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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Well-known member
How did they measure the temps 141 years ago?

They used thermometers.

how many weather stations did they use, where were they located ?

All over the world. In the same places they're recording the temperatures now.

how many did they use in the southern hemisphere ?

The same number they use now.

so they didn't use them did they, they massaged them lower, to show that its heated up

Of course, they made it all up, weather stations were created when cell phones and computers and airplanes were created. Buenos Aires, Auckland, Sydney, were all founded in the 1950s. It's all a trick by the big corporations to get you to keep spending $ on oil every time you buy food, or clothes or manufactured goods, or heat your home, or go somewhere, oh wait, that's real..

hard rain

Thought all the old records were invalid

so they didn't use them did they, they massaged them lower, to show that its heated up
we all know what they really want don't we

Bullshit. And if you want to talk $, how about vested interest in big oil/coal/gas. Shares in any of these?

Statement from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology regarding this.

Contrary to assertions in some parts of the media, the Bureau is not altering climate records to exaggerate estimates of global warming.
You can read the full statement and go through the various ways this data was arrived at. Makes perfect sense if you actually read it. Also peer reviewed ( I know this is a new concept for you lot). FFS this has been out there for 6 years and you are still trotting out the same shit.


Well-known member
Bullshit, maybe some other believer can answer,

Ha ha ha. I wonder what you 'believe'? Thermometers have been standardized for hundreds of years, people have been measuring and recording high and low temperatures, humidity, wind direction and speed, daily, all over the world for much longer then you imagine. The longest running record in the world is the Central England Temperature series, going back to 1659. You run into standardization issues the further back you go, this is why you rarely see references to records before the telegram became widely used. The telegram was much like the internet now, it made the world much smaller and forced people to think on a global level.

You asked 3 stupid questions, what did you expect the answer to be? How the fuck do you think people measured temperature 120 years ago? Stuck their dick out the window? The records are out there, from all the same cities, in the computer age it's even easier to get access to them. Why don't you look up the records, mash the numbers yourself, and tell us what you find. Better yet, start your own weather station, you could be a whethermatician man too!



Active member
Ha ha ha. I wonder what you 'believe'? Thermometers have been standardized for hundreds of years, people have been measuring and recording high and low temperatures, humidity, wind direction and speed, daily, all over the world for much longer then you imagine. The longest running record in the world is the Central England Temperature series, going back to 1659. You run into standardization issues the further back you go, this is why you rarely see references to records before the telegram became widely used. The telegram was much like the internet now, it made the world much smaller and forced people to think on a global level.

You asked 3 stupid questions, what did you expect the answer to be? How the fuck do you think people measured temperature 120 years ago? Stuck their dick out the window? The records are out there, from all the same cities, in the computer age it's even easier to get access to them. Why don't you look up the records, mash the numbers yourself, and tell us what you find. Better yet, start your own weather station, you could be a whethermatician man too!


Still didn't answer it did ya DC, and you are fucking wrong, Australia dismisses any temps before 1910, as not being accurate
Melbourne' hottest day was 1855, but its not anymore


Active member
Bullshit. And if you want to talk $, how about vested interest in big oil/coal/gas. Shares in any of these?

Statement from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology regarding this.

Contrary to assertions in some parts of the media, the Bureau is not altering climate records to exaggerate estimates of global warming.
You can read the full statement and go through the various ways this data was arrived at. Makes perfect sense if you actually read it. Also peer reviewed ( I know this is a new concept for you lot). FFS this has been out there for 6 years and you are still trotting out the same shit.

Got $100,000+ in one coal company, maybe 20 in another one
the $100,000 will get me 5 bags, maybe 10 if i'm lucky

the link doesn't work, don't worry I've seen all the adjustments made, some tnuc put them up on Hot Copper

according to the BOM no record before 1910 was correct

have a look at the temps in VIC at the moment, its below average for the month almost everywhere, not where I live tho, we had a 41c on a sunday 2nd of Feb that never happened, it was Fridays temp last day of Jan.

melb had two 16 c days in a row,then they changed one to a 18c day, because that was the highest temp before 9 am the next day.

the BOM is a load of shit, it goes from 9 am one day to 9 am the next, so we can use tomorrows hotter temp for yesterday

look it up if you don't believe


Broo....how bout Antartica??

