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Have you searched your cities sex offender database?


Pull my finger
I just checked mine for a two mile radius. There are 55 offenders residing within.

I would urge all parents to check around their 'hoods. But also remeber that a person can be branded a sex offender for a variety of simple crimes. Even peeing in public. So before you witch hunt, look and see what they did. Most around here are for sex with minors. 16-17 year olds. A surprising amount of women too.

I never thought to look. But now that I have a little girl to look after, I figured I needed to know what was out there. My area seems pretty clean except for the cradle robbers.

Cookie monster

We have a sex offenders register over here but it's not available to the public.

I wish it was but the irish legal system/church protects them better than the victims of sex crime, they even have their own special prison to keep them safe while they serve their minimal sentences.


23 perverts in my lil city

Have you ever touched a random womans' ass? Anywhere? At school? In the club? ON ACCIDENT?

Your a pervert.

Someone I know served 2 years in a Juvenile Prison for TOUCHING A GIRLS ASS. He is now labeled as a SEX OFFENDER, for one, small, ass grabbing.
Yes I check monthly around my area! I used to live in a great neighborhood, Ive since moved. Within 4 months I had 5 sex offenders move in within 2 blocks, the closest being 4 houses down!

I didnt and still dont give a FUCK why! People are on those lists because of character flaws. I printed out the map and passed it around to every one of my nieghbors, All thankful for opening their eyes to the true characters we lived around.

I feel you swamp! But IMO there is NO small crime that gets your name added to that list.

But YES EVERY parent needs to check their local Sex Offender website


Listen to me jerky
I know a poor guy on that list because he got drunk and went streaking. It has ruined his life. I would consider that a pretty small crime. But the rapist, molesters, etc deserve what they got coming to them.


Yes I check monthly around my area! I used to live in a great neighborhood, Ive since moved. Within 4 months I had 5 sex offenders move in within 2 blocks, the closest being 4 houses down!

I didnt and still dont give a FUCK why! People are on those lists because of character flaws. I printed out the map and passed it around to every one of my nieghbors, All thankful for opening their eyes to the true characters we lived around.

I feel you swamp! But IMO there is NO small crime that gets your name added to that list.

But YES EVERY parent needs to check their local Sex Offender website

you may think your a good parent but your really not. your clearly more concerned with others thinking your a good parent, then actually being one and in the process your tarnishing someone else's life. how about you watch your kid, get someone to watch your kid, talk to your kid about what to do in that situation, get your kid a cellphone, sign your kid up for a martial arts class, teach them that if a bad man tries to take you you attack his balls, and etc. there are a thousand more productive ways to handle this situation but the only difference is your not letting other parents see what a good parent you are.


I know a poor guy on that list because he got drunk and went streaking. It has ruined his life. I would consider that a pretty small crime. But the rapist, molesters, etc deserve what they got coming to them.
Yep. No bullshit I know a guy who is on it for public urination or some such shit.

Don't be fooled by this shit until you see the crime, gents. This is the product of Republicans who want to be "hard on crime" listing everything but a speeding ticket as a sex crime to protteectt derrr cheeeeldrin.


Well-known member
bkob89 i know im a old perv i played grabass with the girlies too when i was younger and the favors returned lolbut i dont try to screw lil kids .they tell ya what the people were convicted of and what level offender they are ,even show pic's of them


The lists usually say what the convictions are.
Take a look at the California Megan's Law site:


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
yeah I see where these scum lives.

Just remember you can get charged by "harassing" them telling them you'll cut off there d**k if they mess with your kid..
some how they protect them but they don't protect your kids.
Have you ever touched a random womans' ass? Anywhere? At school? In the club? ON ACCIDENT?

Your a pervert.

Someone I know served 2 years in a Juvenile Prison for TOUCHING A GIRLS ASS. He is now labeled as a SEX OFFENDER, for one, small, ass grabbing.

Exactly, no one is saying child molestors be given a green light but things are too ridiculous, too paranoid, too many emotionally charged vigilante witch-hunt minded people around who just don't think. Some people get falsely accused or things get blown out of proportion and their lives are unfairly ruined. Even those that did real sex crimes, these people did their time, payed for their crime, and deserve a chance to get on with their lives and live normally like anyone else if they are serious about changing. Some are, maybe a minority but the ones who want to change deserve a chance to do so without being harassed by vigilante mobs. I am against sex offenders being made public, I feel only the authorities should know. Too much hysteria otherwise.

I know from personal experience (friend of mine) that things can get blown way out of proportion.
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straight up

when I was a senior in high school I was with a freshman......18-14?? I shudder when I think about how that would be looked at today.

that data base is fucked up. scary for parents.

you may think your a good parent but your really not. your clearly more concerned with others thinking your a good parent, then actually being one and in the process your tarnishing someone else's life. how about you watch your kid, get someone to watch your kid, talk to your kid about what to do in that situation, get your kid a cellphone, sign your kid up for a martial arts class, teach them that if a bad man tries to take you you attack his balls, and etc. there are a thousand more productive ways to handle this situation but the only difference is your not letting other parents see what a good parent you are.

Neg rep? really??? God forbid you have a child that is molested. I pray you never have to deal with that!

I dont give a rats ass about what other people think of me!

You can tell a kid what to do all you want but FEAR takes over and CAN paralyze ANY CHILD. It did me, I was petrified and couldnt move.

What are you 20 and still dipping into the kiddy pool? Is that why you are offended?

If your nieghbor knew your other nieghbor was a pedifile with a child the same age as yours, and didnt mention it to you, would you be upset?

What if they knew, didnt say anyting and you alowed your child to sleep over leading to them being victimized, would you care then?

I thought so!

Please continue with the negitive rep gogo :D

I didnt mention in CA it DOES say what the offenses are. The nieghbor (45 years old) was on parole for Oral copulation with a minor under 14.


cant stop wont stop
i decided to take a look, first name i saw on the list i happened to know!! wtf just saw that motherfucker last week.. crazy

I'm going to print out and distribute to all your neighbors a report about people in your area (including you) known to frequent a marijuana cultivation website.

All of your information, personal files, and pictures are now available to the public, because a convicted former drug dealer has moved into the area and it's best that everyone in said area know everything about everything and everyone... for the childrens' sake


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