marijuana leads to violence. Yet it also says marijuana causes pacifism....?


Freedom Fighter
I thought it WAS a joke. What's their targeted demographic 95 year olds who still fear Negro segregation????

Hahaha....yes, I am very sure it is a joke...I was more clowning on the title of this thread-- Not sure how anyone could take that site seriously--:tiphat:

rick shaw

Quotes from Harry J.Anslinger "Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing" "Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men" /"The primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its affect on the degenerate race"/ "There are 100,000 marijuana smokers in the Us and most are Negroes,Hispanics,Filipinos and entertainers.Their Satanic music Jazz and Swing result from marijuana usage.This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes,entertainers and any others"/"Marijuana is an addictive drug which causes in its users insanity,criminality and death"/"you smoke a joint you are likely to kill your brother"/"Marijuana is the most violence causing drugs in the history of mankind" WOW I thought Limbaugh was out there.It is crunch time right now.You are going to see desperate fear tactics scatter shot out.


those who will lose big with Prop 19 passing have not yet begun to fight hard and dirty to make sure it doesn't pass...they will blast the media with repetitive lies, bias and sensationalistic nonsense.

and even, with as many faults as it has, proposition 19 is our Berlin Wall.......if it passes then every false anti pot "wall" in the World will fall down like dominoes, every No voter knows that...if it doesn't pass, then it's a big win for police overtime, Canadian, American and South American gangsters, right wing control freaks, prison industry etc and of course the biggest winner will be the Pharmaceutical industry. I'd estimate that if Prop 19 passes they alone stand to lose hundreds of millions of dollars in the first twelve months....they could give every voter $500 to vote NO and still come out ahead lol ..so can you imagine how mush pressure they are exerting on the media to sway voters with editorial bias of scare stories of addiction, increased crime, more road accidents etc

so please please vote Yes..do this for every smoker and grower in the World..if you don't vote, imagine how you will feel if the Prop loses by just a couple of hundred votes?..then you can bet that the right wingers will become empowered and force through heavier duty anti-pot laws

and don't just vote, convince other people with sense and facts why this Prop should pass...have short concise facts to answer every question

there must be some short sighted cash croppers reading this who disagree, but believe me, if this passes, cash croppers will make a fortune in the first 12 ~ 18 months. Initially, prices for top grade bud will double with demand, then because you have the experience to produce and the risk of jail is gone, you will be able to scale up production and grow warehouses, backyards and acres full of AAA grade bud. I can't understand why any cash cropper would be against this prop! This is the beginning of their once in a lifetime gold rush..the gold nuggets are just sitting there to be picked up.
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Well-known member
Premium user
here's a quote from there site that made me lol

Q: The supporters of Prop 19 paint a very different picture of marijuana. How do I know who is right?

A: It all comes down to whom do you trust? On the one hand you have the United States government’s view as best exemplified by the brilliant Harry Anslinger. On the other hand you have a bunch of dope-smoking young punks and dirty old hippies who really only have science on their side. Who cares what some "reefer-loving" over-educated research types and scientists happen to think? Our politicians clearly know best.


Active member
Hehe, I can't imagine the author was able to keep a straight face when typing this line:

In fact, Reefer Madness was such a well made movie that it still considered a classic in many circles and is still shown in theaters and on T.V. today.
OMFG! You have got to be kidding me. I cant beleive there are people out thier who think this. Criminality and death are caused by marijuana? NO, its caused by the prohibition of marijuana.


Active member
Vote NO on Prop. 19 on Nov. 3rd. Mark your calendar now."

Lol this was awesome and they even listed the wrong day, for anyone who actually believed that.


New member
WOW!! That was awesome!! I saved every poster! Gonna print 'em out for my room. It's great that they put them all in one place for us. This site is definitely PRO proposal 19. They are just exemplifying, the fears and irrationalities that made marijuana illegal. This is the stuff they actually used back then. Remember there was no internet, no daily news reports, and if you spoke against our government, you were labeled a communist. If the government told you something, you believed it. There were no opposing views. So unless you had tried marijuana, you believed this stuff!!

So remember ignore those scientific studies! Be a MORON! Vote NO on proposal19!:good:


Q: Do people who smoke marijuana"reefers" often go into a delirious rage, commit murder and then later not even remember it?

A: Yes.

that has got to be a joke lol

Now I know where those dead hookers in my bathroom come from.
never to old to learn new things.