Watch this guys vids they're amazing what he finds... there's something going on that the US and other countries are hiding! Ice is melting, things are surfacing....look at the gap between Antarctica and Chile, obvious it used to be connected til a Tsunami or something hit it...people would have walked that distance...before the poles shifted Antarctica would have been warm and sunny....I wonder whats under all that Ice...




Well-known member

Nice fake graph made by a charlatan


Dr. Ole Humlum, Professor of Geosciences at the University of Oslo. PhD in Glacial Geomorphology [a combination of geography/geology] [Uni Copenhagen]

Ole Humlum has become the deniers expert for – CO2 increases are natural, and increased temperatures are just natural variations. Deniers may also cite that the last inter-glacial period was warmer, and that we are following a similar trend [which will ultimately lead to another ice age]. The message is don’t worry, it’s natural, the increased CO2 comes from the oceans, and humanity can carry on burning fossil fuels.


Active member
Nice fake graph made by a charlatan


Dr. Ole Humlum, Professor of Geosciences at the University of Oslo. PhD in Glacial Geomorphology [a combination of geography/geology] [Uni Copenhagen]

Ole Humlum has become the deniers expert for – CO2 increases are natural, and increased temperatures are just natural variations. Deniers may also cite that the last inter-glacial period was warmer, and that we are following a similar trend [which will ultimately lead to another ice age]. The message is don’t worry, it’s natural, the increased CO2 comes from the oceans, and humanity can carry on burning fossil fuels.

No idea, it was supposed to be a graph of the antarctic, but I fucked it up lol

No one could seriously "believe" the IPCC bullshit.
can anyone show me some proof that Co2 can disobey the laws of physics and the gas laws ?


Active member
How will the oceans become acidic ?

was meant to be more acidic, was a bit(lot) pissed last night
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Active member
Tell ya what punters, its bloody cool here in our "hottest month" of the year
I blame all the "global Warming" on you DC are getting up north, ya stealing all me nice summer weather, with your record winter heat, lol lol
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Active member
OK, previously i would of thought the hotter the ocean got it would out gas Co2 not absorb more

I'm a believer now, thank you NASA, i'll be staying out of the acidic oceans from now on,
thought the oceans were alkaline before i seen that vid


OK, previously i would of thought the hotter the ocean got it would out gas Co2 not absorb more

I'm a believer now, thank you NASA, i'll be staying out of the acidic oceans from now on,
thought the oceans were alkaline before i seen that vid

That post had references for that info., this one is heresay,

I read somewhere that the acidification of the oceans unfolds exponentially into an unbelieveable level of devastation because of how close it is to the base of the ecosystem, and will likely be the major contributing factor to the decline of civilization (plankton is the base of the food chain)....


Active member
Its a good thing we had full global temp records going back 141 years, or else how would we know if the weather/climate had warmed up or not, and the accuracy of the amount


Speed of Dark
How will the oceans become acidic ?

It is hard to come up with an answer that is not a direct insult to education in America.

How about I start with, "Do you know what the discriptive chemical name for CO2 is?

Is "solution" a word you understand technically?

This could go on for innumerable items so I will stop before reaching past someone's limit.

"Carbonic Acid" is the name used for CO2 when liquified. A solution is formed when the CO2 dissolves in the water to become a mixture of Carbonic Acid and water. Yes, the more acid added to water, the more acidic it becomes. Duh.

At some point the differences between ignorance and stupidity get blurred when the ignorance is deliberate, as in this case. Pretending facts are not real facts because they are unpleasant is one of the definitions of stupid.
This is not complex, it is scary because no easily achieved answer is possible due to how long we pretended it was not happening. Very simple facts looked at using very basic logic makes all this clear for most everyone with a middle school education.

I usually leave the subject alone, anyone still pretending at this point is too invested to admit they aren't stupid. Strange priorities, but hey, they are the ones being ridiculed. I am merely saddened.