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Hash from Brickweed, Worth it or not?

i just tried it with a 30 grams of BRICK

ground the bud and froze before the wash

it it sucks i'm out 50$

washed for 20 seconds x2 batches

drying now, the wash is a dark colour not the amber green i used to i did forget to de seed the shit and after the coffe grinder i could not see seeds. i hope it turnes out ok. still got anather 3 onces of the BRICk i dont wanna smoke.
25micron said:
yeah make pollen then use butane.

agreed micron from my experience ive found it best to deseed breakup freeze seive the frozen grinded shit youll get lots of keif then from there do a quick wash n the final product will be pretty damn good :joint:


Active member
Medicinal Dry Sieved Resin

Medicinal Dry Sieved Resin

This is all from 10 kilo blocks ground down before passing it through the P4 EVER.

I prefer to make edibles from it instead of oil. More medicinal friendly.

ilife, that looks like a lot more than 10 kilos in those cans.

did you use brick weed for all that kief? Was was the total weight and yield? Im impressed, thinking about what I could do with the $500 lbs that come through here...


Active member
Jack D Ripper said:
ilife, that looks like a lot more than 10 kilos in those cans.

did you use brick weed for all that kief? Was was the total weight and yield? Im impressed, thinking about what I could do with the $500 lbs that come through here...

It was from 10 kilo blocks.
Yes they were 10 kilo blocks.
Yield was not high, quality was really poor.



would it be worth it for me to make some bho out of 2-3lbs of average mexican brickweed? I have a friend who is going to be doing a run during spring break and picking up 7lbs of some brick from a family conection for $150 a lb and said he would sell me 2 for $350 I thin one of the reasons he is getting it so chep is because hi is suposed to get 1/2 a kilo of coke


Well-known member
Depends on how much weed you have. I ran into a similar problem this year. I grew a wonderful crop of hemp or close to it. I could smoke a thumb joint and not get high.

I bought my bubble bags and turned trash in to stash. Problem is you better have a shit load of trash. I cannot speak for others but I ran 4 elbows of bud twice and only kept any from the 120 and 43-micron bags. Out of the two runs of the 4 elbows I made 72 grams of hash. Not sure what everyone’s experience was but I love my hash.
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Herbal relaxation...
Chamba said:
I once made charas from brick weed..it was excellent quality, fresh Thai brick weed (in Thailand)......I hand rubbed an ounce or two for ages and got enough charas that I added back to about 10 grams of selected buds from the brick that was set aside previously ...the mix of charas and Thai was very strong.

one time (in the 80's) we were riding motorbikes around the Golden Triangle....we came across a mahoot on his elephant ambling along a quite road..we stopped and said high..I offered him a joint of this charas Thai, warning him that it was quite strong stuff...he laughed and said "Is this Thai grass?" I said it was but my Thai wasn't good enough and so I couldn't translate to him that it was concentrated..he scoffed again saying "no need to warn me, I'm Thai, this is Thai grass..mai-me-pen-ha, farang (it would be no problem for me, whitey)"..... so I rolled him a big one....well..several hours later we rode back past that same mahoot and his elephant.....we saw the elephant meandering in the middle of the road and the mahoot was couch locked on top ..completely and utterly out of it..;laying on his back, legs and arms splayed out in all directions, mouth open ..midday in the tropics!... lol...lucky it was a very quiet back country road......but I hope his tonsils didn't get too sunburnt ha!

:laughing: :muahaha: :laughing: :muahaha: :laughing: :muahaha: :laughing:

What a story, thanks for the laughs Chamba :D

So you traveled in Golden Triangle with motorcycle? Can you please enlight your travelroute?

I assume you were serious about your erb back then, I think it would be splendid idea if you could start an thread of that trip, spiced with some pics (if you have any..)

How does ^^this^^ sound Chamba?


