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Hash in Volcano


New member
Hi All

Can anyone tell me how to use hash in a volcano ? Will it work and how much would you have to put in ?



it works
how much you put in depends on quality of hash.
they also sell a new screen which is about half a centimeter thick. made for oil or bubble vaping.


Active member
i have used it my volcano and i just end up prefer to smoke my hash.... Maybe i need to try that new atachment as some of my hash went through the screen in the bag till i doubled them up. have you tried the oil in the volcano yet trichomefarmer?.... PeAcE


i have tried time and time again and found that the volcano just cant give as large or as tasty of a hit as smokin it in a bowl....kif seems to work better tho...

i tend to think of hash as a harm reduction method of injestion...smoking a few hits of hash keeps me going for a long time where as bud(even in the cano)takes alot more tokes and doesnt last as long(for me anyway)...
and why do all that hashishn to put into a hash vaper makin device????...


no i havent tried oil in the volcano.

I don't really smoke oil. very rarely i'll try some. but i'm pretty much against 'oil'. I much prefer bubble.

Tomorrow I will take some pics of the new screen at the volcano booth @ cannatrade.

maybe if i find some oil i can get someone to test it while i take pics.
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Bong Smoking News Hound
i tried the pads with hash oil and could not get it to work. Go figure.


New member
SCF said:
i tried the pads with hash oil and could not get it to work. Go figure.

What setting did you have it on ?

I did oil without the pads which made a mess, but I got some out of it on 6.5



Bong Smoking News Hound
tried on 7 then 8 then 9 just to see what the hell. did not work, very very little vapor. felt like i was wasting it.


thats interesting, i also got the pads, but i got them to vaporize bubble hash not oil. the point is it works very well for bubble hash. but i do use the number 8 setting as the pad is thick and causes the hott air to travel longer. i put a good hits worth on the pad, fill the bag twice with the 8 setting and once on the maximum 9.5 after that there is no more effect to be gotten, even if it still makes steam. on the whole i like the pads as it means my volcano screen stays clean. but i must add my pad is not the glass one i've seen, its made of screen material.

peace out


High Class Grass
id like to know if smoking hash is possible in the Vapor Bros vape...i know this is a cano thread, but i was hopin that someone might be able to answer anyway..
Ive never tried vaporizing before, but im very interested in buying one..only problem is that i only smoke moroccan hash, and im not sure if thats possible on the Vapor Bros..ive been lurkin the vape threads and its my impression that if u cant afford the ´cano, the Vapor Bros is the next best thing..
I hope that yall can tell me what to do..



IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Make It Thin

Make It Thin

And I was just gonna ask the same question... :pointlaug
Took a test drive about a week ago with the Volcano..and that was my first question..What about hash?
From what I know about combustion...any fuel must first vaporize before it burns..that is must be heated until it vapor forms...
the vapor from the fuel burns not the fuel...same reason a match stick will ignite from a candle instantly..
a big log on that candle will take a long time or not at all because there isn't sufficient heat to vaporize the log..
All that said and thinking of hash vs bud & Volcano, the hash has a higher density than the weed..
The weed..has glands all spread out...The hash has glands all packed together..
I was thinking maybe to apply the hash on top of a weed bed, flattened out paper thin in tiny strips
to better match the density of the weed and more easily vaporize...
Hash with thickness using this hot air device may be wasted...
I would think only the surface area of the hash is being vaporized, charred and the char insulates the center from vaporization...
At least this way you can enjoy hash with what you have and protect the screens with bud..
For Oil or Hash Only, definitely need something to protect the screens..
Oil needs something to contain it and transfer heat to it..glass would seem to work..
For Hash a stainless screen stack seems like it would work good..this is probably the function of the mod being sold..
Just thoughts more when I finally land one of these beasts... :woohoo:


i don't know the vaporizer called vapo bros, nor how good it is. i know the volcano is awsome. the only cheap way to get the same effect would be with a hot air gun with a temp control and a glass bowl conection piece where your bag goes on the end. the hot air the blows through the weed in the bowl piece and through to fill you bakeing bag.

as was said its good to have only a fine layer of hash and its best if you make it powdery.

i think when it comes to oil you are best off hotknifeing it with a botle, if you don't have one of them cool glass pieces to fit on your bong.

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