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Have YOU contributed to Prop 19?


New member
I received an automated e-mail from Prop 19 folks. It mentioned that they raised $60,000 in their Money Bomb from about 1,500 people.

1,500 people??? That's embarrassing.

In this entire state, only 1,500 people contributed to Prop 19. WTF is this? Over 3.5 million marijuana consumers in this state and this is the best we can do?

We purchase marijuana for $350 -$400 per oz and we can't pony up $25-$50 each to support Prop 19?

Marijuana legalization initiatives don't get on the ballot very often. The last one was in 1972 I believe. The time is NOW. I urge everybody to make a contribution and do your part to end this war on marijuana. Make sure you're registered to vote and get out there on Nov. 2.

Personally, I'd hate to think there was more I could have done if Prop 19 goes down in defeat.

Do it today.


Patient Grower
From my observations I believe that in the whole potheads overall have a tendency or see any particular need to use their money to change the law.

It is reported that 15 million past month cannabis users are in the US. $1 a month from every pothead would be $15 million. If donated once a month that's $180 million. That's a billion dollars collected in somewhere between 6 and 7 years.

If you think that the money bomb having 1500 contributors is pathetic you should see the total operating budgets of the pro- cannabis advocacy groups. It's nowhere near $180 million. The total annual donations don't even total up to 10% of that.

$1 per pothead per month. $180 million annually. Why the fuck can't potheads pony up even a single stinking buck every month?

I did extensive volunteer work for DC NORML between 1990 and 1993. First thing I noticed was the pathetic operating budget and that almost 94% of the money contributed came from one member. Being a natural born rug merchant I fronted the money and took charge of selling goofy product like "Thank you for pot smoking" bumper stickers from the American Cannabis Society. It was the only way to raise revenue for the chapter. I actually had 5 total assholes say well I'd like to make a donation but you guys would just use it to buy pot. These assholes actually said that right to my fucking face. Anyway if was a major reason I quit doing volunteer vending because if just one more asshole had said that to me I'd murder the son of a bitch in the 1st degree and probably end up with a long prison sentence to serve.

1500 eh? That's an average donation of over $40 per pothead. I do find that impressive. I sent them $4.20 because I'd already made a $125 donation but I wanted to support the money bomb idea. The purpose of this was to raise awareness and stimulate discussion of the subject of re-legalization of cannabis. In that light the money bomb worked very well. I'm definitely rooting for Prop 19. But I also live on the east coast since the start of this year.



Active member
I have donated $100 and my brother is on the campaign trail. He is speaking at Sac State and doing door to door type stuff. Hasn't started yet but it is in the works.

Edit: Sac State = Sacramento California, State College.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
im doing my part >>> tshirt sales +++ $1k donation = YES ON 19!!!! lets do it CAL state>>>> what would peter tosh do!!!??


Freedom Fighter
im doing my part >>> tshirt sales +++ $1k donation = YES ON 19!!!! lets do it CAL state>>>> what would peter tosh do!!!??

He would fight for this with everything he had!! He spoke his mind...even after being beaten by the Police for speaking his mind--
He cared about ppl...and he stood up for what he believed...NO MATTER WHAT!!
Sorry for the rant...I have a deep Respect for Peter Tosh...
He was the first "Sept 11th Tragedy"--
A true Freedom Fighter--

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Good to see someone knows who the stepping razor is,,,, someone leftvme a comment saying they love tosh.0.....? were talkn about ledgend reggae singer,,, not that gay dood in the v necks. hahhahaha yal cats must be high as fuck!!!