Well-known member
Hey Herb
elbow =1lb=0.4545kg
I know it depends on quality and my weed had very low potency anyway. It had plenty of resin but no punch.


what kind of yeild should I expect if I use the entire 2lb's for bho? 3oz of oil would be about a 10% return but i'd be happy with half that because I know people that would pay $25-35 for a gram of good oil :bashhead:


Well-known member
Those pictures bring up a question I had. The 120 hash seems to be darker of course but also much more pliable than my 43 micron which is lighter in color and unless warm will snap in half when you break it. Also I like the taste of the 120 better.

I am sure it depends on the strain but wanted to get some feedback.


Well-known member
I was using 4 bags ---the working bag, 160, and 120,43. I kept nothing from the 160.

Really just a newbie at this about 10 runs under my belt but its cool the differences in the screen sizes. 120 is darker and more pliable the 43 is lighter and snaps when bent unless warm.

Please keep in mind my bud was home grown but of low potency (bad cross) thanks god for the hash forum and bubblebags or I would have been hurting this year.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
crsaz said:
what kind of yeild should I expect if I use the entire 2lb's for bho? 3oz of oil would be about a 10% return but i'd be happy with half that because I know people that would pay $25-35 for a gram of good oil :bashhead:

10% would be good guesstimating. The frostier the trim the more yield you can expect. One strain I have i get 15% consistently. The most I have gotten was 18% from that strain


hamstring said:
I was using 4 bags ---the working bag, 160, and 120,43. I kept nothing from the 160.

When making bubble-ice my favourite size is + 70µ
and when I do a dry sieve it's + 120µ

Do you have a favourite size ?



What a story, thanks for the laughs Chamba

So you traveled in Golden Triangle with motorcycle? Can you please enlight your travelroute?

I assume you were serious about your erb back then, I think it would be splendid idea if you could start an thread of that trip, spiced with some pics (if you have any..)

How does ^^this^^ sound Chamba?

sorry, I just read this 2008 post...better late than never though ay

no pics survived that trip, but my mate made a home made movie that was originally over an hour and half long!..this was around the time that portable vid/cams first became popular. The movie included lots of rolling, smoking, motorcycling,,and a few girls of course (Thailand was lots of fun in those pre-AIDS days, 80's)....most of the movie was not suitable for his parents to view so he edited out all the colorful parts (ganja, those who were bar fined and other naughtiness etc) ....and so the handrubbed Thai charas and me having a first smoke of opium (weird, crappy experience, give me bud any day!) were etc were lost in the edit , but the couch locked mahoot and his elephant were kept (minus the joint smoking) as were all the touristy things we did, hill tribes, feasts, bike crashes, crossing flooded rivers by riding across long slippery log bridges, singing along with hill tribe kids around a camp fire, the Mekong river, Burma,..we used to travel to Thailand for at least 1 ~ 2 months several times per year, mostly to beach areas, but this trip up north was great, starting with the overnight sleeper train from Bangkok....



yeah I still remember that day well.....

on the same trip we were doing a day trip from Chiang Mai in a hired car to the surrounding mountains to check out some of the sights but mostly eat some wild boar at a famous restaurant in the mountains and drink a few cold ones.

We had passed a few police road blocks, but the driver seemed to know them fairly well and they just waved us through, we had used this driver before and he was cool. The driver said it was cool to smoke so, not being one to do things in small measures, I rolled a massive blunt sized joint....

wind up the windows I said, and proceeded to hot box them all....well, once the big joint was all cherry-ed up nice, the inside of the car was opaque with smoke we turned a corner and no shit there was a police road block about 20 feet in front of us on this dirt track!

Arggghh! police!! I blurted out with a deep lung full of Thai, as I wound down the window, stabbed out the jay, tried to light a cigarette, then tried to put the ever smoking joint out for the third time in about 3 seconds while waving my hands around to shoo the smoke out (all to no avail!) then woumd the window up again....then jumped out all happy trying to get onside with all the police...who, luckily enough were mates of the driver....they didn't even mention the still lingering joint in the ashtray which was nice of them,

but that frigging smoldering joint would just not go out and had got the cigarette butts and other roaches in the ashtray to start smoldering too!.....we were taking pictures of the view with the coppers, smiles all round.......

nice to meet you, we must go, bye bye! and off we went.