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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


99.99% of the time, when CO2 is generated by combustion, the combustion occurs in a car engine or power plant. If there is infrared light, it is inside the car engine or the power plant.

Yes, the Earth is heating, but it's not because CO2 levels rose from 350 to 420 ppm. It's heating because we burn a cubic mile of oil and a cubic mile of coal every year in the process of generating the CO2. (Plus a bunch of natural gas, being burned, generating more CO2)
No need for "the light beeing in the engine". The co2 is still there when its out of the exhaust isn't it? Do u think it looses its properties as a greenhousgas when outside something men build? Sorry but i can't take you seriouse with that bs.
How does a greenhouse work? Only if heated or is the rebouncing of the light inside enough to raise the temperature?
Ok maybe it's kind of magical for some if a thing u can't see does something but imo humanity as a whole got wiser than that.
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Active member
I was recently watching some natural gas workers try to convince these homeowners that they were going to be able to provide them with what they needed for home heating efficiency.
Unfortunately for them I was there delivering firewood and I made it very clear to those individuals that I've lived and watched personally for a little under a hundred years before I was born there was a round oak and my grandparents basement wood stove round oak and be filled at night f****** bottom of that thing still be glowing in the morning when we woke up and the house was well insulated and even in the middle of f****** February it could be minus 20° outside and you'd have to crack some windows because the place would be so well insulated and warm now I do realize that trees are not sustainable for a source like that in a lot of areas luckily where I live it is still and our forefathers replanted and we replant so that it's it's a constant regrowing Forest. I've noticed that heat pumps are really really popular around here


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Is that curve on the right saying that August was basically normal melt wise,
but July & September were "of concern" ?

I looked up the answer to the question
"what does it mean that CO2 is a greenhouse gas".

Basically, CO2 absorbs infrared, bigger molecules absorb light with the longer wavelength. Methane, CH4, for example.

CO2 & CH4 absorb infrared better because they're bigger than O2 & N2.

However, that is completely irrelevant to the heating of the Earth's atmosphere.

Light coming towards Earth will get absorbed ANYWAY.

Infrared Light leaving Earth will get absorbed by the CO2 & Methane, but that is completely irrelevant.

The notion that CO2 is a problem because it absorbs Infrared light is just another US government lie/ scam.

99.99% of the time, when CO2 is generated by combustion, the combustion occurs in a car engine or power plant. If there is infrared light, it is inside the car engine or the power plant.

Yes, the Earth is heating, but it's not because CO2 levels rose from 350 to 420 ppm. It's heating because we burn a cubic mile of oil and a cubic mile of coal every year in the process of generating the CO2. (Plus a bunch of natural gas, being burned, generating more CO2)
co2 Does play a role and it does contribute to the heating of the earth. You talk about it like once it's absorbed the infrared light is no longer a factor. The absorption however is only part of what it does. The other part is once it absorbs it, it then re-radiates it, some back down toward the earth thereby adding to the heat caused by the infrared light constantly entering the atmosphere from the sun. They say it's the leading contributor to global warming because scientists estimate that 66% of the heating imbalance is due to co2.


Well-known member
That's right, ignore the logic and go on with the scam.
let's frame this a little differently
st phatty put up a question and a theory
I deferred on the theory for the time being
in particular we have some dramatic data, i.e. the satellite imaging
data trumps theory, I'm not trying to propose another theory
just saying the pictures we're seeing show melting that shouldn't be there

St. Phatty

Active member
If you guys put as much energy into learning science, as you do defending your beliefs based on ignorance of science, you'd learn some science.

Gas molecules heat other gas molecules by conduction & convection. Unless the gas molecule has been heated enough to emit infrared light, which is not the case.

Once the CO2 comes out of the tailpipe on your car, it's just another medium-hot gas molecule.

You've been scammed by the US government and you're more attached to the Scam than to your own education.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
If you guys put as much energy into learning science, as you do defending your beliefs based on ignorance of science, you'd learn some science.

Gas molecules heat other gas molecules by conduction & convection. Unless the gas molecule has been heated enough to emit infrared light, which is not the case.

Once the CO2 comes out of the tailpipe on your car, it's just another medium-hot gas molecule.

You've been scammed by the US government and you're more attached to the Scam than to your own education.

If you put as much energy into LEARNing the science as you do trying to twist it around to defend your ignorance based on misguided beliefs, maybe you would understand climate change is not a scam.

Again you're only looking at half the picture, yes unless heated by infrared light gas molecules heat other gas molecules thru conduction and convection. However since co2 has the ability to absorb infrared light as it is reflected from the earth it is constantly being heated by infrared light allowing some of the absorb infrared light to be released back to the earth's surface along with the infrared light coming in from the sun thereby adding to the total amount of infrared light. It is in this manner that co2 is described as trapping heat in which gives it the name greenhouse gas.

