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Have i done the right thing??



Hubble send me your safe addy. I want to send you something in a shoe box. It's long and brown and now with more corn and peanuts.


Active member
I'm pretty sure they account for things like this to happen every once in a while. Like someone said...if you feel bad about it...give back to karma...and donate some of the money to charity. I can tell you with 99% certainty that they have forgotten about it by now.



Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Funny you say this ..when I traveled in the US ppl were so nice . Everyone wanted us to come to their house and stay with them. We were kinda surprised at how really nice they all were to us actually.. My whole time in the US was great and the ppl were really great.. (6months) Cali mostly and lots of crazy ppl for sure.. headband 707:tiphat:

Ya but you were in cali the land of bleeding heart liberals. I actually love it out here because people are really nice, with the exception of LA, people are too busy to worry about nice there it seems.

In certain big cities it is illegal to be homeless. If they wonder out of the homeless camps and ghettos to nice suburbs they get arrested, and usually beaten up. Cops are not nice either. also pan handling and camping in public parks is illegal.

Also you were not a homeless person asking them for a free hotel room, or asking them for change 5 days a week as they walk past you going to work. Walk into a business and try that. they will kick you out most of the time.

My cousin traveled the country homeless train hopping and shit. He got arrested in Pasadena, but he was smoking weed in public, and the cops were nice. In Florida he got ruffed up by a cop just for sleeping on a bench, but not arrested.

Me personally I am nice to the homeless. they are people too. no matter where I live I can spare some change with out having to say get a job in spite. who cares what they spend it on. it is their business and their life.


i think you should send them money for the room, and a bit on top for the lying you did. then wright them a thank you note for teaching you a lesson in how it is to be a illigal. and if you do get bad karma from this it is becaus u missed the lesson, not the nights you spent in that room


Active member
also i think the reason they remember me still is because they get bank statements coming in to that address, and every time a letter drops it reminds them of what ... happened :)


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
This really reminds me of a Yummy thread...Let me get this straight, 10 years later and you're still thinking about it? So, you have to come to ICMag to have your peers make a decision for you that you already know the answer too, that you shouldn't have had to answer in the first place, because you were acting irresponsibly traveling while broke, in another country? I don't understand how this plan could have possibly gone wrong. Just doesn't make any sense. Maybe I'll ask ICMag's opinion...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
also i think the reason they remember me still is because they get bank statements coming in to that address, and every time a letter drops it reminds them of what ... happened :)

So you honestly think some flea bag motel in Australia is still sweating the losses from one guest 10 years ago that skipped out on paying the bill for a 2 or 3 night stay? :rolleyes:

If they were so bothered by it don't you think they would have pursued it sooner? I mean they had the same info of yours then that they do now and logic would dictate that following up on an address more immediately rather then waiting 10 years would yield better results.

The likely truth of the matter is it would cost them more to try to pursue this (assuming the statue of limitations wouldn't prevent that) then they lost on you in the first place. As for the karma angle, well if you're here now asking what you should do on this 10 year old incident then you've completely missed the point from a karmic view and likely have already recieved whatever karma payback you had coming. Perhaps those high powered walkie talkies you and your friend bought that didn't work was your karma reward for skipping out on this bill?


Active member
Ok i 've learned my lesson and get your point, i shoulda paid when i left, ok, wont happen again :)

Thread closed