You've been scammed by special interest groups who have an invested interest in using you as pawns to fight the government and you're more attached to the scam than to your own best interests.

St. Phatty

Active member
If you put as much energy into LEARNing the science as you do trying to twist it around to defend your ignorance based on misguided beliefs, maybe you would understand climate change is not a scam.

I never said that Climate Change is a Scam.

I said that the concept that CO2's is a Harmful Greenhouse Gas is a Scam, i.e. the concept that CO2's infrared absorption characteristic is a problem, is a scam.

CO2 is a problem, because of how it affects Wildfire behavior. Not because of its infrared absorption characteristic.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I never said that Climate Change is a Scam.

I said that the concept that CO2's is a Harmful Greenhouse Gas is a Scam, i.e. the concept that CO2's infrared absorption characteristic is a problem, is a scam.

CO2 is a problem, because of how it affects Wildfire behavior. Not because of its infrared absorption characteristic.
Actually what you said regarding scams was "You've been scammed by the US government and you're more attached to the Scam than to your own education."

Climate change is very much connected to co2, in fact scientists estimate that 66% of the heating of the earth that we call climate change is due to the infrared light that co2 emits back towards the earth after it absorbs it. That fact that it absorbs it and the reemits it is not the problem though. C)2 is all part of nature people creatures give it off while breathing, some gets put in the air thru fires or volcanic eruptions. it plays and important role in the balance of things as the earth progresses thru natural climate change going from ice age to interglacial periods that synchronize closely to the earth's wobble aka Milankovitch (Orbital) cycles. CO2 helps to regulate all that, during an ice age all the co2 in the atmosphere builds up because there is little to no plant life sequestering it. As the cycle moves towards warming when the sun moves closer to the earth the co2 absorbs all the reflected infrared light and emits it back towards the earth helping to warm things and melt the ice. Once enough ice melts the plant life returns and starts sequestering the co2 again. A process that repeats itself every 41000 years and matches up closely to know periods of natural climate change.

The problem now however is all that happened before man was an influencer and started putting what we now call man made co2 in the atmosphere starting since roughly the industrial revolution. By burning fossil fuels, deforesting large sections of dense forests and growing to population sizes that strains the earth's natural resources we are putting more co2 into the atmosphere then should be there at this point in the Milankovitch cycles and with less plant life to sequester the co2. Since this is occurring much sooner then it would naturally the sun is still close enough for all that co2 to be unnaturally heating the earth up for where we are in the natural cycle. As a result since the earth is not yet in an ice age the temperature isn't cold enough to offset the extra heat and since we are killing off the plant life at the same time it's not removing the co2 the way it would naturally. In short we've upset the natural order/balance of things possibly to an extent that could be unrecoverable if we don't drastically change things.

The vast majority of science is in agreement with this and the only real debate at this point is not if but when. The only science really arguing against this are shills for the oil companies because they stand to lose a ton of money if we do manage to change enough. So just like tobacco companies hired doctors to sow doubt into the public's mind when the dangers of tobacco consumption started to become an issue. The oil companies have hired scientists to sow doubt in the minds of the public so they'll resist the government's attempts towards moving away from dependence on fossil fuels in favor of greener renewable energy.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Lowest temp in Adelaide, South Australia in 30 years and SNOW, we don't get snow here in SA.
The planet's warming, yeah right.
You're making the most clueless mistake that climate change deniers make. Just because the global average temperature is warning doesn't mean that weather will warm up all across the planet. That's why they stopped calling it global warming and instead started calling it Climate Change. The amount of warming to put us over the tipping point is just 2 degrees but as we get closer to that ice keeps melting in places where it should have stopped and you get cold weather and snow in places that should be warm and toasty. It can also mean you get rain in places where traditionally there is drought and drought in places where there is traditionally rain.

So go ahead and say the planet isn't getting warmer because you're experiencing a 30 year low but know that when you do you're just demonstrating how clueless you are to what most everyone else easily understands.
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Well-known member
Can someone explain to me what would happen if the South and North Poles flipped
it greatly depends on how long it takes to flip. a long drawn-out reversal could really play hell with electronics, energy distribution, comm-sats, and even possibly render parts of the world uninhabitable due to the loss of protection that earths gravity field gives us from radiation. we are overdue for a flip, as scientists estimate it happens every 550,000 years or so, and the last was about 780,000 years ago.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Have any of you gasbags been to the North Pole?

Until Santa weighs in on this, it's all off topic conjecture.
Yeah, there's no pole, it's just a scam.

Santa's workshop is just a slave labor camp, there's no laws on the pole so he gets away with it. The elves are just Chinese children.

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